
  1. 概念判断随时间推移会发生变化是一种普遍的心理现象。

    Concept judgment over time will change , this is a kind of common psychological phenomenon . 2 .

  2. 可是人们习惯使用高层语义概念判断相似性,但是现有的视频内容检索大多是非语义层面的。

    People are accustomed to judge similarity using the high-level semantic concept , but the existing CBVR are mostly non-semantic level .

  3. 运用所提出的力平衡区的概念判断支架稳定性,方法简单,便于在现场推广应用。

    It is simple and easy to be popularized on-site to judge support stability by using the concept of the area of force equilibrium .

  4. 研究探讨了交往意图的直接阐述与否对5、7、9和11岁儿童说谎/说真话概念判断及其道德评价的影响。

    The present research examined the effects of communicative intention which were be directly explained ( or not ) on children 's judgment of lying or truth-telling and moral evaluation .

  5. 结果表明:5岁儿童在作说谎或说真话的判断及其道德评价时,还不会利用意图线索;自7岁或9岁起意图明确与否影响着儿童概念判断与道德评价;

    The results showed that five-year-olds could not use intention cue to definite the concepts of lying or truth-telling and moral evaluation , while 7 - or 9-year-olds made the different judgments and moral evaluation between the intention cue being directly explained and being not directly explained .

  6. 概念、判断、推断、论证是抽象思维的基本思维形式。

    And Concept , judgment , deduction and appraisal are the fundamental forms of the abstract thinking .

  7. 根据模糊三角数的概念构造判断矩阵,据模糊三角数比较大小的原理进行层次单排序;

    According to the concept of the triangular fuzzy number , this paper constructs a fuzzy judgement matrix .

  8. 思维方式即反映客观对象的方式,是指概念、判断、推理。

    The mode of thinking reflects the objective target way which refers to the concept , judges , reasoning .

  9. 信息在思维运演过程中,决不是呆板的、机械的按概念、判断、推理的传统来表述。

    Information here is by no means expressed by traditionally boring , mechanical , decisive , inferring and conceptual words .

  10. 当我们说这个行为是善的时,我们便作出一个概念的判断。

    When we say , " this action is good , " we are asserting a judgment of the concept .

  11. 分析组合电路中的竞争冒险现象的概念、判断方法、克服与仿真;

    The concept , judge ways , overcomes and simulation of the race and hazard phenomenon in combination logic circuit are analyzed ;

  12. 这种叙述方法,在主要利用概念、判断、推理之外,还利用感性形象的各种方式来进行。

    Apart from the chief means of concepts , judgment and reasoning , various types of perceptual images are employed in the presentation .

  13. 以岩石断裂峰值后曲线为岩石断裂稳定性研究内容,提出了裂纹扩展本构曲线的概念和判断岩石断裂稳定性的方法。

    Aimed to the fracture behavior before peak load , the rock fracture stability determined by fracture curves after peak load has been studied .

  14. 本文主要从思维的形式,如概念、判断、推理等方面研究中学物理教材和物理教学。

    It mainly studies high-school physics textbooks and physics teaching from the form of thinking , including aspects such as concept , judgement and reasoning .

  15. 心理咨询中当事人的语言逻辑仍然经历概念、判断和推理的过程,和其他非当事人一样具有逻辑性的特征。但是当事人的逻辑前提具有主观虚拟性;

    A participant gets the character of linguistic logic that bears the process of concept , judgment and inference in counseling as other people do .

  16. 是否形成观念、概念和判断,作为进一步认识和预测的准则。

    Whether any idea 's , concepts and judgements were put forward and taken as the basis and principle of guiding further research and forecast .

  17. 概念的判断以概念、以在简单形式下的全体,作为它的内容,亦即以普遍事物和它的全部规定性作为内容。

    The judgment of the concept has the concept , the totality in simple form , as its content , the universal with its complete determinacy .

  18. 首先要在网络环境下对合理使用制度的概念、判断标准和具体形式进行重新界定。

    First of all , the concept 、 the judge criteria and the specific forms of the fair use must be re-define in the network environment .

  19. 通过加载实验结果,结合神经网络技术,提出了对桥墩载荷分区监测的概念,判断合理的安全使用范围,相对误差小于5%。

    Through experiment results and neural network technology , we bring forward a concept of inspecting the pier load by subarea , and judge the security range .

  20. 法律要件裁量主要集中在是否承认要件裁量的问题上,由此引出不确定法律概念、判断余地理论以及二者与裁量的区分、整合关系。

    Legal elements focus on whether to recognize the discretionary nature of legal elements which gives rise to the theory on indefinite terms and deciding room of administration .

  21. 第二步,是综合感觉的材料加以整理和改造,属于概念、判断和推理的阶段。

    The second step is to synthesize the data of perception by arranging and reconstructing them ; this belongs to the stage of conception , judgement and inference .

  22. 思维的各种形式,如概念,判断和推理的处理都必须在语言材料的基础上得以实施。

    The conduction of all forms of thinking , such as concept , judgment and inference has to be carried out on the basis of the materials of language .

  23. 主要把汉语言知识中的语音、词汇、语法与逻辑知识中的概念、判断结合起来分析。

    This article mostly combines pronunciation , vocabulary and grammar of Chinese language with concept and judgment of logical knowledge , and then analyzes , and gives some specific examples .

  24. 自从模糊性有了模糊集这个描述工具,人们运用概念进行判断、评价、推理、决策的过程也可以用模糊数学的方法来描述。

    Since the concept of fuzzy sets was proposed , people have applied the method of fuzzy mathematics to the processes of reasoning , evaluation , decision-making , control and so on .

  25. 这种不同等级模糊概念来判断中医药治疗癌痛的疗效,带有很大的主观因素,其客观性和重复性较低。

    This vague concept of different levels to determine the efficacy of Chinese medicine treatment of cancer pain , with a lot of subjective factors , the lower its objectivity and repeatability .

  26. 不同性别被试多少概念的判断值受材料数量范围、材料性质和材料呈现条件的影响。

    The number range of materials , the properties of materials and the present condition of materials all had an influence on different gender subjects ' judgment value of much and few concept .

  27. 所以,自苏格拉底时代以来,建立概念、判断、结论等等手段,就被重视为在一切才能之上的最高尚的事业和最值得赞美的天赋。

    And since Socrates , this mechanism of concepts , judgments , and inferences has been esteemed as the highest occupation and the most admirable gift of nature , above all other capacities .

  28. 研究还表明,国际四大的产品差异性应该不是一个绝对化的概念,判断国际四大的审计质量应将需求方的相关特征考虑进去。

    The result shows that the Product Differentiation of Big 4 is not an unconditional conception , and judging the audit quality of Big 4 should take the relating characteristic of the demand side into account .

  29. 结果表明:3岁和4岁幼儿在说谎和说真话概念的判断上年龄差异显著,在对说谎的道德评价上,年龄差异不显著;

    The following are the results : ( 1 ) four-year-olds did much better than 3-year-olds in lying concept judgment , while there is no significant difference between the two age groups in moral judgment of lying ;

  30. 用半视野速示术检查阿拉伯数字和汉字大写数字在三种任务加工条件(认读、简单相加、奇偶概念异同判断)下进行认知的大脑两半球机能活动一侧化效应。

    Tachistoscopic visual half-field test was used to investigate functional hemispheric laterality for three kinds of cognitive processing task ( reading , simple addition and conceptual decision ) on Arabic numerals and numerals in capital of Chinese characters .