
  • 网络Granada
  1. 格兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。

    Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte .

  2. 陈列在格兰纳达某家博物馆中的伊莎贝拉白一世的皇冠和节杖。

    The crown and sceptre of Queen Isabella I , on display at a museum in Granada .

  3. 解读西班牙格兰纳达霍塞·盖雷罗艺术中心

    Interpreting Jos é Guerrero Center in Granada , Spain

  4. 格兰纳达枪骑兵来自伊比利亚地区的摩尔族裔,是训练有素盔甲精良的重骑兵,冲锋威力惊人。

    Recruited in Moorish Iberia , these troops are trained and well equipped heavy cavalry , capable of deadly charges .

  5. 西班牙格兰纳达大学的这项研究还发现,当男性对女性微笑,她们就会变得更加狭隘和顺从。

    The study by the University of Granada in Spain also found that women assumed a more narrow and submissive posture when a man smiled at them .

  6. 它作为一个屏幕出现在环绕格兰纳达的高速公路前,通过完全覆盖其表面的巨大等离子屏幕传达信息。

    It thus appears before the highway that circles Granada as a screen-fa ç ade that sends messages over the large plasma screens that will cover it entirely .

  7. 她和她的丈夫&费迪南德五世国王,是西班牙于1492年将格兰纳达这个摩尔侵略者最后一个据点收归管辖并形成统一局面后的首任君主夫妇。

    She and her husband , King Ferdinand V , were the first monarchs of a unified Spain after taking control of Granada-the last holding of the Moorish invaders-in1492 .

  8. 他们在半岛只待了四天,然后从险湾驾驶到格兰纳达。此时正是神圣周,他们在星光下观看宗教表演。

    They only spent four days on the Peninsula , driving over the hairpin bends to Granada where , it being Holy Week , they saw a religious procession in the starlight .

  9. 为了完成这所有的构想,一个巨大的横向平台沿着河,将作为格兰纳达新区的公共空间。

    And to finish the entire operation , a large horizontal platform all the way to the River , the MA open FIELD that will serve as a public space in that new area of the city of Granada .