
cì shēnɡ kuànɡ wù
  • secondary mineral
  1. 黄钾铁矾是金属硫化物在酸性条件下氧化形成的主要次生矿物。

    Jarosite is a major secondary mineral formed in acid supergene environment by oxidation of metal sulphide .

  2. 溶蚀、脱玻化、次生矿物的生成和重结晶等成岩作用的总效应导致孔隙增加;

    Solution , devitrification as well as forming and recrystallization of secondary mineral can increase primary porosity as a whole ;

  3. 工业铀矿物主要为铀的次生矿物,其中以β硅钙铀矿为主。

    Uranium minerals at the deposit mainly are secondary uranium minerals .

  4. 次生矿物形成及其吸附、离子交换、胶结作用;

    Form , adsorption , ion exchange , and cementation of secondary minerals ;

  5. 次生色主要由绿泥石、蒙脱石、伊利石等次生矿物致色,其绿色品质较低。

    Secondary color come from secondary mineral , its green quality is lower .

  6. 青铜文物腐蚀过程中的次生矿物

    Neogenic minerals in corrosion of bronze relics

  7. 海南岛第四纪玄武岩风化壳中次生矿物转变与时间的关系

    The corelation between secondary minerals and ages of weathering crust on the Quaternary basalt on Hainan Island

  8. 这些火山岩所含的次生矿物群大致符合细碧岩或角斑岩之定义。

    The mineral parageneses of the volcanic rocks are generally consistent with that of spilite or keratophyre .

  9. 其次为他们的次生矿物:褐铁矿和透闪石。褐铁矿烧结研究与生产

    Then there will be their second growth minerals , limonite and tremolite . Study and Production of Limonite Sinter

  10. 这个和所有关于地形、原生和次生矿物分布的信息有助于圈定矿化。

    This , with all available information on topography , primary and secondary mineral dispersal , helps to locate the mineralization .

  11. 原生矿物中八面体结构与层间阳离子固定间的关系对次生矿物而言,也许并不一致;

    The relationship of interlayer cation fixation and octahedral structure of secondary minerals is probably different from that of primary minerals .

  12. 化学形态研究表明,冶炼过程形成的矿物(或玻璃质)集合体和堆积后的风化过程形成的次生矿物是废渣中重金属存在的主要化学相。

    Study on chemical fractionation shows that secondary minerals formed from smelting and sequentially weathering are the major chemical phase for heavy metals .

  13. K+很容易从含K+的原生矿物中被释放出来,同时K+也容易从水中析出形成次生矿物。

    K + can be easily released from the primary K-bearing minerals , it could also easily form secondary minerals and be removed from water .

  14. 攀枝花地区昔格达土系粉砂壤土和粉砂土,土壤中原生矿物主要为石英和长石,次生矿物主要为蒙脱石、伊利石和高岭石。

    The Xigeda soil is made up of silty loam and silt soil in Panzhihua region , Minerals of which are mainly quartz and plagioclase with clay minerals , montmorillonite , illite and kaolinite .

  15. 砷酸盐矿物是主要产出于硫化物矿床氧化带中的次生矿物,在自然界中已发现250多种,我国目前仅发现该类矿物38种。

    Arsenate minerals are the secondary minerals , which are mainly formed in the oxidation zone of sulphide deposits . More than 250 arsenate minerals have been identified in nature , but only 39 arsenate minerals in China .

  16. 主要风化反应以岩盐和方解石的溶解为主,Si/(Na+K)比值较低,说明风化反应在表生环境中进行,其产物是富含阳离子的次生矿物。

    The evaporate and calcite dissolution are the primary weathering processes . The low Si / ( Na + K ) ratio indicates the weathering reactions take place in superficial environment and its products are cation-rich secondary minerals .

  17. 开采过程和堆积风化过程中形成的次生矿物是土壤中重金属赋存的主要矿物相,且土壤大颗粒中重金属含量高于细颗粒;

    Chemical species analyses showed that hypo-minerals by mining process , deposit and weathering were the main species and the content of heavy metals in larger particle sizes in same to or even higher than that in smaller particle sizes .

  18. 显微发光法在鉴定次生铀矿物上的应用

    The application of MICRO-LUMINESCENCE method to the identification of secondary uranium minerals

  19. 不同形态的次生铀矿物主折射率的快速测定

    Quick determination of main refractive index for secondary uranium mineral of different form

  20. 次生铀矿物已列入矿物资源局的普查手册中。

    Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a Bureau of Minerial Resources prospector 's handbook .

  21. 红土中粘土矿物来源应该有二,一是原岩所夹粘土矿物,二是原岩中硅酸盐矿物溶解形成的次生粘土矿物;

    Clay minerals in the laterite come directly from carbonate rocks and secondary evolution of silicates in carbonate rocks .

  22. 除沉积岩斜坡含粘土矿物外,76%以上的斜坡岩石造岩矿物还可形成次生粘土矿物。

    Many sedimentary rocks contain clay minerals and 76 % of forming-rock minerals of slope rocks can produce clay minerals during the weathering processes .

  23. 砂质岩的孔隙和喉道被网格状粘土矿物和次生加大矿物充填成微细孔喉状结构时,形成具有较高毛细管压力的致密砂岩。

    If sandstones have higher capillary pressure as their pore and throat are filled with I / S clay in lattices , it will be tight .

  24. 另外,对于特定粒径的土壤颗粒,紫色土的次生黏土矿物和有机质含量远高于黄壤。

    Further on , for soil particles with a given size fraction , purple soil had higher clay mineral and organic substance content than yellow soil .

  25. 次生粘土矿物的形成将引起源矿物、矿物集合体及岩块的强度与变形特性的显著变化,诱发岩石向松散介质转化。

    Secondary clay minerals in rock may bring about marked changes in strength and deformability of parent minerals , mineral aggregation and rock and promote rock to evolve toward loose medium .

  26. 在显微镜下观察到恐龙蛋化石壳由原生碳酸盐矿物和次生碳酸盐矿物两部分组成。利用图像分析法得到了两者所占的比例分别为60.5%和39.5%。

    The careful observation under microscopy has revealed that all the dinosaur eggshell fossils consist of primary calcite and secondary calcite , and the former is about 60.5 % and the latter about 39.5 % by the method of image analysis .

  27. 矿石主要原生金属矿物为辉铜矿和斑铜矿,次生金属矿物主要为孔雀石等。矿石结构构造比较简单,主要为结晶粒状及溶蚀结构和侵染状胶结构造。

    The major primary metal minerals of ore are chalcocite and bornite , and the secondary metal minerals are malachite and azurite , etc. Ore texture and structure are simply , the ores are mainly in granular crystalline and dissolution textures and infection cementation structures .

  28. 稀土的赋存状态说明粘土矿物对稀土的吸附是导致稀土在底部超常富集的主要原因。其次,次生稀土磷酸盐矿物,主要是La、Nd等的轻稀土磷酸盐矿物也是稀土富集的主要载体。

    It Illustrates that the clay minerals adsorbing the REE is the main reason that caused the superhigh enrichment . Secondly the secondary LREE-bearing phosphate such as is the predominant factor leading the enrichment .

  29. 杂基含量低,胶结物主要为高岭石、伊利石、绿泥石等粘土矿物,以及石英次生加大、碳酸盐矿物。

    The content of mud matrix is low and the type of cements observed are quartz overgrowths , carbonate and clay minerals which including kaolinite , illite and chlorite .