
  • 网络Galanz;GLANZ
  1. 本文的第二部分对格兰仕公司规模经济成功的案例进行了分析,格兰仕的成功对JY公司发展规模经济效益有借鉴作用;

    In the second part , the successful case of scale profits achieved in GALANZ Electric Appliance Co. , Ltd.

  2. 格兰仕(Galanz)的招聘主管刘婷婷(音译)与十几个身着制服的同事们聊着天,出站的农民工络绎不绝地从他们身边走过。

    Liu Tingting , a recruiting executive with Galanz , chatted with a dozen uniformed colleagues as migrant workers exiting the station streamed past them .

  3. 我国工程机械业国际化经营问题探讨国际化经营中OEM方式的效应分析&以顺德家电企业格兰仕集团为例

    Discussion on international management in construction machinery industry of our country Case-Based Analysis of the OEM Practice in International Management

  4. 这是广东格兰仕集团微波炉生产线。

    This is the microwave oven assembly line of Guangdong Galanz Group .

  5. 从格兰仕飞跃谈我国企业发展的现实战略

    A Reference on Practical Strategy for Enterprise Development by Looking at Galanz 's Leap

  6. 论文研究了乡镇企业规模经济战略遵循的基本原则,行业选择,投资决策等,并以格兰仕规模经济战略为例,分析了规模经济战略成功的基本条件。

    Firstly . the thesis analyze basic principles , industry choice . investment decision-making to TVEs .

  7. 格兰仕的拐点

    The inflexion of Galanz

  8. 两年之后,中国格兰仕公司开始生产微波炉,其销售价格仅为松下微波炉的一半。

    Two years later the Chinese company Galanz started making microwaves and selling them for half Matsushita 's price .

  9. 产品己是国内许多知名企业的配套厂家,如美的集团、格兰仕、华淩等。

    Many products they are supporting manufacturers of well-known businesses such as the Group of the United States , Glanz , Hualing other .

  10. 本文笔者结合实例-格兰仕集团,运用企业竞争情报分析方法&SWOT对格兰仕进入空调行业进行了具体的分析。

    The author has a concrete analysis on Galanz by making use of the method of SWOT , combining with the the example-Galanz Enterprise .

  11. 基于最优脉冲控制的战略互补产品创新投资决策企业最优业务组合战略的一个理论廓清&以格兰仕为案例

    Investment decision making in technology innovation of strategic complementary product based on optimal impulse control ; Theoretic Clearing of the Best Business Portfolio of Corporate

  12. 格兰仕的人员都戴着饰有“格兰仕欢迎你”字样的红黄彩带,但几乎找不到可以欢迎的新员工。

    All were wearing red and yellow sashes emblazoned with the message that " Galanz welcomes you " . But there were few new recruits to welcome .

  13. 通过对格兰仕公司快速发展壮大,成为全球最大微波炉生产企业这一典型案例分析,结合我国现阶段市场经济特点,论述了我国企业发展的现实战略。

    Analyzing Galanz 's quick development and growth to be the largest factory of microwave ovens of the world , linking to the characteristics of the current market economy , this article discussed some practical strategies for the development of the country 's enterprises on the stage .