
  • 网络RMB exchange rate policy;Exchange-rate of RMB Policy
  1. 加入WTO后人民币汇率政策的选择与操作

    The Adoption and Operation of the Renminbi Exchange Policy after China Joining in the WTO

  2. 人民币汇率政策信誉分析

    The Analysis of the Credibility of the RMB Exchange Rate Policy

  3. 资本项目开放和人民币汇率政策的选择

    Capital Account Opening and the Choice of RMB Exchange Rate Policy

  4. 人民币汇率政策该如何调整

    How to adjust RMB exchange rate policy

  5. 人民币汇率政策研究

    Analysis on RMB Exchange Rate Policy

  6. 我怀疑这次高明的、外交性质的人民币汇率政策转向也就不过如此而已。

    I doubt that this smart , diplomatic renminbi policy shift is anything more than that .

  7. 面对如此严峻的形势,人民币汇率政策与中国关税政策相互配合具有重大意义。

    Therefore , the coordination of RMB exchange rate policy and chinese customs policy becomes very significative .

  8. 人民币汇率政策国际压力分析:以日元升值教训为视角

    Analysis of International Pressure on RMB Exchange Rate Policy & From the Perspective of Japanese Yen Appreciation Lesson

  9. 而人民币汇率政策方面的争端恰恰是属于同贸易有关的外汇措施的。

    And the RMB exchange rate policy dispute is belongs to the foreign exchange measures with trade related .

  10. 自1997年金融危机爆发后,人民币汇率政策的制定经历了两个相对重要的时期一个是亚洲金融危机时期;

    Since the financial crisis in 1997 , the exchange rate of RMB has gone through two comparatively important stages ;

  11. 一些人认为,中国过多的依赖于出口了,而出口正是形成低估人民币汇率政策的嫌疑犯。

    Some say China relies too much on exports , the alleged culprit being an exchange rate policy that keeps its currency undervalued .

  12. 举例来说,去年下半年要求内地采纳更灵活的人民币汇率政策的政治压力不断增加,香港亦受到影响。

    Increasing political pressure for a more flexible Renminbi exchange rate in the second half of last year , for example , affected Hong kong .

  13. 实证结果说明,两种政策工具对出口贸易有较大的影响,而人民币汇率政策的效应更大。

    The empirical results show that two types of policy instruments have great influence on export trade , and RMB exchange rate policy has greater effect .

  14. 人民币汇率政策的选择与调整必须坚持统筹兼顾、量变到质变的科学发展观。

    So , the choose and adjustment of RMB exchange rate policy should insist on the scientific development concept of integration , change from quantity to quality .

  15. 第三章提出只有进行产权改革,创造理性的市场主体才能提高人民币汇率政策有效性的政策建议。

    Chapter III to point out some policy advices to improve RMB exchange rate policy-effectiveness depending on carrying out property right reform and creating the rational market participants .

  16. 最后,在实证结论的基础上,就如何完善人民币汇率政策和引资政策提出建议。

    In the end , on the basis of the empirical conclusions , It made recommendations on how to improve the RMB exchange rate policy and foreign capital policy .

  17. 在一国开放经济体中,人民币汇率政策作为宏观经济调节手段存在,对实现国内产品市场与国外市场的均衡起着重要作用。

    In open economies country , as the regulatory measures of macroeconomic , exchange-rate policy plays an important role in the equilibrium of domestic product market and foreign market .

  18. 无论如何,人民币汇率政策改变的时间以及改变的形式都是未决的议题。

    In any case , the timing for a change in Renminbi exchange rate policy and , of course , what form the change will take are very open questions .

  19. 人民币汇率政策也是调控我国对外贸易活动的重要经济杠杆,它的调整会影响对外贸易的平衡与国内经济活动。

    RMB exchange rate policy is also a key economic instrument during the activities to regulate the foreign trade , which can affect domestic economic activities and the balance of foreign trade .

  20. 2007年人民币汇率政策取向是,在稳定汇率的前提下,从政策上弱化和消除人民币升值的非理性预期;

    Under the premise that the exchange rate of RMB should remain stable in2007 , the target of our exchange rate policies is to discourage and remove the irrational anticipation of RMB appreciation .

  21. 人民币汇率政策是我国一项非常重要的宏观经济政策,它对于我国对外贸易,经济长期发展,解决失业,通货膨胀和通货紧缩等问题都具有重要意义。

    To sum up , it is necessary to investigate RMB exchange rate policies because it is meaningful to international trade , economic development , reducing unemployment rate , inflation and deflation in China .

  22. 由于人民币汇率政策目标水平的不明确性及人民币汇率形成机制的特殊性,人民币汇率在均衡调整过程中,对国民经济发展的作用力存在明显的局限性。

    Because RMB 's exchange-rate policy target is not clear and RMB 's exchange-rate formation mechanism is special , the function of RMB 's exchange-rate is exist obvious shortage to national economy in equilibrium adjusting process .

  23. 出口退税和人民币汇率政策在调控出口贸易领域相似的政策效果,让我们有必要去研究和分析两者之间存在的内在联系。

    Obviously , the effect of export rebate on the export volume is similar to the one of RMB exchange rate policy . There is the necessary to research and analyze the relationship between the two policy instruments .

  24. 伴随着经济全球化、区域一体化的进程,中国在经历经济飞速发展的同时,人民币汇率政策也伴随着市场的需求的变化而不断调整。

    With the process of economic globalization and regional integration , China has experienced rapid economic development . At the same time , the RMB exchange rate policy is also changed accompanied by the market needs and constantly adjust .

  25. 亚洲金融危机以来,关于人民币汇率政策的争论就一直没有停止过:在亚洲金融危机之后的几年中,国内外的大多数学者都预计人民币可能贬值;

    Since the Financial Crisis in Asia , the issue about RMB 's exchange-rate policy have never stopped : After several years from the Financial Crisis in Asia , most domestic and international scholars have anticipated RMB would depreciate ;

  26. 在人民币汇率政策上加强人民币汇率的动态稳定,2010年6月财政部宣布加强人民币浮动灵活性,对缓解人民币升值的压力起到了重要的作用。

    In RMB exchange rate policy we should strengthen the dynamic stability of the RMB exchange rate . In June 2010 , the Ministry of Finance announced to enlarge the flexibility of the RMB float , which has played an important role in alleviating the pressure of RMB appreciation .

  27. 所以,我国的汇率政策事实上已经运用于整个中国经济领域,不管是投资方面还是贸易方面,并非局限于某个特定企业或者行业,所以人民币汇率政策也并不符合专项性的要求。

    So , the exchange rate policy in China has been applied to the entire Chinese economy , whether to invest or trade , are not confined to a specific enterprise or industry , so the RMB exchange rate policy is not in line with the " special requirements " .

  28. 他们称,现行的(人民币)汇率政策已经过时,而且“违反了国际货币基金组织(imf)和世贸组织的原则,从而对全球贸易体系构成了严重威胁”。

    They said existing currency policies were out of date and " pose a serious threat to the global trading system by violating the principles of the International Monetary Fund and the WTO " .

  29. 关于人民币汇率管理政策的思考

    Thoughts about Renminbi 's exchange rate management policy in current situation

  30. 谈新形势下人民币汇率的政策取向

    The Policy Orientation of Renminbi Rate under the New Situation