
  • 网络model animal;model organism;animal model
  1. 作为一种重要的经济动物和模式动物,鸡SNP多样性的研究以及鸡主要经济性状QTL定位的研究近年来成绩斐然。

    As an important economically animal and a model animal , a great of progress of SNP diversity and QTL map - ping in chickens have been made in recent years .

  2. 本人设计并合成了探针,以小鼠为模式动物,提取正常及心肌肥大的小鼠心脏RNA,用RT-PCR的方法进行分析,得出小鼠Pop1基因对心肌肥大起正调控作用的结论。

    I have designed and synthesized the probe , using mouse as model animal , extracted RNA from the hearts of normal and cardiac hypertrophy mice , then analyzed by RT-PCR method . The result shows that mouse Popl gene can modulate cardiac hypertrophy positively .

  3. 为此,作为重要模式动物和异种器官来源的猪有关iPS细胞嵌合体的研究具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is very important to research in producing porcine chimera , which will be a model for human disease and xenotransplantation in future .

  4. Bellen和同事在果蝇和黑腹果蝇(一种常用的模式动物)体内研究NMNAT的突变体来观察NMNAT的神经保护作用。

    Bellen and his colleagues sought to determine whether NMNAT was actually protective by studying mutant forms of it in fruit flies or Drosophila melanogaster , a commonly used model organism .

  5. 因此,通过检测斑马鱼胚胎中VTG基因的表达,同样可作为一种生物标志物,分析评估化合物的内分泌干扰效应,斑马鱼胚胎可以作为一种模式动物开展多种内分泌干扰物的类雌激素效应研究。

    It can be concluded that VTG expression in zebrafish embryos can also be served as a biomarker to analyze and assess endocrine disrupting of compounds . Zebrafish embryos can be used as a model organism to carry out the estrogenic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals .

  6. 文昌鱼&研究脊椎动物起源和进化的模式动物

    Amphioxus-model animal for insights into the origin and evolution of the vertebrates

  7. 模式动物鸡与果蝇的心脏发育研究

    Research of the Heart Development in Chick and Drosophila

  8. 文章就国内外以斑马鱼作为模式动物研究胎儿酒精综合征的进展作一综述。

    The recent advance was summarized in studying FAS using zebrafish model in the article .

  9. 重要的是金黄地鼠已经被公认为是一个宝贵的模式动物用于研究由病毒引起的人类疾病。

    The hamster has also been recognized as a valuable animal model for human virus diseases .

  10. 通过将果蝇作为一种重要的模式动物,对心脏发育基因调控的研究进展作一综述。

    Drosophila was used as a model animal to discuss the progress of genetic regulation of cardiac development .

  11. 目前将糠虾作为环境监测的一种很好的模式动物,已被国内外广泛接受。

    Now mysis shrimp as a good model animals in environment monitoring has been widely accepted domestic and overseas .

  12. 使用模式动物蛙的视网膜作为研究对象,根据现有的生理学数据进行建模和仿真。

    Concentrated on model animal frog 's retina , we build mathematical model and simulate using physiological data from literatures .

  13. 根据模式动物蛙视网膜神经元的生理和信息通路结构,进行了运动目标动态响应的建模和仿真研究。

    A frog retinal model that accounts for the framework of physiological and information pathways within a frog 's retinal neurons was studied .

  14. 斑马鱼作为新型模式动物的优势正在逐渐被人们所认识,其应用的领域也越来越宽广。

    Zebrafish , as a new model of animal , has been gradually accepted and widely used in biology research due to its special characteristics .

  15. 文昌鱼是现存的与脊椎动物原始祖先最接近的头索动物,一直被认为是研究脊椎动物起源和进化的模式动物。

    Amphioxus or lancelet , a cephalochordate , has long been regarded as the living invertebrate most closely related to the proximate invertebrate ancestor of vertebrates .

  16. 模式动物中的深入研究正在逐步揭示生殖细胞起源和发育的分子机制。同时,功能保守基因的发现也为大量非模式动物的生殖细胞研究提供了契机。

    The outstanding studies in model animals are revealing the molecular mechanisms of germ cell origin and development , in which some functionally conserved genes through evolution have been discovered .

