
hé tɑo shù
  • walnut tree
  1. 我们在核桃树下捡核桃。

    We go nutting under the walnut tree .

  2. 它跑跑跳跳,就穿过了灌丛和一片空地,跑到了一棵核桃树下;

    It runing and jumping through the shrub and field , under a walnut tree ;

  3. 当这种情况发生的时候,很多树,比如核桃树、橡树和松树,就会完全依靠所谓的“会播种的寄宿伙伴”,比如鸟的帮助,鸟会把树种带到新的地点。

    When that happens , many trees like walnuts , oaks and pines , rely exclusively on so-called " scatter hoarders , " such as birds , to move their seeds to new localities .

  4. 多效唑对核桃树的生理效应包括:降低GA8、IAA和ABA水平,增加叶绿素、可溶性糖和蛋白质含量,对坚果品质影响不大。

    Increase the concentrations of chlorophyll , soluble sugar and protein in leaves , reduce the contents of GA3 , IAA and ABA in shoot tips or buds , and had no influence on the quality of nuts .

  5. 核(桃)棉间作系统内,6m×8m的土壤水分和养分竞争激烈区均在距核桃树两侧2.5m范围内。

    In walnut-cotton intercropping system , fierce competition region of 6m × 8m soil moisture and nutrients are in the 2.1m range on both sides of walnut trees . 4 .

  6. 在下面的山谷里绵延着几英里的核桃树。

    Below in the valley lie miles of walnut trees .

  7. 夏天我们在室外核桃树下喝茶。

    In summer we had tea outdoors , under the chestnut tree .

  8. 他们在花园里种了一棵山核桃树。

    They planted a hickory , in their garden .

  9. 竞争区域因间作物与核桃树体大小不同而有所不同。

    The competition region changes with intercrops and walnut trees body size changes .

  10. 乔木科通常具有可食用的坚果;灰胡桃;胡桃;山胡桃树;美洲山核桃树。

    Trees having usually edible nuts : butternuts ; walnuts ; hickories ; pecans .

  11. 美国南部的山核桃树,有许多窄的叶子和特别苦的果实。

    Hickory of southern United States having many narrow leaflets and rather bitter nuts .

  12. 大核桃树幼小。

    Pecan tree is young and small .

  13. 进了林子还有一段路呢。她的房子就在三棵大橡树下,低处围着核桃树篱笆。

    Her house stands under the three large oak-trees , the nut-trees are just below .

  14. 给他一棵核桃树。

    Give him a walnut tree .

  15. 父亲,红高粱说要治好您的发烧,老核桃树说。

    Father , red sorghum claims to cure your fever ; the age-old walnut tree professes .

  16. 幼龄实生核桃树的改造技术

    Improvement of Young Seedling Walnut Tree

  17. 此外,梁自付在附近的山上种植了橙树、桃树和核桃树。

    In addition , Liang planted orange , peach and walnut trees on the mountains nearby .

  18. 生长过大的核桃树,不便于修剪,喷药和采收。

    Walnut trees that grow too large make it inconvenient to prune , spray , and harvest .

  19. 几棵山核桃树从房子后面呈拱形伸展出来。冬日的阳光在它们光秃秃的枝间涌动着。

    Several pecan trees arched up from behind the home , the winter sun streaming through their bare branches .

  20. 开车走的时候,我留意到两只松鼠互相追逐着,爬上了其中一棵山核桃树。

    Pulling from the curb , I noticed two squirrels chasing each other up one of the pecan trees .

  21. 破碎的阳光穿过橡树和一百尺高的山核桃树,把秋天的颜色演绎得淋漓尽致。

    Broken sunlight passed through water oaks and hickory trees a hundred feet tall , illuminating the colors of fall .

  22. 在美国南部地区,亚洲瓢虫(的存在)降低了农民在美洲山核桃树上使用杀虫剂的需求。

    In the southern United States , Asian lady beetles have reduced the need for farmers to use pest-killing poisons on pecan trees .

  23. 虽然葡萄园四周都是结实的房屋,但我们只看到飞舞的蝴蝶、核桃树以及经过悉心打理、长势喜人的葡萄园。

    Even though the vineyards were surrounded by substantial houses , all we saw were butterflies , walnut trees and promising , well-tended vines awaiting their spring growth .

  24. “胡桃:欧亚大陆的一种核桃树(核桃核桃属),核果大且可吃,其木材有价值.”

    " English walnut : a Eurasian tree ( Juglans regia ) cultivated in southern Europe and California for its valuable wood and its large , edible nuts . "

  25. 我总共占了十一英亩地,大都长着松树和山核桃树,上一季的地价是八元零八分一英亩。

    The whole lot contains eleven acres , mostly growing up to pines and hickories , and was sold the preceding season for eight dollars and eight cents an acre .

  26. 核(桃)农间作系统中作物与核桃树的距离越近,产量越低,并且核桃树株行距越小,变化趋势越明显。

    The closer from the walnut trees , the lower the crop yield in walnut-crop intercropping system . And the smaller planting spacing for the walnut trees , the more obvious change trend .

  27. 山核桃树果实的内核皮在自然生成的皱纹,把成百上千个核桃或切片粘结在一起,组成形态各异的物品,则具有极佳的纹理和镂空效果。

    Pecan tree of the kernel in the naturally occurring skin wrinkles , the hundreds of slices of walnut or bonded together to form objects of various shapes , it has excellent texture and hollow effect .

  28. 中国,交界河——交界河村坐落于一个长满栗子树、核桃树和桃树的山谷里,枝叶微光闪烁,四周是陡峭的山峰。

    JIAOJIEHE , China - Nestled among the shimmering chestnut , walnut and peach trees of a deep valley surrounded by craggy hills , the tiny village of Jiaojiehe suffers from being close to the nation 's capital .

  29. 我工作的地点是一个怡悦的山侧,满山松树,穿过松林我望见了湖水,还望见林中一块小小空地,小松树和山核桃树丛生着。

    It was a pleasant hillside where I worked , covered with pine woods , through which I looked out on the pond , and a small open field in the woods where pines and hickories were springing up .

  30. 本试验通过研究早实核桃的树体生长特性,枝叶解剖结构,枝条电阻和输导阻力,激素含量,IOD酶和POD酶的活性变化,研究探讨了早实核桃的矮化特性和机理。

    The experiment studied the dwarfing habit and mechanism of early bearing walnut through its growing character , the anatomy structure of shoots and leaves , IOD enzyme and POD enzyme activity , endogenous hormonal context , resistor and conduct resistance of shoot .