
  • visionary;The Dreamer
  1. 有时一个胜者(成功者)仅仅是一个从不放弃的梦想者。

    Sometimes a winner is justly a dreamer who nerve gave up .

  2. 请他们留住我们的梦想者。

    And tell them to hang on to our dreamer .

  3. 世界总是为梦想者让路。

    The world always makes way for the dreamer .

  4. 让这个梦想者怡然自乐到天明。

    that comfort the dreamer until the morning .

  5. 因为美国人也是梦想者。

    Because Americans are dreamers , too .

  6. 梦想者活在自己的世界里。

    Dreamers live in their own world .

  7. 上述原因对没有梦想者开始梦想是一个很好的开端。

    The reasons stated above should be a good start for non-dreamers to start dreaming .

  8. 救世主,毁灭者,希望它真的存在,以梦想者的原罪之名。

    Redeemer , devastion , Hope it only has been ment , For the sin of the dreamer .

  9. 布莱克太太是个梦想者,而她的丈夫是个脚踏实地的人。

    Mrs Black was a dreamer , but her husband was a man with his feet on the ground .

  10. 他是坚决、严肃、铁面无私的,他是沉郁的梦想者,他能屈能伸,有如盲从的信徒。

    He was stoical , serious , austere , a melancholy dreamer , humble and haughty , like fanatics .

  11. 为了给每一个梦想者搭建一座舞台,为了每一座梦想的舞台上,都有人生出彩的机会。

    For every dreamer to have a stage , and for every dream seeker to have an opportunity for success .

  12. 如果说最年长的哥哥姐姐们是一心奋斗的人,那么是顽强可以说是赌徒和梦想者。在中间的孩子呢?

    If eldest sibs are the dogged achievers and youngest sibs are the gamblers and visionaries , where does this leave those in between ?

  13. 这不是一个银行业梦想者施展身手的地方银行只能在获准的时候,做自己获准做的事。

    This is no place for banking visionaries lenders do what they 're allowed to do , when they 're allowed to do it .

  14. 凡是支持创始人的投资者都认为,虽然有时候,你需要指导一位梦想家如何成为一名强势的公司经营者,但要想将一位商人培养成一名梦想者却几乎没有任何可能。

    Those who back founders will argue that while you can sometimes teach a dreamer to be a strong business operator , you can rarely teach a businessman to dream .

  15. 当问到是什么使他改变主意时,房主说:“看了你的广告之后,我发现我已经生活在那个我一直梦想者居住的地方了。”

    When asked what changed his mind , the homeowner said ," After reading your ad , I realized I had already lived in the home I always wanted to live in . "

  16. 这个月,伟大的梦想者们用来超越现实的力量将成为你的力量,透过你心中的光来引导,你将会能够克服困惑和非黑即白的观点。

    This month , you will be able to cut through confusion and competing perspectives as the power by which great dreamers transcend reality will be yours to direct through the light of your mind .

  17. ORCA梦想的守护者们,我们的时间已经来到了!

    The defenders of ORCA dream , NOW IS OUR TIME !

  18. 梦想与梦想者永存。

    The dream and dreamers will survive .

  19. 每个女孩都期待着人生这一时刻的到来,而你就是这个梦想的实现者。

    Each and every girl waits for this moment in her life so you should be able to fulfil all her wishes .

  20. 从而让孩子以后步入社会能成为创业的开拓者、梦想的实现者,能成为对社会有价值和有影响的人。

    So that your child can become the dream realizer and career creater , and even become a great person who influences the world .

  21. 因为你是梦想与梦想者,故事与电影,演员与你自己电影的制片人。

    For you are the dream and the dreamer , the story and the play , the actor and the producer of your own play .

  22. 真相不再是记忆的负担,它象我们梦想的洞悉者,决心的设计师一样令人奋发。

    A fact is no longer a burden on the memory , it is energizing as the poet of our dreams and as the architect of our purposes .

  23. 他既是个人主义者,又曾为社会主义者;既是梦想的追逐者,又沦为美国梦的受害者;既崇尚原始野性力量,又捍卫人类文明。

    He was both an individualist and a socialist ; a dreamer maker at first and a victim of his American dream in the end ; an advocator of wild force and a protector of human civilization .

  24. 梦想并不妨碍一辆马车经过,梦想者也正瞧见了那辆马车。

    Revery does not prevent a cab from passing by , nor the dreamer from taking note of that cab .

  25. 人们为这些幻影献身;对献身者来说,这些幻影几乎总是些梦想,总之,是些混淆了人类坚定信念的梦想。起义者把起义镀上了金又把它诗意化了。

    And we sacrifice ourselves for these visions , which are almost always illusions for the sacrificed , but illusions with which , after all , the whole of human certainty is mingled .