
  • 网络rana boulengeri;Paa boulengeri
  1. 棘腹蛙(Paaboulengeri),是我国大型的食用蛙类,其肉质鲜美、营养价值极高,广泛分布于我国南方地区。

    Spiny-bellied frog ( Paa boulengeri ) is of high economic value , which is an edible frog in South China because of its meat with delicate quality and delicious taste , and its large body .

  2. 在控温越冬的试验中,棘腹蛙幼蛙体重从8.31±1.02g增长到35.21±3.62g,存活率87%。

    The young frogs increased from 8.31 ± 1.02g to 35.21 ± 3.62g in weight in overwintering test by controlling the temperature , while survival rate was 87 % . 5 .

  3. 棘腹蛙幼蛙有群居习性,开口取食时间一般在变态完成后的7-10d,晚上7:00-8:00是其取食的高峰期。

    Young frogs are always gregarious , first feeding of which is normally 7 ~ 10d after the completion of the metamorphosis , and 7 p.m ~ 8 p.m at night is the peak of their feeding .

  4. 由于栖息地的破坏以及人为的滥捕滥杀等原因,导致棘腹蛙野生种群数量日益减少。

    Because of the destruction of habitat and the slaughter by human , population of Spiny-bellied frog was progressively decreasing .