
sì shě wǔ rù
  • half adjust;round-up;omitting decimal fractions smaller than 0.5 and counting all others, including 0.5, as 1;round
四舍五入 [sì shě wǔ rù]
  • [round] 把小数点后面的数字四舍五入,即,如被舍去部分的头一位数字小于五,则舍去;如大于等于五,则被保留部分的最后一位数字加1

四舍五入[sì shě wǔ rù]
  1. 消费领域法律与习惯的冲突&质疑四舍五入

    Conflict Between Law and Customs in Consumption & Query into " rounding up the figure "

  2. round方法提供了普通的四舍五入功能,基于现有的小数将数字向上或向下舍入。

    The round method provides normal rounding functionality , rounding a number up or down based on any existing decimals .

  3. 我们得把小数四舍五入成整数。

    We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers

  4. 本文还通过理论分析对跨齿数K值圆整时的四舍五入法则进行了修改。

    Through theoretical analyzing this paper also amends the rounding-off method for making spanned tooth number K even .

  5. 本文对四舍五入数据构造的经验分布函数调整成为以下形式:从而使Gn(x)是总体分布函数的逐点渐近无偏估计。

    In this paper , we made the empirical distribution function of the rounded data into the following form : Then Gn ( x ) has the point wise asymptotically unbiased character .

  6. 不管中间LocalDate值是多少,将其dayOfWeek属性设置为Monday总是能够四舍五入,这样的话,在每月的开始再加上6天就能够让您得到第一个星期一。

    No matter what the intermediate LocalDate value is , setting its dayOfWeek property to Monday always rounds " down " such that adding six days to the beginning of the month gives you the first Monday .

  7. 将每个测量数目四舍五入到最近的英寸或厘米整数。

    Round each measurement to the nearest whole inch or centimetre .

  8. 四舍五入到多少秒是由设计。

    The rounding to number of seconds is by design .

  9. 四舍五入到最接近的整数是2。

    Rounding it off to the nearest whole number gives you two .

  10. 但是,您不能四舍五入至一级的荣誉。

    However , you cannot be rounded up to First Class Honours .

  11. 然后再看哪一个十位数最接近你要四舍五入的数字。

    Then see which ten a number is closer to .

  12. 各项成绩四舍五入后取至小数点第二位为原则。

    The principle is to round up after the second decimal point .

  13. 这些数将四舍五入为15个有意义的数字。

    These numbers will be rounded to 15 significant digits .

  14. 用于存储货币值,并且计算期间禁止四舍五入。

    Use for currency values and to prevent rounding off during calculations .

  15. 在这里你可以看到两件底部四舍五入。

    Here you can see two bottom pieces rounded .

  16. 如果有必要的话,小数部分将被四舍五入。

    If necessary , the decimal portion is rounded .

  17. 如果有需要,小数部分将进行四舍五入以符合规格。

    If necessary , the decimal portion is rounded to fit the specification .

  18. 最后,它将处理好结果,并将四舍五入后的数值存储在数据库内。

    Lastly , it stores the cleaned up and rounded value in the database .

  19. 如果数字等于或是高于5,则四舍五入到较大的十位数。

    If the one digit is5 or greater , round to the greater ten .

  20. 统计数据四舍五入至最接近的十分之一。

    Statistics are rounded to the nearest tenth .

  21. 这些值已经经过四舍五入。

    These values have been rounded off .

  22. 这道题的答案用四舍五入的方法取个近似值就行。

    Just find an approximate value and you will get the answer to this question .

  23. 它不会四舍五入。

    It doesn 't round for you .

  24. 可能直接舍掉了,但是它不会像你想象的那样恰当地四舍五入的。

    It rounds down maybe , but it doesn 't round properly as you would think .

  25. 锁定屏幕不四舍五入。

    Lock screen is not rounded .

  26. 如果得出来的答案是小数,就四舍五入到最接近的整数。

    If there are decimal in your answer , round them up to the nearest whole number .

  27. 相对于数量而言,货币的一个非常有用的特点就是处理四舍五入。

    A particularly useful feature with Money in addition to those for Quantity is the handling of rounding .

  28. 这个数字表达的丰富的工作之前和之后都对他的审判是想像力四舍五入。

    The figures expressive of the wealth of Job both before and after his trial are imaginatively rounded .

  29. 本例中的单位被指定为表示四舍五入为最接近的百万位的值。

    The unit in this case is specialized to express that values are rounded to the nearest million .

  30. 货价已按四舍五入法调高为整数。国际私法调整对象和范围之理论初探

    The prices of the goods have been rounded up . On the Object and Scope of Private International Law