
  • 网络Deforestation;deforest;Desertification
  1. 他说非洲的森林砍伐现象非常严重:每砍伐10棵树,仅种植1棵。

    He said Africa was suffering badly from deforestation : for every ten trees cut down , only one was planted .

  2. 专家认为,环境恶化,如森林砍伐和环境污染,将很可能加剧气候变化造成的影响。

    Experts say environmental degradation such as deforestation and pollution will likely magnify the impacts of climate change .

  3. 这就是“减少森林砍伐和退化产生的排放”(reducingemissionsfromdeforestationanddegradation)计划,用付钱的方式鼓励当地人保护森林。

    It is called the initiative for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation , where local population would be paid to protect forests .

  4. 因此,减少热带的森林砍伐被视为一个缓解潜在的气候变化的高优先级的方式。在其2007年的第4次评估报告中,IPCC得出结论说这样做的成本不高。

    And in its2007 Fourth Assessment Report , the IPCC concluded that it would not cost much to do .

  5. 然而,Rojas表示,许多地方的森林砍伐率仍然很高。

    However , Mister Rojas said the rate of deforestation is still very high in many areas .

  6. 但是各国能在多大程度上参与拟议中的REDD机制并从中受益,这取决于目前和预计的森林砍伐和退化率。

    But how much individual countries can participate and benefit under proposed REDD mechanisms varies depending on current and projected rates of deforestation and degradation .

  7. 这份报告的作者说,如果财政激励足够逆转森林砍伐的政治和经济原因,那么REDD可能有助于减少碳排放。

    The authors of the report say REDD can help reduce carbon emissions if financial incentives are sufficient to overturn the political and economic causes of deforestation .

  8. 论文的共同作者、巴西农牧业研究院(Embrapa)的JoséSilva说,巴西政府已经采取了一些措施,更有效地控制森林砍伐。

    Co-author Jos é Silva of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation ( Embrapa ) says that the government has taken some steps to control logging more effectively .

  9. ErikSolheim是挪威负责环境与发展的部长,他提到了巴西这个鼓舞人心的榜样,该国家在5年之内把森林砍伐率降低了70%。

    Erik Solheim , Norway 's minister in charge of the environment and development , points to the encouraging example of Brazil , which has cut deforestation rates by 70 % in five years .

  10. 但是这并没有阻止Ostoic及其同事测绘该公园及其周围的森林砍伐。

    But that has not prevented Ostoic and colleagues mapping deforestation in the park and its surroundings .

  11. .这里是VOA特别英语农业报道。联合国粮农组织表示,过去十年,森林砍伐率出现下降。

    Deforestation Decreased Over the Past 10 Years This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report . The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says has d over the past ten years .

  12. 在去年5月份印度尼西亚的总统SusiloBambangYudhoyono宣布从今年1月份开始进行为期2年的禁止商业森林砍伐。

    Last May Indonesia 's president , Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , announced a two-year moratorium on commercial deforestation starting on January 1st this year .

  13. 国际上为了加速这种转变,主要提出了REDD理念(减少森林砍伐和退化产生的排放):给发展中国家的居民一笔钱,让他们别砍树。

    The main international effort to speed it up is an idea known as REDD ( Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation ), which pays people in developing countries to leave trees standing .

  14. 它的亚马逊森林砍伐监测项目(PRODES)提供了高分辨率的图像,应该能够帮助满足巴西实现到2018年把来自森林砍伐和退化的排放减半的目标。

    Its Amazon Deforestation Monitoring Program ( PRODES ) produces high resolution imagery that should help meet Brazil 's target of halving emissions from deforestation and degradation by2018 .

  15. 但是把这个被称为“减少森林砍伐与森林退化的排放计划”或“REDD”的计划变成实际的保护并不是一件简单的事,无论是在印度尼西亚整个国家或是丹戎普丁国家公园都是如此。

    However , turning the scheme - known as " Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation , " or REDD - into actual conservation is not proving easy , either in Indonesia as a whole or in Tanjung Puting in particular .

  16. 当CIMA及其合作者秘鲁政府以及芝加哥自然博物馆设法预测森林砍伐率的时候,他们使用的GEOMOD模型没能反映出现实情况。

    When CIMA and its collaborators the Peruvian government and the Field Museum in Chicago tried to predict deforestation rates the GEOMOD model they used failed to reflect the reality on the ground .

  17. 重要的是记住“REDD目前可能不是完善的,”Laporte指出,“但是它是我们可能用于减缓确实很大规模的森林砍伐的唯一类型的经济工具。”

    It is important to remember that " REDD may not be the perfect thing right now ," notes Laporte . " But it 's the only kind of economic tool we may have to slow down really big deforestation . "

  18. 热带森林砍伐对气候的可能影响&国外研究综述

    Review of possible climatic impact of tropical deforestation from foreign literature

  19. 遭受了洪水,这是由于森林砍伐和土壤流失所至。

    Have faced floods due to loss of forest and soil .

  20. 森林砍伐和土地用途改变是发展中国家排放的推动力

    Deforestation and land use change are driving forces in the developing world

  21. 从空气污染、森林砍伐到酸雨和水源短缺,不一而足。

    From air pollution to deforestation to acid rain and water shortage .

  22. 森林砍伐的主要原因可以分为三类。

    The main causes of deforestation can be classified into three categories .

  23. 森林砍伐广泛的国家的收益最大。

    Countries with widespread deforestation have the most to gain .

  24. 最大的挑战在于可持续地资助减少森林砍伐。

    The biggest challenge is to finance reduced deforestation sustainably .

  25. 过量的烟雾大多产生于田地燃烧和森林砍伐。

    Most of it excess smoke from burning fields and clearing forests .

  26. 但是在许多国家,森林砍伐率仍然维持在很高的水平。

    But it still continues at a high rate in many countries .

  27. 调查发现,巴西和印度尼西亚的森林砍伐率下降。

    The study found that Brazil and Indonesia have reduced their deforestation rates .

  28. 森林砍伐和退化的根本原因全球讲习班;

    Global Workshop on addressing the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation ;

  29. 但是食物政策对更多的个人来说比森林砍伐和全球变暖的问题更严重。

    But food policy is much more personal than deforestation or global warming .

  30. 控制森林砍伐和它造成的排放意味着控制移民。

    Controlling deforestation and the emissions that result from it would mean controlling migration .