
suō biāo
  • spear
梭镖 [suō biāo]
  • [spear] 装上长柄的两边有刃的尖刀

  • 每逢作战,群众都自动送情报,出提架,拿着梭镖,大刀来配合。--《遵义会议的光芒》

  1. 捉鱼时,它是一把锋利的梭镖。

    It is a good spear for catching fish .

  2. 他将梭镖掷向那人,但偏得太远没有击中。

    He threw his spear at the man but it went wide of the mark .

  3. 那艘幽灵的梭镖飞船扫描了我们。

    The Wraith dart that scanned us .

  4. 建设农民武装另有一个新的方面,即农会的梭镖队。

    A new way is through the setting up of spear corps under the peasant associations .

  5. 若被这种梭镖队吓翻了,那真是胆小鬼!

    Anyone who is scared at the sight of the spear Corps is indeed a weakling !

  6. 这梭镖看起来像一道闪光,直向那片云飞去。

    The spear looked like a flash of light as it went right up to the cloud .

  7. 梭镖投射器是石器时代的投掷武器,是弓和箭的前身。

    A Stone Age dart weapon , the atlatl was the precursor to the bow and arrow .

  8. 我们有个腹部中枪没法走路的人,血流得象头中了梭镖的猪。

    We got a guy who 's shot in the belly , who can 't walk , bleeds like a stuck pig .

  9. 长矛只能以有限的速度抛出较短的距离,而梭镖投射器能以每小时160千米(100英里每小时)的速度向前抛出。

    While spears could only be thrown at limited speeds and distances , atlatl could launch darts at over 160 kilometers per hour ( 100 mph ) .

  10. 这个广大的梭镖势力,大于前述旧武装势力,是使一切土豪劣绅看了打颤的一种新起的武装力量。

    This multitude equipped with spears , which is larger than the old armed forces mentioned above , is a new-born armed power the mere sight of which makes the local tyrants and evil gentry tremble .

  11. 大别山就发生这种情况,把小地主、富农逼上梁山,拿起梭镖和我们干,群众也受到摧残。

    Such a situation occurred in the Dabie Mountains . There small landlords and rich peasants were driven to revolt and took up spears to fight against us , and the masses were harmed , too .

  12. 绕线结束之后,梭芯压片分离,绕线轮自动地停止。这梭镖看起来像一道闪光,直向那片云飞去。

    The moment the bobbin has been wound up , the bobbin presser is released , and the bobbin winder will stop automatically . The spear looked like a flash of light as it went right up to the cloud .

  13. 原因:一是农会会员漫山遍野,梭镖短棍一呼百应,土匪无处藏踪。

    The reasons are : First , the members of the peasant associations are everywhere spread out over the hills and dales , spear or cudgel in hand , ready to go into action in their hundreds , so that the bandits have nowhere to hide .