
  1. 他是所有姑娘的梦中情人!

    He 's every girl 's dream !

  2. 37度女郎是每个男人的梦中情人。

    A 37-degree woman is every man 's dream woman .

  3. .Mr.Big出现了——(他是)商业大亨、典型的梦中情人……而且还不属于我这个圈子。

    It was Mr. Big , major tycoon , major dreamboat ... and majorly out of my league

  4. 你知道,整整两年,知道我遇见Amanda之前,她一直是我的梦中情人。

    You know for2 years , she was the woman of my dreams until I met Amanda .

  5. 我的梦中情人叫Gwynn,他来自南非(另一个我心神往之的地方)。

    The man of mine is Gwynn . He is originally from South Africa ( another place I wish to visit ) .

  6. 上面说在那儿你能够见到你的梦中情人。

    Says here you can meet the man of your dreams .

  7. 我希望你已经嫁给了你的梦中情人。

    I hope youre married to the man of your dreams .

  8. 你知道梦中情人的样子吧?

    You know the kind of guy you always dream about ?

  9. 不要把你的全部时间花在单独和你的梦中情人在一起。

    Don 't spend all your time alone with your special someone .

  10. 约到你的梦中情人了吗?

    You get a chance to ask that girl out ?

  11. 今天,我嫁给了我的梦中情人。

    Today , I married the man of my dreams .

  12. 安娜·库尔尼科娃是男性网球迷的梦中情人。

    Anna Kournikova is the darling of male tennis fans .

  13. 没想到,我的梦中情人,早我一步来到了这里。

    Of course , my dream girl had gone there before me .

  14. 利兹、胶卷,以及那里的梦中情人。

    Leeds , films and girls remained in a dream .

  15. 第三个,则是你的梦中情人。

    And the third is the giri of your dreams .

  16. 你要找到自己的梦中情人?

    You want to find the person of your dreams ?

  17. 知道了,就是长得像你的梦中情人么。

    Okay , so he looks like that Kane guy .

  18. 她感到她的梦中情人,走入了她的生命。

    She felt the man of her dreams walked into her life .

  19. 告诉我她是你梦中情人。

    You tell me that that 's your dream girl .

  20. 亲爱的,你是我的梦中情人。(你是我梦的主题)

    Darling , you are my theme for a dream .

  21. 她是我理想的女孩,是我的梦中情人。

    She is the ideal girl , the one I had dreamed of .

  22. 我在和我的梦中情人约会。

    I was dating the woman of my dreams .

  23. 你又可以跟梦中情人在一起了。

    And you could stay with your dream man .

  24. 无论怎样,也许你再也找不到完美的梦中情人了。

    Either way , you may never find your perfect dream lover again !

  25. 我今天遇到我的梦中情人了。

    I met the girl of my dreams today .

  26. 因为你是我的梦中情人。

    Because you were the lover of my dream .

  27. 每晚我都希望和祈祷一个梦中情人来到我身旁。

    Every night I hope and pray a dream lover will come my way .

  28. 33因为你是我的梦中情人

    because you are the lover in my dream

  29. 这个表达我的梦中情人不是没有理由的!

    The expression Man / Woman of my dreams isnt around for no reason !

  30. 还有就是你的梦中情人。

    And then there is your dream sweetheart .