
  • 网络plant feed
  1. 不同前处理方法对测定植物性饲料微量元素铜、铁含量的影响

    The effects of different pre-treatment methods on content of copper and iron in plant feed

  2. 在饲粮中添加植酸酶活性高的植物性饲料,可提高猪和家禽对植酸磷的利用率,降低粪便中磷的排泄量,提高生产性能。

    Supplying some plant feed ingredients which have endogenous phytase activity in diet can increase the digestibility and availability of phytate bound phosphorus , reduce phosphorus excretion from animal manure and improve production performance .

  3. 几种植物性饲料原料水分含量在一年中不同时期变化特点

    Seasonal and monthly changes of water contents of several plant feedstuffs

  4. 生长猪植物性饲料中可消化磷的评定

    Assessing the available phosphorus in feedstuffs from plant orgin for growing pigs

  5. 天然植物性饲料添加剂的作用原理及其在生产上的应用

    The Functionary Theory and Application in Production about Natural Vegetal Feed Additives

  6. 不同肉鸡用植物性饲料总磷真利用率的测定

    Assessment of true availability of total phosphorus in different plant-origin feedstuffs for broiler

  7. 膨化对植物性饲料原料草鱼离体消化率的影响

    Effect of expanded process on in vitro digestibility of feedstuff in Ctenopharyngodon idellus

  8. 常用植物性饲料中的植酸酶活性及加热温度的影响

    Phytase activities in commonly - used plant feedstuffs and the influence of heating temperature

  9. 植物性饲料中植酸磷水解度测定方法的研究

    A Study on Determining Method for Hydrolysis Degree of Phosphor Phytate in Vegetable Feeds

  10. 植酸酶可以提高植物性饲料原料中磷的利用率,降低粪便中磷的排泄量。

    Phytase can improve the phosphorus digestibility of plant stuffs and decrease the phosphorus excretion .

  11. 鸭绿江下游水生植物性饲料的研究报告

    Aquatic Plant Feedstuff in Downstream Yalu River

  12. 谷物、果品蔬菜及植物性饲料中纤维测定方法的探讨

    A study on the methods of determining fibre contents in grain , fruits , vegetables and feed stuffs

  13. 菜粕资源丰富,是我国重要的植物性饲料蛋白原。

    Rapeseed meal resource is very abundant . It is an important source of vegetable protein feed in China .

  14. 透析袋体外消化法测定植物性饲料钙消化率的适宜酶促反应条件研究

    Study on suitable condition of enzymatic reactivity for determining the digestibility of plant feedstuffs calcium in vitro by dialysis tube method

  15. 业界一致期望,那些最为重要的植物性饲料原料如玉米、大豆和小麦等,能在中长期内保持涨价。

    It is expected that prices for the most important plant-based feedstuffs like corn , soya and wheat will rise in the mid and long term .

  16. 可以用饲料总磷、植酸磷和天然植酸酶酶活指标来预测植物性饲料可消化磷的含量,比较而言,对真可消化磷预测结果的准确性更高。

    It is more accurate to predict the content of true digestible phosphorus than apparent digestible phosphorus with indices of TP , PP and Phy activity in plant feedstuffs .

  17. 本文综述了常用植物性饲料中植酸含量,植酸对猪和家禽的抗营养作用,以及应用植酸酶制剂等方法消除植酸的抗营养作用,提高饲料营养价值的方法。

    This paper reviews the content of phytic acid , its anti-nutritive role and teated methods , such as phytase supplementation for improvement of the nutritive value of legumes and cereals .

  18. 植酸是植物性饲料中磷的主要贮存形式,植酸酶是一种能将植酸水解并释放出无机磷的酶,它广泛存在于微生物与植物中。

    Phytases are hydrolytic enzymes that initiate the release of phosphate from phytate , the major phosphorus ( P ) form in animal feeds of plant origin . Phytases are found naturally in microorganisms and plants .

  19. 试验结果表明:总磷水平并不能正确反映饲料磷的生物学价值,总磷的1/3作为有效磷也不能正确估计植物性饲料磷的利用率。

    The results showed that the total phosphorus levels of feedstuffs could not reflect the biological value of phosphorus correctly , and the available phosphorus also could not appraise the use efficiency of phosphorus in the plant feedstuffs correctly .

  20. 同时通过试验分析证明,从蝌蚪发育到变态前的饲料应以植物性饲料为主并适当的加入部分动物性饲料,这样才有利于蝌蚪的生长发育。

    And it was proved by analysis that from beginning of growth to early metamorphosis , the ration was composed mainly of vegetable feedstuff and part of animal feedstuff , so as to the rapid growth of tadpole . development ;

  21. 植物性蛋白饲料的猪消化能值预测研究

    Estimation of Digestible Energy Values of Plant Protein Supplement in Pig

  22. 内蒙古地区绵羊植物性复合饲料添加剂的初步研究

    Studies on the Plant Compound Fattening Feed Additive for Sheep in Inner Mongolia

  23. 生长猪添加植酸酶对植物性蛋白饲料磷消化率的影响研究

    Effects of supplementation of phytase in plant protein diets on digestibility of phosphorus for growing pigs

  24. 上述结果表明,引进云南的13份弱秋眠性苜蓿品种具有较高利用潜力,可作为云南植物性蛋白质饲料和冬春优质牧草的重要品种资源。

    The results above showed that 13 introducing alfalfa varieties with less fall dormancy are an important protein source for ruminate in Yunnan province .

  25. 棉籽经压榨榨油处理后称为棉籽饼粕,棉籽饼粕是一种优质的植物性蛋白饲料,可以作为理想的蛋白质饲料。

    Cottonseed cake is produced by pressing cottonseeds . and is an ideal protein feed , because it is rich in high-quality vegetable proteins .

  26. 菜籽粕中粗蛋白含量在35%40%之间,氨基酸含量丰富,仅赖氨酸含量略低于豆粕,是一种重要的植物性蛋白饲料。

    China occupies the first place in the world . Rapeseed meal is an important vegetality feeding protein with high content of crude protein ( 35 % ~ 40 % ) and a large quantity of amino acid , only lysine is lower than that of soybean meal .

  27. 通过植酸酶的作用,植酸盐可以水解成无机磷和肌醇,其水解过程能释放出肌醇和一些微量元素,从而可以提高植物性食品和饲料的营养价值,因此它具有分解植酸盐的特殊作用。

    Through the role of phytase , phytate can be hydrolyzed to inorganic phosphate and inositol hydrolysis to release inositol and some trace elements , which can improve plant nutritional value of food and feed . So it has a special role in decomposition of phytate .

  28. 欧盟动植物源性食品和饲料中农残限量控制新指令浅析

    Analysis on the Animal and Plant-derived Pesticide Residues Limited Control in Food and Feed of the European Union New Directive

  29. 单一饲料,即植物性或动物性饲料,对生长发育不利,对降低性早熟比率也不利。

    Single diet , be it animal one or vegetable one was harmful to the growth and development of crab and was unfavourable to the reduction of pre maturation ratio .