
  1. 第三章是对诗歌风格的阐述,其艺术手法的运用,使谢翱获得很高的评价。

    The third chapter is a description of poetic style , its artistic use , so thank Ao was highly acclaimed .

  2. 谢翱作为遗民诗人,受其个人遭遇和历史文化的深刻影响,诗歌中的爱国之情感人肺腑。

    Xie Ao as a Poet , by their personal experiences and profound impact on history and culture , poetry patriotism touching .

  3. 谢翱诗歌在南宋末年的诗歌中占据重要地位,为宋末诗人之冠。

    Xie Ao Poetry Poetry of the Southern Song Dynasty to occupy an important position , the highest for the Song poet .

  4. 谢翱在沦落为遗民之后的飘泊流浪生活,进一步助长了飘零孤独之情,但诗人始终矢志不渝,坚守民族气节。

    Xie Ao reduced to Dynasty in the street after the wandering life , further contributed to the wandering lonely feeling , but the poet still unshaken , adhere to national integrity .

  5. 谢翱的人格美集中体现在重建儒家的价值伦理体系中,其诗师法众多,兼具平淡与奇幻之美。

    The nobly characteristic beauty of Xie Ao , s poems concentrates on constructing the value system of Confucian ethic , and he imitates many masters of predecessors , his style is flat and bizarre .

  6. 谢翱是在努力学习屈原、李贺、张籍、贾岛、姚合等诗人诗歌的过程中努力建立自己诗歌风格,并结合了自己所独有的个性气质与身世遭遇。

    Xie Ao poetry style is an effort to learn Qu Yuan , Li , Zhang Ji , Jia Dao , Yao and other poems established poets , combined with its own unique personality and the life experience encountered .

  7. 谢翱作为南宋遗民诗人,历经宋元朝代更迭,身经家国覆亡的剧变,具有深厚的遗民情结,以其遗民事迹和诗歌为后人所敬仰。

    Xie Ao as the Southern Song Dynasty poet , after the Song and Yuan dynasty , who have been through the fall of the dramatic changes in home country , has a profound Adherent Complex , with its adherents stories and poetry admired by later generations .