
  • 网络European Parliament elections
  1. 若该党在定于2014年举行的欧洲议会选举中变现良好,卡梅伦的压力会更大。

    If the party does well in the next European Parliament elections , due in 2014 , the pressure on Mr Cameron will increase .

  2. 布朗眼下的问题是,在距离郡议会和欧洲议会选举只有24小时前控制住政府。预计工党将会在选举中遭到惨败。

    Mr Brown 's immediate problem is getting a grip on his administration just 24 hours before polls open for a round of county council and European parliament elections , in which Labour is braced for a drubbing .

  3. 萨尔蒙德是个完美的政客,他会利用民众的反政治情绪。英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)在欧洲议会选举中取胜,靠的就是这股情绪。

    Mr Salmond , a consummate politician , will play to the mood of anti-politics that carried the UK Independence party to victory in the European elections .

  4. 但欧洲议会选举很可能会传递出截然不同的信息。

    But the European parliamentary elections are likely to send a very different message .

  5. (欧洲议会选举的)最终结果将是减慢达成协定的进展。

    The end result [ of the European elections ] will be slower progress on a deal .

  6. 这一数据较该政党结束2009年欧洲议会选举时的支持率上涨了20%。

    That 's a 20-point increase that party finished from the last round of EU voting in 2009 .

  7. 在欧洲议会选举结束第二天举行的埃及总统选举将会增加阴郁的气氛。

    The Egyptian presidential vote , the day after the European elections , will add to the gloomy atmosphere .

  8. 六月份举行的欧洲议会选举,只有不到一半的适龄投票人参与了投票。

    Turnout for European parliamentary elections last June was a record low , less than half of voting-age Europeans cast their ballots .

  9. 乌克兰选择在欧洲议会选举的当天举行总统大选并非巧合。

    It is no coincidence that Ukraine has chosen to hold its own presidential election on the same day as elections to the EU parliament .

  10. 六月份举行的欧洲议会选举,只有不到一半的适龄投票人参与了投票。弗雷德里克.米歇尔是总部设在巴黎的一个民意调查研究所的项目主任,他一直关注很多人对欧盟所怀有的这种冷漠态度。

    Turnout for European parliamentary elections last June was a record low , less than half of voting-age Europeans cast their ballots . Frederic Micheau has been tracking this apathy as director of studies for the IFOP polling institute in Paris .

  11. 欧洲议会的选举定在5月。

    Elections to the European Parliament are due in may .

  12. 在欧洲议会的选举中,极右和极左政党可能赢得至多30%的席位。

    In the European elections , parties of the far right and the far left are likely to win up to 30 per cent of the seats .

  13. 欧洲议会采取PR进行选举,如大伦敦会议等其他新的地区会议也通过直接选举产生市长。

    Forms of PR were introduced for elections to the European Parliament , the new devolved regional assemblies , the Greater London Assembly and for the direct election of those mayors .

  14. 来自欧洲议会的一个选举观察团的负责人格洛斯表示,这次选举的结果显示,选民的意愿以及他们的民主诉求并没有得到充分的反映。

    Meanwhile , the head of an observer delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe , Andreas Gross , says the results indicate a reflection of the will of an electorate whose democratic potential was not tapped .

  15. 作为欧洲党的欧洲绿党:以2009年欧洲议会选举为例

    The European Green Party as a Euro-party : In the case of the 2009 EP Elections

  16. 近两年半前,当欧洲深陷经济衰退之际,欧洲议会举行了选举。

    Almost two and a half years ago , with Europe deep in economic recession , elections were held to the European Parliament .

  17. 在欧洲大陆抗击首次全球金融危机之际,欧洲议会选举将于本周进行。

    Europe goes to the polls next week as the continent fights the world 's first global financial recession .