- RMB convertibility

Research on RMB Convertibility and Countermeasure for Financial Development of China
The Legal Issues in Adopting RMB Convertibility
WTO and Convertibility of RMB
After China 's entry into WTO , it is a daily urgent task to realize RMB 's free convertibility .
Section four discusses the influence of China 's entry WTO on China 's foreign exchange regime , and the case whether RMB should be appreciated at present .
The free convertibility of the Reminbi will eventually be instituted .
Discussion on the Identity of RMB 's Internationalization and Free Convertibility
The Macro and Micro Conditions of Free Exchange of RMB
Conversion of Reminbi : Theory , Experience , and Policy
The Demand on the Foreign Exchange Reserve for the Convertibility of RMB
Analysis of Countermeasures of RMB Free - exchange
Research on the Development of RMB 's Convertibility
Free Exchange of Renminbi and the Improvement of Balance of Payment on Foreign Trade
On Exchange Rate , Interest Rate , RMB Free Exchange and Capital Market of China
Hong Kong 's experiments with yuan convertibility will be the most important to watch .
Free exchange of Renminbi will bring to the Chinese unprecedented benefit as well as challenge .
Nonetheless , the move marks another milestone on the road to a fully convertible currency .
In order to achieve its pricing power , China should speed up the free convertibility of RMB and increase the international flow of gold .
Therefore , we should advance the RMB free exchange , Consummate RMB rate forming mechanism , strengthen the RMB settlement network and financing platform .
After that , China could allow its currency to trade freely and remove capital controls , which would open its banking sector to international competition .
Now with the push of RMB 's free exchange and capital market open-up , the exchange rate regime of our country is faced with challenge and choice for another time .
Free exchange of Renminbi will lead to devaluation of Renminbi in greater percentage but it will not necessarily lead to the improvement of balance of payment of foreign trade of China .
The key of the success lies in the establishment of macro-economy environment , reform of the interest rate market , formation of foreign exchange mechanism and the change of financial supervision .
At the same time , accelerate the pace of domestic finance reformation and set up healthy and sustainable finance system , making the RMB be freely exchanged as soon as possible .
Especially the revolution of the current property 's and financial systems , which oppress our country 's micro economic unit against improving international competition , further to delay the progress of achieving free exchange of RMB .
It includes the summarization of international financial market and the foreign exchange market , the influence of the RMB 's freely exchangeable process to the native foreign exchange market and the conception and the types of the foreign exchange risk .
In many years when China 's domestic economy develops to a certain degree and its financial market is improved , it is time to adopt the complete direct opening - up model based on free exchangeable RMB and a " mature " capital market .
For instance , China will complain about the role of the dollar and will promote the role of Special Drawing Rights but it is unlikely to allow the renminbi to become freely convertible because that would destroy the mechanism that has allowed the state to harvest the fruits of cheap Chinese labor through an undervalued currency .
The transparency regulation of WTO requires that the signal of the money rate should be regular and open as well as that freely exchanging RMB should result in currency homogenizing after China 's joining in WTO .
Perfecting of Law of Convertibility of RMB and Foreign Exchange Administration