
cì huò
  • inferior goods;second;substandard goods;irregulars
次货 [cì huò]
  • (1) [inferior goods]∶质量比标准较低的货物

  • (2) [irregulars;substandard goods]∶有疵病的商品或者降到制造商通常标准或规格之下的商品,一般出售时没有商标并且价格要便宜些

次货[cì huò]
  1. 这种次货卖不动。

    This kind of inferior goods doesn 't sell .

  2. 过去奸商常以次货欺骗顾客。

    Dishonest tradesmen used to fob off inferior goods on the customers .

  3. 他们的新光盘绝对是次货!

    Their new CD is absolute pants !

  4. 我运气好,在一次大减价时买到的一堆次货中得到了这个。

    I was lucky to get it as part of a job lot at a sale .

  5. 次货充斥市场。

    The market was glutted with shoddy goods .

  6. 不能拿次货顶好货卖。

    Inferior goods should not be sold as high-quality ones .

  7. 小贩对出售的次货是否一概负责?

    Is the vendor always held responsible if goods are faulty ?

  8. 让这些新拍档再送几次货看看。

    We will try a few runs with these partners .

  9. 杂志业在萎缩可我不是什么次货

    The magazine business is shrinking.And I am not cheap .

  10. 把这些次货退还给厂家。

    Send these faulty goods back to the manufacturer .

  11. 食品商每天到他家送一次货。

    The grocer called on him once a week .

  12. 什么次货都骗不过您大人。

    No deceiving your Lordship with anything second rate .

  13. 拿着好货当次货,你可看走了眼了。

    You 've seen wrong . You took superior goods for inferior goods .

  14. 次货危机的巨大破坏力,是当时很多人始料不及的。

    The enormous destruction of this crisis was beyond the expectation of many people .

  15. 这家快递公司的司机一般每天要送120至175次货。

    A driver for the delivery company typically makes between 120 and 175 drops per day .

  16. 然而,2008年,由美国次货危机引发的金融危机给世界经济带来严重影响,推动世界各国进行新一轮的产业结构调整和分工。

    However , Financial crisis happened in 2008 , not only has seriously affected world economy , but also promotes a new round of world industrial structure adjustment and division of labor .

  17. 然而由07年美国爆发的次货危机导致的全球金融危机,警告我们注意经济发展速度的同时,更加关注经济发展结构的合理性。

    However , the global financial crisis caused by the United States subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 warns us to pay attention to the pace of economic development , but focus more on reasonable of economic development structure .

  18. 药品供应商已警告伦敦的1500家药店,受奥运会影响,在两个月内,它们可能无法像平常那样每天送两次货,这将影响对患者的救命药供应。

    Pharmacy suppliers have warned 1,500 chemists ' shops in London that they may not be able to receive their usual two daily deliveries of drugs for two months because of Olympic disruption , threatening supplies of life-saving drugs to patients .