
  • 网络ANITA;anita mui
  1. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  2. 这就变成了看梅艳芳“最后的机会”!

    This became my " last chance " to Anita Mui !

  3. 对于演唱会,梅艳芳自己其实比谁都重视。

    Anita Mui is always very serious about all her concerts .

  4. 你要不是中了梅艳芳的红字。

    If you didn 't win with Anita mui 's numbers .

  5. 梅艳芳有个哄动的葬礼,谁都想像得到。

    Anita Mui had splendid funeral , that was expected .

  6. 梅艳芳:我觉得在工作上我是没有遗憾的。

    Anita Mui : For my work , I have no regret ;

  7. 不过,梅艳芳从未要求过我们同意。

    However , Anita Mui never asked us for agreement .

  8. 亚洲人对歌星梅艳芳表示哀悼。

    People in Asia expressed their mourning for the singing star Mei yanfang .

  9. 梅艳芳:我当然是有了一些改变。

    Anita Mui : Of course I have changed .

  10. 原来,在很久以前,梅姑(梅艳芳昵称)曾经很想当一名家庭主妇。

    Long time ago , Mui Koo always wanted to be a housewife .

  11. 昨晚在主办商的安排之下,梅艳芳接受本地媒体连线访问。

    The organizer arranged an interview between Anita Mui and the media last night .

  12. 梅艳芳实在是此地娱乐圈的传奇人物。

    Anita Mui is really a legend of this entertainment industry of Hong Kong .

  13. 网主把这个网页献给梅艳芳小姐及她所有在世界各地的歌迷和影迷。

    This bilingual homepage is dedicated to Anita Mui and her fans around the world .

  14. 只可惜梅艳芳这次来马并没召开记者会,没能让大马传媒问知她的近况及感情世界。

    It is a pity that she didn 't give a press conference this time .

  15. 她的名字,叫梅艳芳!

    Her name is Anita Mui !

  16. 梅艳芳的演出服以前全是名时装大师刘培基设计的。

    Costumes for all her previous concerts were designed by the famous designer , Eddie lau .

  17. 变成和梅艳芳开工的例牌工序。

    " Waiting for Ah Mu " became a typical procedure of working with Anita Mui .

  18. 除非你是她,梅艳芳!

    Unless you are Anita Mui !

  19. 梅艳芳:(笑)也不是每一次都带。

    Anita Mui ( A ):( smiling ) I don 't bring it along all the time .

  20. 让记者没有想到的是梅艳芳除了喜欢小动物,看足球也是她的一大爱好。

    It surprised the reporter that Anita Mui , besides loving pets , likes watching football too .

  21. 梅艳芳:我不知道,但我想最起码,我一定可以找到一份真的感情。

    Anita Mui : I don 't know , but at least I can definitely find real sentiment !

  22. 面对当今歌坛这种现象,作为歌坛“大姐大”的梅艳芳自然不满意。

    As a big sister of the show biz , Anita Mui is not happy about this phenomenon .

  23. 生活中和舞台上反差极大的梅艳芳被歌迷们誉为“百变歌后”。

    There is apparently big difference between Anita Mui on stage and Anita Mui of her real life .

  24. 梅艳芳:我还没有尝试过,当然希望尝试一下。

    Anita Mui : I have never tried before , of course , I 'd like to try .

  25. 一个天生的歌手,一个天生的演员,一个传奇的女子,这就是梅艳芳。

    Anita Mui was born with talent to be a singer , an actress and a girl with wonders .

  26. 幸福的道路不止一条,所以我一直不为梅艳芳遗憾。

    There is not only one road leading to happiness , so I don 't feel regret for her .

  27. 梅艳芳在上海开演唱会,我想都没有想,就去买了票。

    When Anita Mui had her concert in Shanghai , I went to buy the ticket without any hesitation .

  28. 摄影棚里的梅艳芳,满满自信的站在镜头的前面。

    Inside the movie studio , Anita Mui is standing in front of the camera , full of confidence .

  29. 对于一向泼脱无拘系的梅艳芳,她怎样处理这个角色?

    How does Anita Mui , who doesn 't like lingering feeling with ex love relation , handle this role ?

  30. 梅艳芳:我其实很想把所有的事情都放下来,全部都不要顾虑。

    Anita Mui : Actually I want to put all my things aside , not to worry about them anymore .