
  • 网络allelochemicals;plant secondary metabolites
  1. 植物次生物质在植物防御中的作用

    Plant Secondary Metabolites and Its Action in the Plant Defense

  2. 结果提示,BmGSTs基因对芸香苷的代谢具有重要作用,对于进一步研究植物次生物质诱导作用对家蚕对杀虫药剂敏感度的影响具有重要的意义。

    The results suggest that the GSTs genes play an important role in metabolism of rutin , will provide reference for research of the plant secondary metabolites influence on the sensitivity of silkworm resistance to pesticide .

  3. 玉米螟P450基因cDNA的克隆及植物次生物质对其诱导表达

    Cloning of Ostrinia furnacalis P450 Gene cDNA and Inducible Expression of Secondary Plant Metabolite

  4. 还利用TMV的不同寄主,考察了植物次生物质对TMV的防治效果。

    The control effects of active substances in TMV different host plants were determined .

  5. 细胞色素P450是一个古老的基因超家族,在植物次生物质的代谢合成中起着极为重要的作用。

    Cytochrome P450 play a critical role in plant secondary metabolites synthesis as an ancient gene superfamily .

  6. 表明三种植物次生物质对棉铃虫GSTs的诱导主要是引起GSTs的表达量改变,可能没有引起同功酶组成的变化。

    The results showed that allelochemicals tested induced the expression level of GSTs , but no new isoenzymes induced or there was no variation in isoenzyme composition .

  7. 植物次生物质是一种十分重要的抗虫物质,它对植食性昆虫具有驱避、抑食、毒害作用。

    Plant allelochemicals is an important substance of insect - resistance .

  8. 植物次生物质是否作为植物防御昆虫取食的重要屏障?

    Do secondary compounds protect plants from attacking of insect herbivores ?

  9. 植物次生物质对于植物生存的重要作用

    The important roles of secondary metabolites in plant survival

  10. 3种热带植物次生物质对小菜蛾的干扰作用

    Influence of three kinds of secondary compounds of tropical plants on the diamondback moth

  11. 有发展前途的植物次生物质&环烯醚萜类

    Iridoid & a promising potential secondary products

  12. 植物次生物质的产生是植物化学保护的必然结果。

    The occurrences of secondary metabolites in plant were the inevitable results of self-chemical protection .

  13. 植物次生物质研究进展

    Research Progress of Plant Secondary Chemicals

  14. 实夜蛾属二近缘种对寄主植物次生物质的反应:次生物质对幼虫生长和食物利用的影响

    Responses of two Heliothis species to plant secondary substances : the influence of host secondary substances on larval growth and food utilization

  15. 说明植物次生物质对棉铃虫耐药性的影响是解毒酶和靶标酶改变的综合结果。

    The effect of plant allelochemicals on cotton bollworm susceptibility to insecticides may be determined by the integrated results of the detoxifying enzymes and AChE changes .

  16. 本文研究了几种植物次生物质提取物、非生物因子、物理技术、尿洗合剂、天敌等对菜蚜的控制作用。

    The control effects of several plant extracts , abiotic factors , physical techniques , urea and washing power and natural enemies on vegetable aphids were studied in this paper .

  17. 其中对核桃叶次生物质抗病毒活性的系统研究为植物次生物质用于植物病毒病的防治开拓了崭新的研究思路,也为以次生物质为活性成分开发新的植物源抗病毒药剂奠定了基础。

    The systemic study results on antiviral activities of secondary substances from walnut leaves provide a new way for plant virus diseases control , and build a foundation for developing new botanical virucides .

  18. 寄主植物次生物质与叶甲取食行为关系的研究可为同域物种形成的机理提供重要的理论依据,并且对生产实践也有重要的指导作用。

    The studies on interactions of plant secondary substances and feeding behavior of leaf beetles not only can provide important evidence for the theory of sympatric speciation but also can give direction to agriculture .

  19. 植物挥发性次生物质对昆虫触角电位反应的影响

    Electroantennogram responses of insects to volatile secondary compounds from phants

  20. 棉铃虫、烟青虫对几种常见植物挥发性次生物质的触角电位反应比较

    Comparative Studies on EAG Responses of Cotton Bollworm and Oriental Tobacco Budworm Adults to Plant Volatiles

  21. 植物挥发性次生物质在植物害虫天敌三重营养关系中的作用与机理

    Effect and mechanism of HIVs in tripartite nutrition relationship between plant , insect pests and natural enemies

  22. 杀虫植物中的次生物质在IPM中的作用

    Effect of Secondary Substances in Botanic Plants on IPM

  23. 植物抗虫性次生物质的研究概况

    A Review on Plant Secondary Substances in Plant Resistance to Insect Pests

  24. 随着人们逐渐地认识到植物体内的次生物质与植物的生存竞争、化学防御机制有关,从而拓宽了植物化学保护的新思路,即进行植物源农药的研究开发。

    The relation between the secondary material and the competition for existence and chemistry defense mechanism of the plant have been realized .

  25. 卫生类化学农药的长期使用产生了一系列的副作用,如卫生害虫的抗药性、影响人类健康等问题。植物精油是一类由小分子化合物组成的植物次生物质。

    With the use of chemical pesticides , chemical pesticides caused a series of problems , such as resistance of health pests , the destruction of human health and so on . The essential oils are plant secondary substances and consisted of simple compounds with less molecular weight .

  26. 为此,在工业化生产中首先需要适时地对植物细胞进行选育和改良,以解决提高植物细胞中次生物质含量问题。

    For this reason , people have to first breed and improve the cells of plants in order to increase the content of secondary matters in industrialized production .

  27. 文中论述了植物的防御性以及与昆虫和农药之间的互作关系及其影响因素,认为植物次生物质与昆虫体内的解毒酶系的协同变化是三者关系的本质。

    This paper summarized the interaction and the affecting factors among the plant ? insect and the pesticide , the essence is the relation between the plant secondary materials and the insect enzyme .