
  1. 但伦敦LiberumCapital公司的分析师认为,未来数年,大型铁矿石生产商将处于非常有利的地位,因为铁矿石开采业具有非常高的进入壁垒,这使得其它生产者很难在短期内迎头赶上。

    But for the next few years , the big producers are in an excellent position , according to analysts at Liberum Capital in London . Iron ore mining has unusually high barriers to entry . That makes it hard for other producers to catch up in the short term .

  2. 伊利石开形指数的地质意义探讨

    Geological significance of illite opening index

  3. 路缘石开槽机工作装置支撑结构及施力臂的受力分析和强度校核

    Strees Analysis and Check up Strength of Support Structure and Loaded Arm of Slot-drilling Machine of Curb

  4. 剑壁:相传是花木兰磨剑试锋的石壁,磨砺痕迹和剑劈石开的断口,至今清晰可见。

    Sword Wall : It was said that Mulan tested her sword here . The grinding mark and the breakpoint is clearly seen till now .

  5. 一艘满载货物的散装货轮从巴西航行到中国需要35天,时间比从另一个主要的铁矿石开采国&澳大利亚到中国长3倍。

    It takes 35 days for a fully loaded bulk carrier to travel from Brazil to China . This is three times longer than from Australia , the other major iron ore mining country , to China .