
  • 网络plant transformation
  1. 烟草花叶病毒运动蛋白基因的cDNA克隆、序列测定及植物转化

    Molecular Cloning , Nucleotide Sequencing and Plant Transformation of a cDNA Coding for the Tobacco Mosaic Virus Movement Protein

  2. ACS和ACO基因克隆及植物转化

    ACS and ACO gene cloning and plant transformation

  3. 而LIC双元载体可以弥补这些不足,并且使用价格便宜,但是用于单子叶植物转化的LIC双元载体并没有得到发展。

    While Ligation-Independent Cloning vectors can make up for these deficiencies , and they are cheap .

  4. 不过,将C3植物转化成C4植物由于涉及无数的结构变化,因此比培育抗涝品种要更为复杂。

    Turning a C3 plant into a C4 one , though , is trickier than conferring flood resistance , since it involves wholesale changes in anatomy .

  5. 为彻底消除选择标记基因的负面影响,目前已经发展了多种去除选择标记基因的植物转化系统,如共转化系统、位点特异性重组系统、转座子系统及MAT载体系统等。

    Presently many plant transformation systems have been developed in order to remove selectable marker genes such as co-transformation system , site-specific recombination system , transposable element system and MAT vector system etc.

  6. 新发展的双元Ti载体结构优化,适用范围广,易于基因克隆操作,同时提高了植物转化的效率,更便于进行植物基因功能的研究。

    The newly developed binary Ti vectors have a optimized structure , wider ranges of adaptations and easy cloning procedures , and are capable of increasing plant transformation efficiency and much more easy to use in gene function study .

  7. 并将此两种重组质粒分别转入根癌农杆菌菌株LBA4404中,供植物转化使用。

    Agrobacterium strain of LBA 4404 was transformed with the two vectors respectively for plant infections .

  8. 论利用植物转化矿物元素在医疗保健上的运用及《农业地质学》的开创

    Medical Uses of Plants Enriched Mineral Elements and the Initiation of Agricultural Geology

  9. 豌豆铁蛋白基因植物转化载体的构建

    Construction of plant transformation vector of pea ferritin gene

  10. 利用有性途径的植物转化

    Advance in plant transformation of using sexual route

  11. 农杆菌介导的病毒侵染方法在禾本科植物转化上的研究进展

    Advances on Transformation of Graminaceous Monocots by Agroinfection

  12. 无选择标记基因植物转化系统研究进展

    Transformation Systems for Generating Marker-Free Transgenic Plants

  13. 植物转化是开展基因工程育种和鉴定基因功能的重要途径。

    Plant transformation is an important approach in genetic engineering breeding and identification of gene function .

  14. 动物仅仅能够利用经过由植物转化成食物的太阳的能量。

    Animals can only use the sun 's energy after it has been changed into food by plants .

  15. 糖类分解代谢酶基因作为安全标记基因,近年来在植物转化中显示了巨大应用潜力。

    The genes coding enzymes that catalyze special sugars have showed big practical potency in plant transformation as safe marker genes .

  16. 随着分子生物学和植物转化技术的发展和改进,通过基因工程技术对豆科牧草进行改良和培育已成为可能。

    With development of molecular biology and improvement of plant transformation techniques , molecular breeding of legume forage plants by biotechnology is possible .

  17. 配合各种生长因子的刺激作用增强骨移植物转化成软骨的能力,构成具有生物活性的骨移植物将是骨移植材料研究的主要方向。

    To construct bioactive bone graft with enhanced chondrogenic capacity of bone graft by stimulation of various growth factors is the tendency of study on bone grafting materials .

  18. 外植体特征、外源基因、培养基中补加成分和培养条件对植物转化都有不同程度的影响,并进而影响植物的高频再生。

    Some factors like external implant , external gene , composition of supplemental medium and culture conditions all play role to plant transformation and even to high frequency regeneration .

  19. 目前广泛采用的抗菌素或抗除草剂基因作为植物转化筛选标记基因可能带来转基因逃逸,因此寻找能够用于植物转化的来源于植物本身的筛选基因是解决这一问题的方法之一。

    Because of the concern about escape of antibiotic or herbicide resistant transgenes from transgenic crops , selectable marker genes from plant origin would be an alternative choice for plant transformation .

  20. 本研究表明,在运用土壤有机碳同位素反演古植被和古气候变化时,应考虑到不同气候、生态环境中植物转化为有机质过程中的碳同位素分馏影响。

    When we apply the soil organic carbon isotope to the study of paleovegetation and paleoclimate , we should consider the influence of the carbon isotopic fractionation during the transformation of plants into SOM in different climates and environments .

  21. 植物遗传转化是利用重组DNA技术、组织培养技术或种质系统转化等技术,将外源基因导入植物组织或细胞,获得转基因植物。

    Transformation of plants is the technology of transferring foreign genes into plants by DNA recombination , tissue culture , or germplasm line .

  22. 本试验利用基因枪法和花粉管通道法两种植物遗传转化技术,将叶片衰老抑制基因P(SAG12)-IPT导入有早衰现象的小麦品系9848,获得转基因植株。

    In this study , transgenic wheat plants of 9848 with P_ ( SAG12 ) - IPT gene were obtained by micro-projectile bombardment and pollen tube pathway .

  23. 植物遗传转化技术在植物病毒抗病基因工程中的应用

    Application of techniques of plant genetic transformation in resisting plant virus

  24. 植物可转化基因组文库的发展和应用

    Development and Application of Transformation - competent Genomic Library of Plant

  25. 植物生物转化技术在药用活性成分生产及新药开发中的应用

    The application and perspective of plant biotechnology in biotransformation of medicinal constituents

  26. 根瘤农杆菌介导的芸苔属植物基因转化研究进展

    Advances in Plant Gene Transformation Techniques of Brassica Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  27. 植物质体转化途径及其影响因素

    The plastid transformation of plants and its domain influencing factors

  28. 植物遗传转化新技术和新方法

    The Application of New Technology and Methods in Plant Transformation

  29. 植物基因转化技术在苹果遗传改良中的应用

    Applications of gene transfer technology to apple cultivars improvement

  30. 植物基因转化方法及在果树上的应用

    The Method to Tranfer Gene in Plant and Its Application in Fruit Trees