  17. 在生殖周期中,由于中华鳖具有典型的冬眠现象和精子储存的生理学特征,是研究爬行动物生殖生物学的理想模式动物。

    Because the soft-shelled turtles have physiology characteristics which own typical hibernation and sperm storage in the reproductive periodicity , it is an ideal model for studying on reptile biology .

  18. 我们以斑马鱼为模式动物,利用发育遗传学、生物信息学和分子化学的方法研究心脏和血管的分化形成以及环境对心血管发育的影响。

    We are studying heart and blood vessel in zebrafish embryos , an experimental system that affords a powerful combination of genetic analyses with molecular , embryological and chemical approach .

  19. 因此,近年来卤虫被作为一种模式动物而广泛研究,其研究涉及到卤虫的生物学、生理、生化、遗传、细胞学、孵化和养殖等多方面。

    Therefore , Artemia was extensively studied as a model animal recently , these studies focused on its biology , physiology , biochemistry , genetics , cellular biology , hatching and culture .

  20. 从组织结构和超微结构上分析,斑马鱼牙齿和人类牙齿具有相似性,能够作为研究牙齿发生发育的新型模式动物。

    In the aspects of organizational structure and ultramicrostructure , zebrafish teeth have much similarity with human teeth , and zebrafish can be used as novel model animal to study tooth generation . 2 .

  21. 斑马鱼个体小,养殖花费少,能大规模繁育等诸多优点,因此已广泛成为脊椎动物中重要的发育生物学模式动物之一。

    Zebrafish has many advantages like individual small , breeding cost less and strong regenerative ability , so zebrafish has been widely used as one of the most important vertebrate model organism in developmental biology .

  22. 各种遗传性视网膜疾病的模式动物,不仅为阐明疾病的发病机理和寻找可能的治疗方法提供了重要的模型,而且还为视网膜结构和功能研究提供了重要手段。

    Animals with various inherited retinal diseases provide useful models to study the pathogenesis and possible treatment of the disease , as well as important methods to investigate the stucture , activity and function of the retina .

  23. 以文昌鱼为模式动物研究脊椎动物发育的机制是比较胚胎学和发育生物学的重要内容。

    The study of vertebrate development of the mechanism in animal model amphioxus is an important part of embryology and developmental biology and amphioxus soon become a new favorite for molecular biologists to carry out scientific research .

  24. 小鼠是重要的发育模式动物,在已有的小鼠核移植报道中,胚胎细胞核移植和体细胞核移植分别采用不同的研究策略。

    Mouse is an important developmental model animal in biological research . In the reported references of mouse nuclear transfer , the cloning strategies are different when embryonic blastomeres and somatic cells are employed as donors , respectively .

  25. 文昌鱼是头索动物,被认为是现存的与脊椎动物最接近的无脊椎动物,经常被看作是分析从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物进化过程的一种重要的模式动物。

    Amphioxus , a cephalochordate , is believed to be the closest living relative of the vertebrate . It is often regarded as an important model animal for phylogenetic studies on the evolution of animals from invertebrate to vertebrate .

  26. 小鼠因其独特的生理和遗传特性,已成为生命科学领域中进行基因功能研究、发育生物学研究、疾病动物模型等最理想的模式动物。

    Because of the unique physiological and genetic characteristics of the mouse , it has become the best suitable animal model in the field of life science for the research of gene function , developmental biology , and construction of animal disease models and so on .

  27. 关联复合模式对动物词汇隐喻意义构建的阐释

    Construction of metaphorical meanings in animal terms by relevance blending theory

  28. 本部分主要探讨动物福利立法模式,动物福利分类制度。

    This section mainly discusses animal welfare legislation mode and animal welfare classification system .

  29. 以自动启动模式称量动物

    Animal Weighing in the Automatic Start Mode

  30. 第三章主要论述了动物隐喻的工作机制及映射模式:动物域映射到人类域、社会经济领域、政治领域以及计算机领域。

    Chapter ⅲ focuses on the working mechanism and mapping models of animal metaphor : from animal domain to human being domain , to social areas in terms of economic , political and computer areas as well .