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guān guǒ
  • inner and outer coffins;coffin
棺椁 [guān guǒ]
  • [inner and outer coffins] 棺材和套棺(古代套于棺外的大棺),泛指棺材

棺椁[guān guǒ]
  1. 画像石是石窟、门楣、祠堂、墓室、棺椁等的石刻装饰画,是我国古代为丧葬礼俗服务的一种特殊的艺术形式。

    The stone basso-relievo is the stone inscription decorated in rock caves , door lintels , ancestral halls , coffin chambers , inner and outer coffins etc. and it is a kind of peculiar artistic form for burial etiquette and custom services in ancient China .

  2. 杰克的棺椁周围用贡花装饰,贡花拼成了“绝地武士”的字样,还围成了光剑、尤达大师和机器人R2-D2的形状。

    His carriage was covered floral tributes , including one reading ' Jedi ' and wreaths in the shape of a light saber , Yoda and R2-D2 .

  3. 她的棺椁于2014年3月首次打开。

    Her lead coffin was first opened in March 2014 .

  4. 专家相信,这些巨型盒子是受宠公牛的棺椁。

    Experts believe these huge boxes were burial places for prized bulls .

  5. 这可能比公牛棺椁更有意义。

    That might make more sense than bull burials .

  6. 2010年1月18日,在海地太子港,两名男子抬着死去家人的棺椁。

    Two men carry a dead relative through downtown Port-au-Prince , Haiti , Jan.18,2010 .

  7. 牛皮做成衣物,帐篷或是棺椁

    Skin is clothing , tepees and coffins .

  8. 一旦打开棺椁,工作人员需要立刻保护遗体。

    Once the coffin was open , the team had to rush to preserve her body 。

  9. 无一滴眼泪,一句祷词,一块尸布,也无棺椁和坟墓。

    Without a tear , a prayer , a shroud , a coffin , or a grave .

  10. 随葬器物中的铜、陶器置于棺椁之间的头箱内;

    Bronze and pottery objects were found in the head boxes between the coffin and coffin chamber .

  11. 三门峡市盆景园8号战国墓为战国早期偏晚的棺椁墓。

    No.8 tomb at Penjingyuan in Sanmenxia city is a coffin tomb in the early Warring States period .

  12. 西非国家加纳素来重视棺椁的制作,这一传统习俗在东南部的加族人身上体现得尤为明显。

    West African country Ghana has a tradition of elaborate coffins , which is especially strong among the south-eastern Ga people .

  13. 棺饰&即饰棺之物,是古人对死者棺椁进行的各种装饰。

    Coffin decorations , that is , objects decorated around the coffin , various decorations which were added to the coffins of the deceased by the ancients .

  14. 他的父母特伦斯和玛丽决定为儿子庆祝生命和激情,他们把儿子的遗体放在星球大战主题的棺椁里,白马拉车,“克隆人士兵”护卫。

    His parents Terence and Marie Robinson were determined to celebrate their son 's life and passions , having his body carried in a Star Wars coffin on a white horse-drawn carriage surrounded by stormtroopers .

  15. 葬礼在兰乔教堂附近举行,令人伤感,棺椁被葬在教堂墓地,在最后的仪式上,有一群“地狱天使”骑着机车鸣枪致意。

    After an emotional ceremony near the Ranchos church , his coffin was lowered into the sacred ground as a band of Hell 's Angels lovingly gunned the engines of their motorcycles in a final tribute .

  16. 墓志是埋藏于大地之下幽冥之中的碑刻,它与棺椁一起置于墓中,起到标识墓主人身份的作用,在这个庞大的碑刻家族中它具有举足轻重的地位。

    The underground epitaph is a kind of inscriptions buried under the earth which was placed in the tomb with coffins , to mark the identity of the dead and its role in his / her family .

  17. 第一等级为商王或地方首领的墓葬,规格最高,都使用有木棺和木椁,木质棺椁装饰复杂。

    The first grade tombs are used for the Shang kings or local chiefs , their specification is the highest , they all use wooden coffins and outer coffins , wooden coffins and outer coffins have complex decorated .

  18. 发冢是有关破坏坟墓、棺椁或尸身和以发掘财物为目的盗墓、盗棺犯罪行为的总称。

    The " Fa zhong " is a general term related to the destruction of the grave , coffin or corpse , and to explore the property for the purpose of Tomb , Pirates of the coffin crime .

  19. 对于天马-曲村中小型墓葬先从墓葬制度着手,分别统计了墓葬大小、墓主的性别、年龄和葬式、棺椁制度、随葬器物的组合以及随葬器物的位置,从而分析墓葬制度。

    The medium and small scale tombs began with the burial system . The data statistics includes the burial ground size , gender and age of occupant of tombs , coffin system , the combination and location of artifacts .

  20. 在法国西北城市雷恩的新会议中心建筑工地上,法国国家考古人员研究所的一组人员在抢救性挖掘时发现了这具遗体,并撬开了这座铅质棺椁。

    A team from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research discovered the body when they pried open her lead coffin during a rescue excavation on the construction site of a new conference center in Rennes in northwestern France .

  21. 前进的队伍中伴随着古老祖鲁族人的载歌载舞,当曼德拉的棺椁走向最后的安息之地我们可以从屏幕前的喇叭中听到。

    Traditional Zulu song and chants , the audio of that blending with the marching band that we can hear from the speakers in front of the screen as Mandela 's coffin is being moved towards its final resting place .

  22. “光之山巨钻”由伊丽莎白王后,也就是现任女王的母亲,在其丈夫乔治六世的加冕仪式上镶嵌在王冠之上的。在2002年她的葬礼上,这顶王冠曾放置在她的棺椁之上。

    The Koh-i-Noor is set in the crown worn by Queen Elizabeth , the mother of the reigning monarch , at the coronation of her husband George VI in 1937 , and was placed on her coffin at her funeral in 2002 .

  23. 昨天许多人出席了他的主题葬礼,他的双胞胎兄弟利亚姆和3个姐姐走在棺椁后面,其他人随行走在汉普郡的戴米德大街上,护送着杰克的身体前往在圣公会诸圣堂举行的葬礼。

    Yesterday scores of people , including his identical twin brother Liam and three older sisters , walked behind his coffin . Others lined the streets of Denmead , Hampshire , as he was carried to his funeral at All Saints ' church .