
  • 网络cotton futures
  1. 为了对我国期货套期保值的有效性问题进行实证研究,采用SPSS软件对我国期货市场上发展相对较成熟的铜期货和相对不成熟的棉花期货进行回归分析。

    In order to study the effectiveness of futures hedge in China , a regression analysis of the mature copper futures and immature cotton futures by SPSS is made .

  2. 再来看看已故投资大师约翰·邓普顿爵士(SirJohnTempleton)。邓普顿的父亲是田纳西州温切斯特(Winchester)的乡村律师,也是一名投机者,做棉花期货交易。

    Or take the late Sir John Templeton , who grew up the son of a country lawyer in Winchester , Tenn. Templeton 's father also was a speculator , trading cotton futures .

  3. 2012年,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)对葛卫东及其控制的一家公司罚款50万美元,并责令其返还因在豆油和棉花期货合约上违反投机性持仓限制而获得的100万美元利润。

    In 2012 , the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission fined Mr Ge and a company he controlled $ 500,000 and made him return $ 1m for exceeding speculative position limits in soyabean oil and cotton futures contracts .

  4. 阿伦指控称,通过在大大高于实物市场主导价格的高价上构建看涨头寸,路易达孚“蓄意操纵并人为推高了”位于纽约的美国洲际交易所(intercontinentalexchange,简称ice)的棉花期货价格。

    Mr Allen alleges that Dreyfus " intentionally manipulated and artificially inflated " the price of futures on the new York-based ice cotton exchange by building a bullish position in the market at substantially higher prices than those prevailing in the physical market .

  5. 我们听说他干棉花期货赚了大钱。

    We heard he had earned good money on cotton futures .

  6. 棉花期货近些年开始成为大家关注的焦点之一。

    Cotton futures have become one of focus Commodities in recent years .

  7. 中国棉花期货市场价格发现功能研究

    Research on Price Discovery in Chinese Cotton 's Futures Market

  8. 棉花期货套期保值及其在棉纺织企业中的应用

    Cotton Futures Hedging and Its Applications in the Textile Industry

  9. 棉花期货交易的卖价是很高的。

    Cotton futures are selling at high prices .

  10. 他继续进行棉花期货交易。

    He continued his operations in cotton futures .

  11. 积极培育棉花期货市场交易主体;

    Fostering traders for cotton futures market ;

  12. 我国棉花期货市场与现货市场关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between the China 's Cotton Futures Market and the Spot Market

  13. 随机游走与期货市场有效性检验&以郑州棉花期货为例

    Random Walk and Empirical Tests on Efficiency of Futures Markets & Taking Zhengzhou Cotton Futures as an Example

  14. 棉花期货市场对棉花产业保障作用的实证研究&以新疆棉区为例

    Empirical Study on Security Effect of Cotton Futures on Cotton Industry - A Case Study of Xinjiang Cotton District

  15. 研究结果表明:棉花期货价格和现货价格之间存在显著的双向引导关系和长期均衡关系;

    The results show that there are bi-directional lead relations and long-run equilibrium relationship between cotton 's spot and futures prices .

  16. 例如,10月期棉花期货价格比明年3月交割的棉花价格每磅高出5%以上。

    For example , October cotton futures are more than 5 cents per pound more expensive than cotton for delivery next March .

  17. 阿伦在诉状中宣称,路易达孚及几家附属机构在2011年5月至7月间抬高了棉花期货的价格。

    Mark Allen claims in his lawsuit that Dreyfus and several subsidiaries inflated the price of cotton futures between May and July 2011 .

  18. 借助误差修正模型和方差分解方法,对中国和美国棉花期货市场价格发现功能进行了对比研究。

    In the article the price discovery function of cotton future market in China and US was empirically measured with error correction model and variance decomposition method .

  19. 在棉花期货套期保值过程中交易操作策略的抉择非常重要,交易者制定的操作策略是否符合市场的实际特点直接关系到套期保值交易的效率。

    The operating strategy is important . Traders operating strategy whether develop with the actual characteristics of market and contracts directly related to the efficiency of hedging transactions .

  20. 葛卫东一度在美国棉花期货合约上持有5%的未平仓头寸,因为他试图从美国市场与中国市场的差价中套利。

    At one point , he held 5 per cent of open interest in US cotton futures as he tried to play the US against the China market .

  21. 在此基础上,分析出政府因素过大、棉农整体素质不高、信息不畅等是影响棉花期货价格发现功能在新疆植棉生产中应用的主要制约因素。

    On this basis , the paper analyses that the government , the overall quality of the cotton farmers factors , the information are the main restricting factors in Xinjiang cotton production .

  22. 12月交割的棉花期货自8月初以来累计上涨了近30%,周一触及每磅1.0198美元,为1995年以来的最高位。

    Cotton futures for delivery in December have risen by almost 30 per cent since the beginning of August to reach $ 1.0198 a pound on Monday , the highest since 1995 .

  23. 美国5月交付的棉花期货价格涨幅达单日最高限额4%,至每磅92.93美分,而中国郑州期货市场的棉花期货价格闻讯上涨逾1%。

    US cotton futures for May delivery rose by their daily permissible limit of 4 cents to 92.23 cents   a pound , while Zhengzhou , China futures rose more than 1 per cent on the news .

  24. 期货是金融市场中为现货服务最有力的工具之一,作为虚拟经济的一部分,棉花期货市场体现了为实体经济服务、促进新疆棉花产业发展的作用。

    Futures market is the most powerful tools serving for the current trading in the financial markets . As a part of the virtual economy , the cotton futures market has been serving for the real economy .

  25. 文章进一步分析了棉花期货在棉花流通体制市场化改革中的作用,并就促进期货市场更好地服务棉花流通体制改革提出了一些尝试性的建议,即为我国棉花期货市场发展创造宽松的环境;

    Then the article analyzes the influence of cotton futures on reforms of cotton circulation system , and puts forward some proposals for deepening reforms of cotton circulation system with futures market . Such proposals are as follows : creating a free circumstances for the developing of cotton futures market ;

  26. 试论棉花的期货交易

    Views On Futures Cotton Dealings

  27. 特别值得注意的是,美国棉花的期货价格已成为国际棉花市场的行情晴雨表,这显示了期货市场的巨大作用。

    In particular , American cotton futures price has become the international cotton market and barometer , which shows the huge role of futures market .

  28. 最后结合我国期货市场发展的现状,分析了铜和棉花2种期货品种套期保值效果不一致的原因。

    By considering the current situation of futures market in China , the reason for different hedge effects of the copper and cotton futures is analyzed .

  29. 中国国内的交易员们则一直忙于关闭在郑州商品交易所(ZhengzhouCommodityExchange)的棉花头寸,因预计棉花储备入市将导致国内棉花期货价格大幅下跌。

    Chinese traders have been closing out cotton positions on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on expectations a release from the reserves will send domestic futures tumbling .

  30. 第三部分首先对新疆棉花价格波动的成因进行了分析,在此基础上阐明了棉花价格波动对新疆棉花产业发展带来的不利影响,亟需引入棉花期货工具。

    Chapter three , we introduce the negative effect on the Xinjiang cotton industry which brings by the fluctuation in cotton price on the basis that we analyze the reason resulting in fluctuation .