
  • 网络Modal logic;model logic
  1. 文中讨论了基础Fuzzy模态逻辑系统。

    Basic systems of fuzzy modal logic are discussed .

  2. Fuzzy模态逻辑及其基础系统

    Fuzzy Modal Logic and Its Basic Systems

  3. 强Agent社会智能系统及模态逻辑应用

    A Social Intelligence Model with Strong Agent and Its Application

  4. 中介模态逻辑MS4的表推演系统

    Tableau-Based Proving System for Medium Modal Logic MS_4

  5. 基于模态逻辑的PDM权限管理方法研究

    Research of PDM Privilege Management Based on Mode Logic

  6. 模态逻辑S5的表推演系统TS5

    Tableaux System TS_5 of the Regular Modal Logic S_5

  7. 笛卡尔公理与知道逻辑中的智慧公理(苏格拉底公理)在逻辑上是同构的,它们均对应于模态逻辑中的E公理。

    Descartes axiom and wisdom axiom in knowledge logic are isomorphic , both of which are corresponding to axiom E in modal logic .

  8. 为此,我们特别对极小模态逻辑系统K进行扩充而得到一个知识系统KK,它能很好地解决这一问题。

    For this reason , we construct a knowledge system K_K on the basis of minimum modal logic system K to solve above problem .

  9. ■Rough集与其它数据推理讨论Rough集与概率逻辑,贝叶塞规则,证据理论和模态逻辑的关系,指出它们之间存在的一致性。

    Rough sets and other data reasoning In this paper , the relationships between rough sets and probability logic , Bayes ' rule , Dempster-Shafer evidence theory , modal logic are discussed respectively .

  10. 文中详细描述了语法规定和语义约束,该逻辑的语义是以一般的多Agent系统模型给出的,并且与模态逻辑的解释系统密切相关。

    The syntax rules and semantic constrains are described in detail ; the semantic of this logic are given in terms of a general model of multi-agent system , closely related to the interpreted systems of modal logic .

  11. 模态逻辑系统S5的本原运算子集

    Primitive Operator Set of Modal Logic System S5

  12. 阐述了这两种逻辑能在Rough集公理化基础上被统一起来,并且随着不同性质的关系R,能得到与模态逻辑相平行的各种Rough逻辑模型。

    It describes the uniformity of two logic on the basis of rough set axiomatization . And we have various similar deductive models of rough logic to modal logic according to different properties of relation R.

  13. 其次证明在该定义下,道义模态逻辑系统D1、D2和D3的所有公理的布尔值为1;

    The second , I demonstrated that the Boolean value of all axioms of the deontic logical system D was 1 in the definition .

  14. 本文将就λ-互模拟模态逻辑特征的开问题和CCSθ做一些研究。

    This paper pays attention to CCS_ θ and an open problem appeared in literature concerning the modal logical characterization of λ - bisimulation in nomal case .

  15. 讨论了MLMS的模态逻辑语义和语法。

    And logic syntax and semantics in MLMS are given .

  16. 探讨基于可信度的模糊命题模态逻辑的形式推理,给出相关的模糊Kripke语义描述.其研究目的旨在解决基于模态命题逻辑的模糊推理的能行问题。

    The formal reasoning of the fuzzy propositional modal logic based on plausibility degree is considered , and the description of the associated Kripke semantics is given .

  17. 给出了DTMA的语法和语义、DTMA的性质、DTMA模态逻辑。

    In the thesis , the semantics and syntax , properties and model logic of DTMA are given .

  18. 探讨了模态逻辑系统S5的运算子性质,进而证明关于它的本原运算子集的一个定理,并给出一些推论。

    The properties of the operators of modal logic system S5 is investigated , then a theorem is proved about its primitive operator set , and some corollaries are given .

  19. 对于DTMA与DTMA模态逻辑的子集给出了一个模型验证的算法,证明了验证算法的可判定性。

    A model verification algorithm based on DTMA and the subset of DTMA modal logic is devised , and the decidability of the model verification is proved .

  20. 本文首先讨论了模态逻辑与μ算子的表达能力、博弈语义,给出一阶逻辑与Monadic二阶逻辑的博弈形式,然后讨论互模拟等价在这些逻辑表达能力的核心作用和这些逻辑之间的关系。

    This article covers expressive power of modal logic and μ - calculus , and their game semantics . We also give game semantics of first order logic and monadic second order logic , then we use bisimulation as a core concept to relate these logic -

  21. 构造一种基于非常规模态逻辑的理论描述主体意图。

    Proposes an agent intention theory based on nonstandard modal logic .

  22. 复制受限的环境演算中模态逻辑的内涵性

    Intensionality of Modal Logic for Ambient Calculus with Restricted Replication

  23. 讨论必要性可能性与偶然性的模态逻辑。

    The modal logic of necessity and possibility and contingency .

  24. 分析安全协议密码系统相关缺陷的模态逻辑方法

    Model Logic Approach for Analyzing the Flaws of Security Protocol Cryptosystem-related Flaws

  25. 谓词模态逻辑中变量的严格指派问题

    Problem of Rigid Assignment to Variables in Predicate Modal Logic

  26. 讨论知识,怀疑,与无知的模态逻辑。

    The modal logic of knowledge and uncertainty and ignorance .

  27. 模态逻辑公理的粗糙真语义分析

    Semantic Analyses of Rough Truth for Axioms in Modal Logic

  28. 我们这几天会讲很多模态逻辑。

    We can do quite a lot with modal logic these days .

  29. 模态逻辑D演绎过程的化简规则

    The Reducing Rules of Deducing ProceduRe in Modal Logic D

  30. 基于模态逻辑的通信设备故障诊断系统研究

    Study of A Communication Equipment Fault Diagnosis System Based on Modal Logic