
sì jìn zhì
  • quanternary
四进制[sì jìn zhì]
  1. 四进制PWM光纤通信系统相位抖动的研究

    Research of phase jitter in four-level PWM fibre optic communication systems

  2. 一种四进制CPM调制器的设计与FPGA实现

    Design and Implemention of a Quaternary CPM Modulator with FPGA

  3. 本文详细介绍了四进制PWM光纤通信系统相位抖动的分析方法。

    This paper describes in detail the method to analyze the Phase jitter in the four-level PWM fibre optic communication systems .

  4. 参数调节随机共振与信号处理的研究&在四进制基带PAM信号传输中的应用

    Study of parameter-induced stochastic resonance and signal processing : Application in baseband quaternary PAM signal s transmission

  5. 结果表明,在宽带噪声干扰下,通过随机共振接收器来传输四进制PAM信号是可以得到满足要求的误码率的。

    Finally , it is proved that under broadband noise the PSR system could transmit quaternary baseband PAM signal effectively .

  6. 考虑到多进制数字信号与二进制数字信号相比具有信息传输效率更高的优点,本文对输入信号为四进制PAM信号的情况进行了详细的研究。

    Considering the higher efficiency of information transmission , however , we study the case of using quaternary PAM signal as input here .

  7. 对软件无线电中的数字化解调算法进行研究,并提出一种基于离散傅立叶变换(DFT)的四进制相移键控信号(QPSK)数字化解调算法。

    This paper studies the digital demodulation algorithm in software radio and presents a DFT-based digital demodulation scheme for QPSK signals .

  8. 给出了当输入信号为等概率的四进制脉冲幅值调制(PAM)时,系统输出理论渐近误码率计算公式。

    Furthermore , the expression of stationary bit error rate of system output corresponding to equiprobability quaternary pulse amplitude modulation ( PAM ) input signals was deduced .

  9. π/4-QPSK是四进制相移键控(QPSK)的改进方式,具有较高的频谱效率和较好的抗噪声性能。

    π / 4-QPSK ( Quaternary Phase Shift Keying ), an improved QPSK modulation , possess hig-her frequency efficiency and antinoise ability .

  10. 结合本课题具体情况,提出码长为3的QPSK时域相干OCDM,并用四进制移位寄存器生成了码长为3、容量为5的基于A序列的周期循环四相双极性码。

    QPSK coherent OCDM in time domain of code length 3 is proposed . The period quarternary bipolar codes of code length 3 and code capacity 5 are generated with quarternary shift register .

  11. 该文推导了在接收端已知相对时延条件下的非相干ML判决度量,讨论了在接收端未知相对时延条件下信噪比与二进制、四进制ST-FSK系统误比特率性能的关系。

    The paper deduces the noncoherent ML decision metric at the receiver with the knowledge of relative delay , and for the different SNRs it discusses the performance of binary and quaternary ST-FSK systems in the presence of distinct relative delay .

  12. 在调频信号的分类中,本文特别考虑了小调制度和连续相位的MFSK信号,通过瞬时频率构造的特征参数可以将信号区分为二进制和四进制频率调制。

    In the classification of frequency modulated signals , the paper especially took the small modulation factor and continuous phase MFSK signals into cosideration . Through the feature parameter constructed by the instantaneous frequency , the signals could be divided into the binary and quaternary frequency modulation .

  13. 密码子的数学模型与四进制

    Mathematical Model of Codon and Quaternary System Four People

  14. 激光器的边模对10Gb/s光四进制传输性能的影响

    Influence of the laser 's side mode on the performance of 10Gb / s optical quaternary transmission

  15. 基于生物进化遗传理论中有显性、隐性遗传因子的理念,本文提出了一种采用单点四进制编码的遗传算法,即完全显隐性二倍体遗传算法。

    This paper presents a single-locus tetra-allelic binary Genetic Algorithm based on the concept of dominant and recessive genes , which is named Full Dominance-Recessive Diploid GA.

  16. 例如,您可以输入0D0A,其中包括四个十六进制数字(两个字节),并表示X'0D0A'。

    For example , you could enter0D0A , which consists of four hexadecimal digits ( two bytes ) and represents X '0D0A ' .

  17. 本课题的研究是基于泛布尔代数上对逻辑控制器进行仿真研究和对四位三进制运算器的设计。

    This research , basing on the Pan-Boolean Algebra , introduces the following two works : simulation work of the logic controller and design operators of two four-digit numbers in ternary system .