
  1. 梁遇春小品文的外来影响

    The Foreign Influence on the Essays of Yuchun Liang

  2. 梁遇春和英国小品文的影响

    Liang Yuchun and the influence of English essays

  3. 梁遇春是二三十年代散文创作领域的一颗彗星。

    Liang Yuchun is a comet in the field of prose writing of the twenties and thirties .

  4. 梁遇春与钱钟书二人都不同程度地受到英国随笔的影响,但同时又都显示出中国传统散文的特征和气蕴。

    Liang Yuchun together with Qian Zhongshu are influenced to some extent by British prose jottings ; meanwhile , their works reveal characteristics and spirits of Chinese traditional prose .

  5. 论明代文学复古的思想意义兼与心学思潮比较泪与笑的歌者梁遇春小品文意念解读

    On the Signification of the Literary Trend which Advocates Returning to the ancients in Ming Dynasty A Writer Who Advocates Tears and Laugh : Interpretation upon Thought in Liang Yuchun 's Essays

  6. 其中,深受影响的是一批精通英文的自由派散文家,以周作人、林语堂、梁遇春、梁实秋、钱歌川等人为代表。

    Among them , those who were profoundly influenced were a number of prose-writers of liberal school who had a good command of English , who are represented by such writers as Zhou Zuo-ren , Lin Yu-tang , Liang Yu-chun , Liang Shi-qiu and Qian Ge-chuan .