
Liánɡ Shíqiū
  • literary critic, teacher, translator of Western literature, outstanding lexicographer;a leading figure in the Crescent Moon Society
  1. 冲突与融合&梁实秋的自由主义思想论

    Conflict and Harmony & On the liberalism Idea of Liang Shi-qiu

  2. 学者型翻译家梁实秋翻译思想研究

    On the Perspectives in Translation of Liang Shi-qiu as a Scholarly Translator

  3. 梁实秋是中国现代著名文学评论家、散文家、翻译家。

    Liang Shiqiu is Chinese famous literature critic prose writer and translator .

  4. 论梁实秋的独特文化选择

    Comment on Liang Shiqiu ′ s distinctive choice of culture

  5. 从读者反应理论看朱生豪、梁实秋的莎译本中文化空缺词的翻译

    An analysis of culture-gapped translation in the light of readers ' response theory

  6. 梁实秋文学批评的核心概念是“人性论”。

    The key concept of Liang Shiqiu literary criticism is the theory of human nature .

  7. 很多人不能原谅梁实秋晚年的移情,但他是幸福的。

    A lot of people can not forgive Liang Shih-chiu Empathy old age , but he is happy .

  8. 然而由于各种原因,梁实秋翻译观与翻译实践却未给予充分关注。

    But for various reasons , no enough attention has been paid to his translation theory and practice .

  9. 在此基础上总结了梁实秋在中国现代文学史上的地位和贡献。

    In the end , the paper summarizes Liang Shiqiu 's position and contribution in the contemporary literature history of China .

  10. 第三节总结出论争的实质是文学观念的论争,与抗战无关是梁实秋文学人性论的张扬。

    In the third section , the author summarizes the essence of the debate , which is the argument on literary conception .

  11. 作为现代中国著名的批评家与比较文学家,梁实秋将文学置于跨文化的语境中进行了独特的跨学科考察。

    As a famous critic and scholar in comparative literature , Liang Shiqiu made a unique trans-disciplinary study on literature in a cross-cultural context .

  12. 自相识的第六天开始,像做功课一样,梁实秋每天一信,当面递到她手上。

    Since the beginning of the sixth acquaintance , like doing homework , Liang Shih-chiu day a letter , personally hand over to her .

  13. 中国现代文学史上的一桩历史公案&梁实秋与鲁迅之争,主要集中在人性、翻译等四个方面。

    This article aims at forming a fresh judgement on the public polemics in the records of Chinese contemporary literature between Liangshiqiu and Luxun .

  14. 梁实秋的一生拥有两份不同质的爱,与程季淑的爱是“水”质的,柔韧舒缓;

    Liang Shih-chiu , a life with two different quality of love , and Cheng Shu-quarter Love is the " water " quality , flexibility ease ;

  15. 大陆对梁实秋文艺思想的评价和研究在不同的阶段有着不同的分析视角,由此形成了不同的评价研究类型或范式。

    There are several steps and views in research of Liang Shiqiu ′ s art theory in the mainland and it has formed various research genres .

  16. 梁实秋的文学批评话语是建构在古典主义理论基础之上的,理性至上是古典主义的重要特征。

    The literary criticism theory of Liang Shi-qiu was constructed on the foundation of classic theories , which have a most important characteristic of rational supremacy .

  17. 从伦理想象到品味人生&试论梁实秋前后期的人性论文学观念

    From Ethical Imagination to to Taste Life & A Study of the Literary Concept of Liang Shi-qiu 's Humanistic Nature Theory in His Early and Late Periods

  18. 梁实秋于新月时期将人性论与自然人性论相对立,与阶级论相对立;

    During the crescent stage , Liang Shiqiu set the theory of human nature and against the natural theory of human nature and the theory of class .

  19. 从追踪溯源来看,梁实秋的文学批评思想受到了中、西文化的影响,尤其是中国传统思想的影响占主导。

    From the crake to see liangshiqiu 's literature criticize idea was given the effect of the china west culture , especially in china traditional idea take dominant .

  20. 梁实秋批评策略的调整使他逐渐地认同五四新文学传统,但他在终极的文学理论上没有放弃古典主义立场。

    The evolution of his comment strategy urged Liang gradually agreeing with the " May-Fourth " literary tradition , but his ultimate standpoint in literary theory is classicalism .

  21. 1915年,著名作家梁实秋进入清华,但他没有在毕业前通过游泳考试,因此不得不补考。

    Renowned writer Liang Shih-chiu , entering Tsinghua University in 1915 , failed the swimming test before his graduation , and he had to do his best at the make-up examination .

  22. 梁实秋翻译莎剧的目的是将一流的文学作品忠实地翻译给读者,所以他侧重使用文献型翻译。

    For Liang Shi-qiu , the purpose of translating Shakespeare is to faithfully replicate the first-rate literary works for the readers , so he is inclined to adopt documentary translation strategy .

  23. 作为理论批评家的梁实秋,他的散文理论批评颇富真知灼见,是他整个理论批评中很有特色的部分,对五四以后现代散文理论批评的发展具有积极的意义。

    As a theory critic , Liang Shiqiu has his own penetrating judgment on the prose theory criticism , which is the distinctive part of his theory criticism since the May-4th movement .

  24. 从诗歌功能论看,梁实秋的论述最多,但新人文主义的批评立场规约了他对诗歌本质的基本看法;

    From the view of the function of poetry , the most discussions come from Liang Shi-qiu . But , the criticism standpoint of new humanism restricts his opinion on the function of poetry ;

  25. 从文体的产生、发展的内外条件及二者的共同特征方面,对梁实秋的小品文与兰姆随笔做了比较研究;

    In terms of inside and outside conditions and features in common in course of its style coming into being and developing , the paper compared essays of Liang Shiqiu with that of Charles Lamb .

  26. 进行翻译前,梁实秋就已经具有特定的前理解结构,并影响其翻译。因此,研究翻译时不考虑译者的前理解结构是不现实的。

    When approaching the text , Liang is full of pre-understandings and the final interpretation will be influenced by his presuppositions . Therefore , to pursue a perfect translation without considering translators ' pre-understanding is unpractical .

  27. 但梁实秋与克罗齐之间,又在情与理的关系,文学工具说,如何理解文学批评等问题上有着相近的观点,这源自于他们二人本有相近的人本主义思想。

    Croce 's views . But because they both had humanistic thoughts , they had similar views in terms of the relationship between emotions and reasons , theory of literary tools and how to understand literary criticism .

  28. 梁实秋对崇高文艺思想的发展,包括对朗吉弩斯的部分思想的发展以及对朗吉弩斯以后的崇高文艺思想的吸收。

    Liang on the development of high literary and artistic thought , the main Longinus including the development of a number of ideas as well as the lofty Longinus after the absorption of literary and artistic thought .

  29. 《雅舍小品》作为梁实秋的散文代表作,题材丰富,视角独特,具有很强的艺术性和感染力。

    As a magnum opus of Liang Shiqiu , the work Yashe Essays has a very strong fascinating power and its artistry is out of the ordinary , according to its rich materials and a unique field of vision .

  30. 本文通过对学者型翻译家梁实秋在与鲁迅先生的论战、莎剧翻译和莎学研究、以及对其他外国文学作品翻译和评论活动的分析,全面分析和梳理了这位学者型翻译家的翻译思想。

    The paper explores the the perspectives in translation of Liang Shi-qiu as a scholarly translator in the controversy with Lu Xun , his translation and studies on Shakespeare 's works and other literary masterpieces , and his commentaries on translation works .