
ōu zhōu rén
  • European
  1. 我们按欧洲人的方式互相亲吻了面颊。

    We kissed each other 's cheeks in the European manner .

  2. 欧洲人到了日本会极为惹眼。

    In Japan a European stands out like a sore thumb .

  3. 这是欧洲人最早的定居地之一。

    This was one of the first areas to be settled by Europeans

  4. 瑞士人是欧洲人中在食品上开销最大的人群。

    The Swiss are Europe 's biggest spenders on food

  5. 在欧洲人看来,美国人的宗教习俗有时很奇怪。

    The practice of religion in America sometimes seems strange to European eyes .

  6. 一些欧洲人在该问题上对美国人表示理解。

    Some Europeans sympathize with the Americans over the issue

  7. 如果欧洲人不减少补贴,便会发生贸易战。

    If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies , a trade war would ensue

  8. 对于欧洲人来说,法律是对基本文明行为准则的表述。

    For Europeans , the law is a statement of basic principles of civilised conduct

  9. 绿党促使欧洲人的观念发生了必要的改变。

    The Greens were the catalysts of a necessary change in the European consciousness .

  10. 少数几个冒险翻越了喜马拉雅山的欧洲人回来后讲述了这个故事。

    Few Europeans who had ventured beyond the Himalayas had returned to tell the tale .

  11. 欧洲人早就想赢了,而且他们看上去的确是一副要赢的样子。

    The Europeans had hoped to win , and , indeed , had looked like winning

  12. 到非洲猎取大型野生动物的刺激两百年来一直吸引着欧洲人。

    The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years

  13. 在农场补贴问题上和美国之间的冲突使得欧洲人以及其共同的农业政策略受冲击。

    A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred .

  14. 欧洲人吃瓜作为预防晕船的方法。

    Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness .

  15. 欧洲人和犹太人不易同化。

    Europeans and Jews do not readily assimilate .

  16. 在她的作品中,她向当时的欧洲人展示的自然是如此奇异、生动和珍贵,令她大受好评。

    In her work , she revealed a side of nature so exotic , dramatic and valuable to Europeans of the time that she received much acclaim .

  17. 许多欧洲人可以用英语交谈。

    Many European people can have a conversation in English .

  18. 他能够学习和体验许多欧洲人不熟悉的东西。

    He was able to learn and experience many things that were new to Europeans .

  19. 那些石头是就是煤,但当时大多数欧洲人并不了解这种东西。

    Those stones were coal , and most of the Europeans knew little about it then .

  20. 500年前,欧洲人发现了玛雅人,并用可可制作巧克力。

    Five hundred years ago , the Europeans found the Mayans and used cocoa to make chocolate .

  21. 这种情况在13世纪发生了变化,当时欧洲人了解到一种非常有用的中国发明:纸。

    That changed in the thirteenth century , when Europeans learned about a very useful Chinese invention : paper .

  22. 意大利人遭受的地震比任何其他欧洲人都要多。

    Italians suffer more earthquakes than any other Europeans .

  23. 有生育意愿的富有的欧洲人去国外寻求在本国无法接受的治疗。

    Wealthy Europeans who are desperate to have children are shopping around for the treatments they are unable to receive at home .

  24. “作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国“的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器“,即“中国“了。参考译文:

    Gradually , Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan , only remembering it is “ china “ , namely “ China “ .

  25. 一直以来,世界银行的行长都是由美国人担任,而IMF的总裁则由欧洲人担任。

    An American has traditionally headed the World Bank while a European heads the IMF .

  26. 反对者认为,接受IMF公正、独立的意见符合欧洲人的利益。

    The counter-argument is that it is in the Europeans ' interest to receive unbiased and independent advice from the IMF .

  27. 最近,英国的科学家们通过研究发现,人体大脑中的某种DNA作用之下,与生活在东方的人们相比,欧洲人更加热衷于高脂肪高热量的食物。

    For British scientists have discovered a DNA switch in the brain that they believe makes Europeans far more likely to binge on fatty food than those living in the East .

  28. 俄罗斯抨击欧盟(EU)对俄罗斯关键经济部门进行大范围制裁,警告欧洲人能源价格将上升。

    Russia has lashed out at the EU for imposing broad sanctions against key sectors of its economy , warning Europeans would pay with higher energy prices .

  29. 这种CDS连锁反应正是欧洲人为何这么长一段时间以来持续向希腊输血的重要原因之一。

    This CDS chain reaction is one of the major reasons why the Europeans have kept Greece on life support for so long .

  30. 美国批评诸如波尔战争(theBoerwar)等军事冒险不道德时,欧洲人保持着权力平衡,而英国的舰队在保护贸易。

    Europeans preserved the balance of power , and the British fleet protected trade , while America criticised military adventures , such as the Boer war , as immoral .