
  • 网络Plant development
  1. mRNA差别显示技术在植物发育研究中的应用

    Applications of mRNA Differential Display in the Studies on Plant Development

  2. 随着GA信号转导途径中越来越多的中间组分的分离和鉴定,GA调控植物发育的分子机理也越来越清楚。

    The more middle components were isolated and identified of GAs signal transduction , the more clear about the molecular mechanism of GA controlling plant development .

  3. MicroRNA参与植物发育调控的研究进展

    Plant Development Controlled by MicroRNA

  4. UV-B(280nm~320nm)、UV-A(320nm~390nm)和蓝光(390nm~500nm)经不同光受体和信号传递途径控制植物发育的各个方面。

    UV-B , UV-A and blue light control a variety of aspects of plant development via distinct photoreceptors and signaling pathways .

  5. 程序性细胞死亡(PCD)是生物体内高度协调的生理过程,在植物发育、分化和压力诱导下都发挥着重要作用。

    Programmed cell death ( PCD ) is a highly orchestrated process that plays a major role for plants during development , differentiation and stress survival .

  6. LEA蛋白不仅在植物发育晚期的种子中大量积累,在受到水分胁迫(干旱、盐、低温等)的营养组织中,LEA蛋白也可被诱导表达。

    LEA proteins are highly expressed at the late development stage of seeds and also accumulated in vegetative tissues in response to water deficit .

  7. 同时,不结球白菜先期抽薹现象降低了产品的产量和质量,晚抽薹基因FLC的引入可避免该现象,但FLC对植物发育存在消极影响,因而,对抽薹和植物发育关系的研究具有重要意义。

    Meanwhile , earlier bolting reduces the yield and quality of the products in non-heading chinese cabbage . The introduction of late bolting gene FLC could avoid this phenomenon . but FLC has a passive effect on plant fertility .

  8. 生长素内流载体参与生长素的运输和植物发育。

    Auxin influx carriers are involved in auxin transport and plant development .

  9. 芸薹属植物发育过程中顶端结构的解剖学研究

    Analysis of shoot apical anatomic changes during the development of Brassica plants

  10. 腐殖物质影响植物发育的机制

    Mechanism of Humis Substances Effect On Plant Growth

  11. 植物发育的基因网络分析

    Analysis of the gene network for plant development

  12. 研究植物发育遗传学的意义及其展望。

    Significance and prospects of plant developmental genetics .

  13. 目前关于蛋白质精氨酸甲基转移酶及其催化的精氨酸甲基化修饰在植物发育中的作用还没有任何报道。

    However , little is known about the functions of histone arginine methylation in plants .

  14. 光信号转导途径是植物发育调控机制的中心组成部分。

    Light signal transduction pathways are central components of the mechanisms that regulate plant development .

  15. 拟南芥的多种突变体已经被广泛应用于代谢途径和植物发育的研究。

    Many Arabidopsis mutants has been widely used in plant development and study of metabolic pathways .

  16. 组织或器官特异表达分析表明:该基因与植物发育相关。

    The tissue or organ-specific expression analysis showed that this gene was related to plant development .

  17. 花器官发育的分子遗传机制是目前植物发育生物学的研究热点之一。

    The molecular mechanism of floral organ development is a hotspot in plant developmental biology researches .

  18. 乙烯能够调节生长素的含量,而生长素对植物发育形态影响很大。

    Ethylene can regulate auxin content , which has a great influence on plant development and morphology .

  19. 综述了蛋白质组学主要研究方法及其在动物和植物发育生物学中的应用。

    This paper summarizes major research methods and its application in animal and plant developmental biology of proteomics .

  20. 镉处理实验表明,该基因能够被诱导并且受植物发育时期的调控。

    Cadmium treatment revealed that expression of this gene could be induced and was correlated with plant development .

  21. 细胞程序性死亡是植物发育和响应环境胁迫过程中的重要过程。

    Programmed cell death ( PCD ) is a crucial process for plants during development and environmental stress .

  22. 然而在植物发育过程中,在分子水平的如何调控糖的分配依然是未知的。

    However , how sugar partitioning in plants is regulated at the molecular level during development remains unknown .

  23. 叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。

    Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .

  24. 植物发育模型为掌握植物生长发育状况提供理论依据。

    It is important bases to establish developmental model of plant for controlling the status of plant growth and development .

  25. 在综述国内外文献的基础上,扼要介绍(1)植物发育遗传学诞生的历史背景;

    A brief description of the following topics is introduced : ( 1 ) Historical background on emergence of plant developmental genetics .

  26. 衰老是植物发育的一个重要组成部分,是受基因调控的程序性过程。

    The plant senescence is an important period of plant development , which is a programmed process that is subjected to gene regulation .

  27. 介绍了植物发育基因网络研究的基本原理、方法以及存在的问题与应用前景。

    The basic principles and methods of the gene network for plant development were introduced , and the existing problems and applying prospects were also analyzed .

  28. 我们进一步讨论新出现的信号网和调节蛋白,这种调节蛋白在植物发育过程中控制硫苷积累以及应对环境的挑战。

    We further discuss emerging insight into the signaling networks and regulatory proteins that control glucosinolate accumulation during plant development and in response to environmental challenge .

  29. 生长素能在如此大范围对植物发育进程中起作用,主要是因为它可以作为信号因子激活下游一系列信号途径。

    Such a large range it can work , mainly because auxin can act as a signal factor and activate a series of downstream signal pathways .

  30. 植物发育是指从种子萌发经过营养生长、开花与花器官发育、受精结果形成新一代的有序过程。

    Plant development is a process from germination of seed to vegetative growth , flower initiation and development , fertilization and finally to the next generation seed formation .