
  • 网络horizontal integration strategy
  1. 在对中国石油建设企业跨国经营战略演变进程进行研究的基础上,本文提出了横向一体化战略和本土化战略,为跨过经营的战略选择提出了建议。

    On the basis of research on evolvement course of china petroleum construction enterprises transnational operation strategy , this thesis proposes horizontal integration strategy and localization Strategy , make suggestions for selection of transnational operation strategy .

  2. 横向一体化战略的负向效应有,管理成本增加、过度资源投入和不经济互助行为三个方面;纵向一体化战略的负向效应有,生产管理成本问题和生产平衡问题两个方面。

    On the other hand , horizontal integration strategy had some negative effects , increased management costs , inputting too many resources , uneconomical mutual aid actions , and so did vertical integration strategy , increasing cost of production management , problem of production balance .

  3. 这三方面的内容可以归结为港口的纵向一体化与横向一体化战略。

    These three aspects can be sum up as the ports ' lengthways incorporating strategy and the transverse incorporating strategy .

  4. 该问题属于中观决策分析层面,这是与物流研究的微观操作层面(如配送中心选址和仓库布局等)和宏观战略层面(如从纵向一体化发展转向横向一体化发展的战略等)对应的。

    The problem is a middle-level decision making analysis , which is between the microcosmic control level ( such as location choosing ) and the macrocosmic strategy level ( such as integrative developing strategy change from vertical to horizontal ) .

  5. 一体化整合是旅游企业通过并购实现横向或纵向的一体化战略,提升市场占有率,从而形成具备更大市场权力的企业集团。

    Tourism enterprises carry out integration by mergers and acquisitions to achieve horizontal or vertical integration strategy to increase market share , creating a stronger market power .

  6. 在供应链管理环境下积极培育企业核心竞争力,实施企业业务外包策略是架构横向一体化管理模式的战略选择。

    The strategic choice of horizontal integration management mode is to cultivate enterprise core competence under the environment of Supply China Management , and carry out outsourcing strategy .

  7. 提出可以采用前向一体化、后向一体化和横向一体化等企业发展战略,抓住入世带来的有利机遇,克服入世带来的不利影响。

    This article proposals that agriculture enterprises can seize the opportunities and overcome the threats which WTO bring about by adapting strategies such as forward integration , backward integration and horizontal integration .