- 网络modal matrix

By establishing physical model and mathematical model of the vibro-impact system , using regular modal matrix method to decouple the vibro-impact system , and working out the analytical solution , linear matrix and poincare mapping of different system by analytic method . 2 .
Shear vibration and the modal matrix for the multistory rigid frames
Discussions on Some Problems of Matrix Perturbation for Complex Modes
A supplement to matrix perturbation method for complex modes
The matrix perturbation of Complex modes has been improved by the present discussions .
Identifying Modal Matrix of a Lumped Parameter Vibration System by Pole-zero Points of Transfer Function
On the Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for the Discoupling of the Pencil of Complex Mode Matrices in a Complex Space
Expressions for purging composition data and row vectors of inverse of modal matrix , which are helpful in simplifying calculation , are developed .
In this method , the conjugate complex modal matrix is used as modal transfer matrix and the machine is decomposed into two conjugate substructures .
Using the matrix theory , we derived the modal matrices of some parameter matrices in transformation , and discussed the transformation with principle of power invariance also .
The modified lower-frequency mode matrix is used to define the dynamic displacements , and the modified residual flexibility matrix is used to define the modified static displacement terms .
The subspace base vector matrix consists of the modified lower frequency mode matrix ( ineluding rigid body modes ) and the modified residual flexibility matrix of neglected higher-frequency modes .
This paper studies the problem of structural dynamic load identification based on measured strain response , deduces the strain modal matrix of structure measured points , and constructs an efficient and precise equation of load identification by using the high precision integration scheme based on modal decoupling .
This method is based upon static and dynamic experiments of various machine tool components , and then put through assembly step by step for modal synthesis . The static test is to obtain attachment modal matrix , while the dynamic test , to get the reserve modal information .
In this paper the complex eigenspace properties of the pencil of complex mode matrices of a viscous damping discrete linear vibration system and the relations between the system damping , stiffness and mass matrix are discussed . The sufficient condition for a slightly damping system is provided and proved .
By applying the vibrating mode of Timoshenko beam and prismatical bar , the authors have formed a formalization equilibrium-continuity matrix of a node under the conditions of equilibrium and continuity at the node have thereby deduced a marix expression determing the mode of structure .
Main Force Method , an Assembly Method of Modal Force Matrix
Method of structural damage prewarning based on modal flexibility change index
This paper presents a new method of analyzing locomotive lateral stability , that is , the critical velocity is calculated by use of the complex mode matrix perturbation theory .
Matrix Perturbation Method for Natural Model Analysis of Bridge with Little Modified Parameters
Matrix perturbation analysis method of the sensibility of vibration modalities of machine tool structure
System on the Model Damping Ratio Matrix and System Damping Ratio Matrix for MDOF System
Matrix Perturbation methods are widely used in sensitivity analysis and reanaly-sis of Vibration modes .
Identifying local physical parameters of mechanical structures by using of complex modal synthesis and generalized inverse technique
The maximum of each column of flexibility curvature matrix constructed from flexibility matrix is presented as a new indicator F_ ( CM ) for damage detection .
In this paper , the contribution of high order mode shape to the frequency response function of disproportional damping structure is expressed by using low order mode shape and system matrix .
By modal stiffness matrix , modal mass matrix and modal frequency , shaft units of simulator is designed . The former three steps natural characteristics are identical with the real units ' .
This paper presents a concept of system damping ratio matrix and modal damping ratio matrix based on the critical damping matrix , extending the concept of damping ratio to the MDOF system from SDOF system .
Matrix Perturbation Method for Solving the Complex Modal Problem of Non-proportionally Damped Structures
The modal-perturbation method , which is the combination of the modal analysis method and matrix perturbation method , is applied in nonlinear rotor system .