
jí cì
  • thorn;quill;calthrop;spine banks
棘刺 [jí cì]
  • [thorn] 泛指动植物体表的针状物

  1. 棘刺提取物对枯草芽孢杆菌和番茄疮痂病菌都表现出一定的抗菌活性,最低抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为2.5mg/mL和10mg/mL。

    Vesicatoria with minimal inhibitory concentrations ( MIC ) of 2 . 5 mg / mL and 10 mg / mL respectively . The growth of all four phytopathogenic fungi was inhibited by spina ethanol extract at concentration of 1 mg / mL.

  2. 该组合包括17属27种,以棘刺类(特别是Baltisphaeridium)占优势;

    This palynomorph assemblage consists of 27 species assigned to 17 genera .

  3. 天疱疮抗体致棘刺松解量化研究

    A quantity study of acantholysis caused by pemphigus antibody

  4. 他弯下腰,小心翼翼地拨开棘刺,转过身来。

    He bent down , removed the thorns carefully , and turned round .

  5. 每根触须都长了具有麻痹作用的棘刺可能让鱼儿一命呜呼

    Each tentacle is armed with paralysing stings that can kill a fish .

  6. 小儿严重肝病并棘刺红细胞症7例临床分析

    Severe liver disease combined with spur cell anemia : a review of 7 cases

  7. 棘刺划破了她的皮肤。

    The thorns tore her skin .

  8. 我敢发誓我从来没有见过这种全身长满棘刺的软体动物。

    I swear I have never seen such a mollusk with thorns all over its body .

  9. 虽然被花间的棘刺所刺痛,但是,美啊,我依旧满怀感激。

    Though the thorn in thy flower pricked me , O Beauty , I am grateful .

  10. 背腹面各节皆环绕有棘刺6-8列,棘长色深:虫体末端梳状棘刺与Ⅰ期幼虫相比,数量增多,棘刺变大。

    Each segment is surrounded with six to eight rows of denticles dorsally and ventrally which are long and dark .

  11. 还有一种说法,此矛有七个矛头,每个矛头上各有七个倒钩棘刺。

    A few variations of the myth also give the spear seven different heads , each with seven barbs of its own .

  12. 死者略带血迹的黑发僵硬脏臭,像豪猪的棘刺一样从青筋暴起的脸旁乍起。

    The woman 's black hair , matted stiff with blood , stuck out like porcupine quills from a face the color of blue-veined marble .

  13. 其次,棘皮王风,颜色鲜艳,全身长着棘刺,是欧洲博物馆中罕有的品种,我估计它的价值为两万法郎。

    an imperial spiny oyster , brightly colored , bristling with thorns , a specimen rare to European museums , whose value I estimated at 20000 francs ;

  14. 毛颚类动物的蠕虫;透明的海生蠕虫,侧部水平,有尾鳍,嘴巴每侧有可卷曲活动的一排棘刺。

    Any worm of the Chaetognatha ; transparent marine worm with horizontal lateral and caudal fins and a row of movable curved spines at each side of the mouth .

  15. 当公标尖端部的第一台阶处折断后,尚有棘刺形的第二台阶与母标相扣合,避免了掉标的可能。

    After the first step of the tip part of the male mark is broken off , the second thorn-shaped step is buckled with the female mark , which avoids the possibility of mark falling .

  16. 醋酸白试验阳性率72.8%,其中血管型损害仅为30.6%,与斑片型(96.5%)、棘刺型(90.5%)的阳性率差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The positivity rate of acetic acid test was 72.8 % ( patch 96.5 % , spine 90.5 % , vascular 30.6 % ) . The positivity rate was relatively low with vascular type as compared with the other two types ( P < 0.05 ) .