
hé nénɡ fā diàn
  • Nuclear power generation;production of electricity from nuclear energy
  1. 日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。

    Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation .

  2. 根据国际能源署(InternationalEnergyAgency)的数据,中国燃煤发电量仍占到总发电量的80%左右,而核能发电量仅占2%左右。

    China currently uses coal to generate roughly 80 % of its electricity , according to the International Energy Agency , while only around 2 % comes from nuclear .

  3. 我们是世界上核能发电量最大的国家。

    We are the biggest nuclear power producer in the world .

  4. 全球去年核能发电量增加百分之四。

    World nuclear power generation increased by4 % last year .

  5. 日本政府证实福岛核能发电厂辐射线已外漏!

    Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants .

  6. 核能发电与我国核电事业之路

    Nuclear Power Generation and the Development of the Nuclear Power in China

  7. 核能发电的优点及世界核电发展动向

    Benefits of nuclear power generation and status of world nuclear power development

  8. 核能发电厂是巨大而复杂的建筑物。

    Nuclear power stations are massive and complex structures .

  9. 因此,我们以第四代核能发电为基础,发展我们的概念。

    So we built our concept on a foundation of fourth-generation nuclear power .

  10. 甚至石油都比核能发电更受欢迎。

    Even oil is more popular than nuclear .

  11. 以上工作对新型核能发电系统的研究提供了值得借鉴的经验。

    This fundamental study is useful to development of novel nuclear power generation system .

  12. 经过大众极力反对后,那座核能发电场才建起来。

    The nuclear power station was only built after much opposition from the public .

  13. 一个协议将在印度,在指定地址为美国公司建造两处核能发电厂。

    One would designate sites for American firms to build two nuclear power plants in India .

  14. 政府的核能发电计划

    A governmental nuclear power generation scheme

  15. 在这次由地震和海啸引起的核灾难之前,日本民众已经开始逐渐接受利用核能发电这一概念。

    Opposition to nuclear power had slowly been falling in Japan , before the recent disaster .

  16. 在调查会上,人们正提出完全针锋相对的赞成和反对利用核能发电的证据。

    Very conflicting evidence for and against nuclear energy power is being given at the enquiry .

  17. 我们所有不排放二氧化碳,不排放硫化物,不排放氮,不排放铅的电力,其中有百分之是七十来自核能发电。

    Seventy percent of our carbon-free , sulfur-free , nitrogen-free , mercury-free electricity comes from nuclear plants .

  18. 目前化石能源越来越少,核能发电正在世界范围内快速发展。

    At present the fossil energy less and less , nuclear power fast development in the world .

  19. 他们发现,核能发电是最不受欢迎的发电方式之一。

    And what they found is that nuclear is actually one of the least popular forms of energy .

  20. 其结果极有可能是温室气体增多与核能发电量上升同时出现。

    It will in all likelihood come with some combination of more greenhouse gases and more nuclear output .

  21. 核能发电看起来是个很好的选择,但是潜藏一个巨大的问题,

    So nuclear seems like a pretty good option , but there 's this big problem with it ,

  22. 作为一个核能发电的长期支持者,她在今年的福岛核电站事故之后关闭了七个反应堆。

    A longtime supporter of nuclear power , she shut down seven reactors after the Fukushima disaster this year .

  23. 福岛事件后仅仅几天,南非就宣布要提高核能发电量。

    South Africa , just days after the Fukushima incident , announced that it would increase its nuclear output .

  24. 核能发电作为发展较成熟的新能源利用方式,无污染、经济性好。

    Nuclear energy power generation as a developed utilization method of new energy , it is pollution-free and economical efficiency .

  25. 在我退休之前,我的研究兴趣主要集中在核能发电安全、能源与环境系统、以及电动车上面。

    Before taking early retirement several years ago , I did research on energy and environmental systems and electric vehicles .

  26. 在三个月前举行的一次全民公决中,百分之94的意大利投票者拒绝一项重新开始核能发电的计划。

    In a referendum three months ago , 94 percent of Italian voters rejected a proposal to return to nuclear power generation .

  27. 伊朗和俄罗斯开始为德黑兰的第一座核能发电站的核反应堆装载核燃料,这一切都势在必行了。

    In an irreversible step , Iran and Russia began putting nuclear fuel into the reactor of Tehran 's first atomic power station .

  28. 中国计划建成总共6000万千瓦的核能发电量,尚不及每年新建的燃煤电厂发电量。

    China aims to have 60 gigawatts in nuclear capacity less than the capacity it adds each year in new coal-fired power stations .

  29. 自日本在2011年海啸之后停止核能发电以来,能源进口就已经将该国长期以来的贸易盈余转为贸易赤字。

    Since the country switched off nuclear power following the 2011 tsunami , energy imports have driven its longstanding surplus into a deficit .

  30. 福岛县福岛第一核能发电厂三号反应炉,上周四冒出蒸气。

    Photo of steam rising from the number three reactor of Fukushima Dai-Chi power plant in Okumamachi , Fukushima Prefecture is shown on Thursday .