
  • 网络lateral prediction
  1. Kohonen网络在油气横向预测中的应用

    Application of Kohonen network to the lateral prediction of oil and gas

  2. Kohonen网络在奥灰岩溶发育带横向预测中的应用

    Application of Kohonen network to the lateral prediction of karst fracture zone in Ordovician limestone

  3. 对LandMarkⅣ解释系统功能的开发可以完成利用地震资料进行储层横向预测的任务。目前,此系统拥有以下几方面的手段:①模型正演;

    Functions of the LandMark ⅳ workstation may achieve lateral reservoir prediction using seismic data .

  4. G-LOG处理的目的就是要查清探区内的砂体展布变化情况,为储展横向预测和寻找隐蔽油藏圈闭提供布井依据。

    G-LOG is utilized in data processing to find out sandstone distribution which can be used to transversely predict reservoirs and to arrange drilling positions .

  5. 开发地震在T2×1区块储层横向预测中的应用

    Application of development seismology to horizontal reservoir prediction within the T2 × 1 region

  6. 从而,为G-LOG资料在储层横向预测及寻找岩性油藏方面的应用,探索出了一个有效途径。

    So an effective solution is found to the application of G-LOG data in transverse prediction of reservoirs as well as in the exploration of lithologic reservoirs .

  7. 吸收系数在WJ构造储层横向预测中的应用

    The application of the absorption coefficient in the reservoir lateral prediction of the WJ structure

  8. 经理论分析和实际处理的剖面可知,运用VSP提高地面地震分辨率是可信的,这为构造精细解释、储层研究和横向预测以及构造解释提供了精确的地震信息。

    Ground seismic resolution reliability enhanced by VSP is proved by theoretical analysis and processed sections and accurate seismic information is provided for careful structural interpretation , reservoir research and cross prediction .

  9. AVO技术在油气储层横向预测中具有独特的优点,但由于受信噪比和薄层效应的影响,给AVO技术的应用带来了很大的困难。

    AVO technique has unique advantage in lateral prediction of hydrocarbon reservoir . However , low signal-to-noise ratio and thin-bed effect make very difficult the application of AVO technique in this field .

  10. 两个实际资料的计算结果表明,在油气储集层横向预测中,核Fisher判别技术的性能优于Fisher线性判别、模糊模式识别和反向传播人工神经网络。

    The computational results of field data show that the performance of kernel Fisher discriminant is superior to those of Fisher linear discriminant , fuzzy pattern recognition and backward propagation neural networks in lateral prediction of hydrocarbon reservoir .

  11. 垂直地震剖面法(VSP)勘探技术,是地震剖面与地质层位之间的桥梁,能为利用地面地震反射信息进行构造精细解释、储层横向预测和油藏描述提供可靠的资料依据。

    Vertical seismic profile technique , a bridge connecting seismic section and geologic horizons , can provide reliable data for fine interpretation of structures , lateral prediction of reservoirs and reservoir characterization with surface seismic reflection information .

  12. 时频分析方法在薄储集层横向预测中的应用

    Application of time frequncy analysis method to thin reservoir lateral prediction

  13. 古潜山裂缝性油藏储层参数横向预测

    Transversal prediction for reservoir parameters of fractured reservoirs in buried hills

  14. 神经网络在油气层横向预测和地震道编辑中的应用

    Application of neural network to reservoir lateral prediction and trace editing

  15. 横向预测是一项新的储层地震技术。

    Lateral prediction is a new seismic technique for reservoir study .

  16. 煤田地震资料横向预测技术

    Technique of Lateral Prediction by Seismic Data in Coal Field

  17. 英买7-9井区下第三系地震储层横向预测

    Reservoir transverse prediction by seismology for Eogene in YM 7-9 wells region

  18. 地震参数综合处理方法在储层横向预测中的应用

    Application of seismic parameter integrated processing in reservoir trasverse prediction

  19. 速度研究是储层横向预测的基础。

    Velocity study is the basis of lateral reservoir prediction .

  20. 塔河油田石炭系砂层划分对比及横向预测多层砂目研讨

    Division and lateral prediction of Carboniferous sand in Tahe Oilfield

  21. 利用测井资料横向预测储层岩性的分式布朗插值方法

    A FBM interpolation of laterally predicting reservoir rocks by using logging data

  22. 川东地区石炭系储层横向预测的影响因素

    Influence factor of lateral prediction of Carboniferous reservoirs in eastern Sichuan area

  23. 薄层砂体横向预测是油藏描述的关键性技术环节。

    Thin layer sandstone prediction is a major problem in reservoir lateral description .

  24. 测井地震结合储层横向预测技术及在川东地区的应用

    Logging seism combination reservoir lateral prediction technique and its application in East Sichuan

  25. 花岗岩储层裂缝评价及其横向预测

    Fracture Evaluation of Granite Reservoir and Its Lateral Predication

  26. 在勘探阶段,利用地震孔隙率可进行储层横向预测;

    The seismic porosity may be applied to lateral reservoir prediction in exploration stage ;

  27. 储层横向预测的多元地质统计方法

    Multivariate geologic statistical method for horizontal reservoir prediction

  28. 塔河油田石炭系储层横向预测

    Prediction of the Carboniferous Reservoir in Tahe Oilfield

  29. 中值滤波在油气层横向预测中的应用

    Application of mid-value filtering in lateral hydrocarbon prediction

  30. 利用地震资料进行储层参数横向预测

    Lateral prediction of reservoir parameters using seismic data