
  1. 金融危机冲击下的人民币贸易结算与人民币国际化

    RMB Trade Settlement and Internationalization of RMB under the Impact of the Financial Crisis

  2. 四要推进国际合作,扩大人民币贸易结算范围。

    Fourth , we should promote international cooperation , to expand the scope of RMB trade settlement .

  3. 中国企业依照人民币贸易结算机制,利用信用证获得离岸外币贷款。

    Chinese groups have used letters of credit to take out foreign-currency loans offshore as part of the scheme .

  4. 至于人民币贸易结算项目,也没有试点工作将于何时、或以何种方式开始的详细信息。

    As for the renminbi trade settlement programme , there are no details on when , or how the trial will start .

  5. 人民币贸易结算逐渐增加,2014年中国20%的商品贸易以人民币结算。

    Rmb trade settlement is rising , with 20 per cent of China 's merchandise trade settled in its own currency in 2014 .

  6. 日益扩大的人民币贸易结算和不断下跌的欧元,导致跨国企业和投资者在这个货币对上的对冲操作急剧增多。

    Rising renminbi trade settlement and a sliding euro are fuelling a surge in hedging between the two currencies by both multinationals and investors .

  7. 为了更好地实现人民币贸易结算,政府首先必须大力支持并推动人民币贸易结算。

    In order to promote RMB settlement , several measures must be down . In the first , the government should push forward and encourage it .

  8. 香港的另一项关键优势在于,提前3年建设了进行高效实惠的人民币贸易结算和清算所需的基础设施。

    Another key advantage for Hong Kong is a three-year head start in building the infrastructure needed to trade , settle and clear transactions in the renminbi efficiently and cost effectively .

  9. 这种套利是利用相关方,通过连续的贸易交易完成的,看起来合乎人民币贸易结算机制,即使最终的结算仍是以美元完成的。

    This arbitrage is done through back-to-back trade deals using related parties and appears to be legitimate under the renminbi trade settlement scheme , even though the final settlement is still made in dollars .

  10. 这一切都源于北京方面在2010年6月扩大了施行不久的人民币贸易结算机制,于是符合条件的在华企业可以用人民币而不是美元来进行商品与服务进出口的结算。

    It all started when Beijing expanded its fledgling renminbi trade settlement scheme in June 2010 so eligible firms in China could pay for imports and exports of goods and services in their own currency rather than the dollar .

  11. 还有一个并行的计划允许与中国央行签署了双边货币互换协议的外国央行以及参与跨境人民币贸易结算与清算的海外银行申请进入银行间债市。

    A separate programme allows foreign central banks that have signed bilateral currency swap agreements with the PBoC , as well as overseas banks involved in cross-border renminbi trade settlement and clearing , to apply for access to the interbank bond market .

  12. 来自德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)的一项调查显示,在中国设有业务部门的荷兰、英国以及德国企业中,用人民币作为贸易结算货币的企业占到了20%。

    Twenty per cent of Dutch , UK and German companies with operations in China are now invoicing in renminbi , according to a survey by Deutsche Bank .

  13. 渣打(StandardChartered)大中华区外汇、利率和信用交易主管冯思果(CharlesFeng)表示,欧洲企业使用人民币进行贸易结算的兴趣迅速升温,对期权市场的活动起到了推波助澜的作用。

    Charles Feng , head of FX , rates and credit trading for Greater China at Standard Chartered , said interest from European companies in using renminbi to settle trade was growing rapidly , fuelling activity in the options market .

  14. 其他跨国公司也采用了在组织内部用人民币进行贸易结算的模式,例如德国日化品集团汉高(Henkel)。

    Other multinationals , such as German domestic products group Henkel , have also adopted the intercompany renminbi invoicing model .

  15. ChoiJi-young表示,该市场的重要进展将是扩大人民币在贸易结算中的使用:今年2月,在韩国对华出口中,只有1.7%以人民币结算,在韩国进口中只有1%以人民币结算。

    But Mr Choi said that the key development for the market would be greater use of the renminbi for trade settlement : only 1.7 per cent of South Korea 's exports to China by value in February were settled in renminbi , and only 1 per cent of imports .

