
  • 网络Pad;cotton pad;felt pad
  1. 踝关节骨折术后棉垫加压配合冰敷疗效观察

    Clinical observation on curative effect of pressurized bandaging with cotton pad and ice compress to cure ankle fracture post-operation

  2. 准备毫针刺法练习用的纸垫或棉垫。

    To prepare a piece of paper pad or cotton pad for needling practice .

  3. 您每日用多少棉垫?

    How many pads do you use each day ?

  4. 婴儿高压氧舱内棉垫的两种消毒方法比较

    Comparison of Two Disinfecting Ways for Cotton Pads in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

  5. 将等量的发丝紧致精华和漱口水混合,用棉垫涂抹在头皮上。

    Mix equal parts witch hazel and mouthwash and apply to the scalp with cotton pads .

  6. 用玫瑰水或眼部卸妆水浸湿棉垫,闭上双眼,把棉垫敷在眼睛上。

    Soak cotton wool pads in rosewater or eye make-up remover . Close your eyes and place the pads across each one .

  7. 将一切可能导致神经受骨骼压迫的位置加以棉垫保护,包括上臂桡神经处、肘关节尺神经沟处及腓骨小头腓总神经走行处。

    Padding should be placed over the area where a nerve may be pressed against the bone , that is , the radial nerve in the arm , the ulnar nerve at the elbow , and peroneal nerve at the neck of the fibula .

  8. 多数小地毯是简单的棉质方块垫。

    Most of the rugs are simple cotton squares .