
zhí wù xué jiā
  • botanist
  1. 据说希腊是植物学家梦寐以求的地方。

    Greece is said to be a botanist 's dream

  2. 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。

    A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants .

  3. 植物学家将这种花归入蔷薇科。

    Botanists classify this flower as part of the rose family .

  4. 植物学家们不大容易确定这种新发现的植物的种类。

    Botanists had some difficulty categorizing the newly found plant .

  5. 苏联地球植物学家认识到,比植物群落较广泛的植被单位对于分类的重要性。

    The importance of units of the plant cover broader than the phytocoenose for classification is acknowledged by Soviet geobotanists .

  6. 但除此之外,梅里安这位居住在荷兰的德裔妇女,也是一位成功的艺术家、植物学家、自然主义者和昆虫学家。

    But on top of that , Merian , a German-born woman who lived in the Netherlands , also managed a successful career as an artist , botanist , naturalist and entomologist .

  7. 实验室的模型,就像医学研究人员用老鼠来测试人类医学医疗的想法一样,植物学家用实验室或温室环境中相对容易生长的植物来测试他们对相关物种的看法。

    Just like medical researchers use rats to test ideas for human medical treatments , botanists use plants that are relatively easy to grow in a lab or greenhouse setting to test their ideas for related species .

  8. 在DC漫画里沼泽怪是一个叫亚力克荷兰的植物学家,他死在沼泽里之后就成了绿色的水怪。

    DC 's Swamp Thing was botanist Alec Holland , who became an avatar of the Green following his death in a swamp .

  9. 一组国际科学家为植物制定了统一的“DNA条码”,这将帮助植物学家更快、更简单地区分物种。

    An international team of scientists has agreed on a standard " DNA barcode " for plants that will allow botanists to identify species quickly and easily .

  10. 维多利亚时代的植物学家罗伯特福琼(robertfortune)化装成中国农民,将茶树枝条偷运至印度,使英国在茶叶贸易中占据了统治性地位。

    The Victorian botanist Robert Fortune disguised himself as a Chinese peasant to smuggle tea plant cuttings to India , giving Britain dominance in the tea trade .

  11. 为了表彰玛利亚·克莱门特的杰出贡献,法国植物学家路易斯·特哈布特(LouisTrabut)在记录这个新品种的柑橘时将它命名为“克莱门特蒂娜柑橘”(Clementine)。

    The French botanist Louis Trabut noted the new variety and recommended it be called the Clementine in honor of Marie-Clement .

  12. 兰花在1818年来到英国植物学家威廉斯文森(williamswainson)从巴西往家里寄了一个盒子,把这种植物当作填充物。

    Orchids came to Britain in 1818 when botanist William Swainson sent home a box from Brazil , using the plants simply as packing material .

  13. 国家地理发起两组研究队,一队由植物学家JunWen而另外一组由植物学家GregPlunkett,在远征到中国分析植物和它的复杂的血缘关系。

    National Geographic sponsored two study trips , one by botanist Jun Wen and another by botanist Greg Plunkett , on expeditions to China to analyze the plant and its complex lineages .

  14. 植物学家CristolFleming认为,由于温室效应全球变暖,导致了一些植物开花的时间提早了将近两个月之多。

    Cristol Fleming says she believes the appearance of flowers up to two months early is down to the changes created by global warming .

  15. 比如,图尔西(Tulsi)是一种植物的方言名称,但对植物学家来说,它对应的就是罗勒属圣所(Ocimumsanctum)。

    For example Tulsi is the vernacular name of the plant which when pointed out to a botanist would be correlated to Ocimum sanctum .

  16. 俄勒冈州立大学的植物学家steverenquist说,蓝莓植物可以种植在容器中,矮丛蓝莓就是一个不错的选择,该品种往往不到半米高。

    Plant expert Steve renquist at Oregon State University says blueberry plants can grow well in containers . He says dwarf varieties are a good choice . These plants are often less than half a meter tall .

  17. 蓝莓在酸性土壤中长势最好。俄勒冈州立大学的植物学家SteveRenquist说,蓝莓可种植在盆罐里,矮丛蓝莓就是盆栽的好选择,这种蓝莓通常低于半米。

    Blueberry plants do best in soil that is . Plant expert Steve Renquist at Oregon State University says blueberry plants can grow well in containers . He says dwarf varieties are a good choice . These plants are often less than half a meter tall .

  18. 朝鲜人仍佩戴着不朽领袖的徽章,为金正日歌功颂德,甚至不忘打理他们的金正日花(Kimjongilia)一位痴迷的植物学家培育的一种杂交秋海棠。

    North Koreans still wear Eternal Leader badges , sing songs in praise of Kim Jong-il , and even tend to their Kimjongilia , a hybrid begonia created by a doting botanist .

  19. 这些小图是17世纪一位植物学家画的。

    These little drawings were sketched by a seventeenth century botanist .

  20. 这里我们应该感谢植物学家弗雷德康维尔。

    And we have a botanist named Fred Coville to thank .

  21. 专门研究真菌学的植物学家。

    A botanist who specializes in the study of fungi .

  22. 这就是著名的热带植物学家蔡希陶先生和他的学生们。

    This is the famed tropical botanist Cai Xitao with his students .

  23. 那位植物学家向该地区引入了一种新植物。

    The botanist introduced a new species of plant to the region .

  24. 植物学家相信柚子和野生桔子的杂交产生了葡萄柚。

    Botanists believe that crosses between pomelo and wild orange created grapefruit .

  25. 除杂草不是植物学家要干的事。

    It is not the business of the botanist to eradicate the weeds .

  26. 首先观察到这个现象的是植物学家布朗。

    This was first observed by the botanist Brown .

  27. 从中你可以看出民族植物学家在各种奇怪的圈子都有朋友。

    You see that ethnobotanists have friends in all sorts of strange cultures .

  28. 她是个植物学家,花了几年的时间在热带地区搞研究。

    She 's a botanist and spent several years researching in the tropics .

  29. 植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。

    Botanists refer this flower to the rose family .

  30. 一些植物学家假定植物中的活细胞充当了水泵的角色。

    Some botanists hypothesized that the living cells of plants acted as pumps .