  16. 人民币货物贸易结算的意义与适用企业

    On the Significance of Goods Trade Settlement and the Entrepreneurs in Point

  17. 人民币在贸易结算中已获得越来越广泛的使用。

    China 's currency has become increasingly popular in settling total trade .

  18. 以人民币进行贸易结算将会在未来降低这类风险。

    The ability to settle trade in yuan would reduce this risk in the future .

  19. 但是,利用人民币进行贸易结算的企业正在不断增多。

    But the number of companies that use the renminbi to settle trade is growing .

  20. 或许最具有意义的发展,是人民币跨境贸易结算试点于去年7月份正式实施。

    Perhaps the most significant development was a Renminbi trade settlement pilot scheme that came into operation last July .

  21. 金融危机对恒生指数样本公司交易性外汇需求的影响&兼论人民币跨境贸易结算试点

    The influence of the financial crisis to the sample-companies of the Hang Seng Index & the discussion of RMB Settlement Pilot

  22. 澳大利亚央行补充道,“两国之间有越来越多的机会以人民币进行贸易结算,以及进行以人民币计价的投资”。

    It added that there were " increasing opportunities available to settle trade between the two countries in Chinese renminbi and to make renminbi-denominated investments " .

  23. 本文主要从国际贸易结算货币选择理论、最优货币区理论、国际贸易结算理论和人民币跨境贸易结算等相关理论出发,整理了人民币跨境贸易结算实施的相关背景和目前取得的成果及带来的影响。

    This paper started from the Monetary Competition Theory . Optimal Currency Area Theory , international trade settlement theory and relevant study on RMB cross border trade settlement .

  24. 北京的官员已经表示,将加强与东盟国家的投资联系,推动多个邻近的亚洲经济体采用人民币作为贸易结算货币。

    Officials in Beijing speak of boosting investment ties with countries in ASEAN and promoting the adoption of the renminbi as a hard currency in several Asian neighbour economies .

  25. 如果两国以卢布或人民币进行贸易结算如预期那样达成协议,中俄就会走的更近,同时也将进一步削弱美元在全球的统治地位。

    If , as expected , Russia and China agree to transactions in rubles and / or yuan , that will push them even closer together and further undermine the dollar 's worldwide hegemony .

  26. 过去两年,以人民币进行贸易结算的情况在较低的基数上迅速增多,但近几个月失去了增长势头,离岸人民币存款也出现下降。

    The settlement of trade deals in Renminbi grew swiftly from a low base over the past two years , but it has appeared to run out of steam in recent months and offshore renminbi deposits have declined .

  27. 正在进行的人民币跨境贸易结算和投资交易试点是中国为应对国际金融危机而采取的一个有力步骤,目的在于促进贸易和协助投资。

    The ongoing pilot programs for RMB settlement of cross-border trade and investment transactions are a concrete step that China has taken to respond to the international financial crisis , with the purpose of promoting trade and investment facilitation .

  28. 全球而言,用人民币进行的贸易结算也在稳步增长。

    And global use of the ­ renminbi for trade settlement has also been rising steadily .

  29. 这一问题的部分解决方案出现在6月份,当时中国内地监管机构宣布,将大举扩大已施行一年之久的试点计划,允许中国企业用人民币进行跨境贸易结算。

    A partial solution to the problem arrived in June , when mainland regulators announced a dramatic expansion of the year-old pilot programme that allowed Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi .

  30. 所以,推动将人民币用作亚洲贸易结算货币的计划,其重要战略意义与其说是在投射中国经济实力,不如说是使中国免受外来金融动荡冲击。

    Thus , the project to promote the use of the renminbi as a currency for trade settlement in Asia is of vital strategic importance , not so much as a projection of Chinese economic power but as a protection against imported financial turbulence .