
hé dǎo dàn
  • nuclear missile
核导弹[hé dǎo dàn]
  1. 克莱格不想更新“Trident”核导弹项目。

    Clegg does not want to Britain 's Trident nuclear missile program .

  2. 但他补充说,台湾没有说明运抵的产品是用于mk12民兵(minuteman)核导弹上的引信。

    But he added that Taiwan had not said the products were fuses that are used on the mk12 Minuteman nuclear missile .

  3. 他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的战术核导弹。

    They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe .

  4. 他很想和美国达成协议,减少远程核导弹的数量。

    He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles .

  5. Q.需要多少射向美国的核导弹才能把美国彻底夷为平地?

    Q. How many nuclear missiles would have to be launched at the United States to turn it into a complete wasteland ?

  6. 除了坚称苏格兰会将三叉戟(Trident)核导弹系统从克莱德(Clyde)海军基地撤出,以及苏格兰不会卷入中东争端以外,萨尔蒙德没有为他的新国家提出一套外交政策。

    Beyond insisting that Scotland will banish the Trident nuclear missile system from the Clyde and that it will not be drawn into conflicts in the Middle East , Mr Salmond does not have a foreign policy for his new state .

  7. 核导弹将不再对准这些城市。

    Nuclear missiles will no longer be targeted on these cities .

  8. 目前美国有450枚地面核导弹遍布全国。

    Four-hundred-and-50 land-based nuclear missiles currently are spread across the United States .

  9. 我们的核导弹一接到通知就可以随时发射。

    Our nuclear missiles can be launched at a moment 's notice .

  10. 我们会对核导弹束手无策。

    We 'd be nowhere on stopping the missile .

  11. 每艘潜水艇上都配有足以摧毁广大区域的核导弹。

    Each submarine packs enough nuclear missiles to destroy vast areas of territory .

  12. 这些潜艇装备有核导弹。

    These submarines were armed with nuclear missiles .

  13. 这些战斗机配有核导弹。

    These fighters are armed with nuclear missiles .

  14. 双方关系在朝鲜本周核导弹试验后升级。

    Tensions are soaring after North Korea 's nuclear and missile test this week .

  15. 核导弹、电站、反应堆

    A nuclear missile , power-station , reactor

  16. 那按钮会发射我们的核导弹!

    That button launches our nuclear missiles !

  17. 他以伊朗的核导弹项目作为例子引起大家的注意。

    He drew attention to Iran 's nuclear missile programs as a case in point .

  18. 朝鲜不顾一切地谋求核导弹很快就会威胁到我们的国土。

    North Korea 's reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles could very soon threaten our homeland .

  19. 四十二枚中程核导弹正在拼命加快地拆箱,准备装到发射台上。

    Forty-two medium-range nuclear missiles were being unpacked and prepared for launching pads with desperate speed .

  20. 韩国表示,朝鲜准备于本周晚些时候进行核导弹试验。

    South Korea says the North is preparing for a nuclear missile test later this week .

  21. 失控的核导弹指的是伊朗在几周里就能收集一枚核弹。

    Rogue nukes - referring to claims that Iran could assemble a nuclear bomb in weeks .

  22. 你可以用你的能源去制造核导弹,散播毁灭性的黑暗,

    You can use your energy to build nuclear bombs and spread the darkness of destruction ,

  23. 他希望此行可以激发这些保卫民兵3型核导弹安全的在役士兵的士气。

    He hopes to boost morale among the service members who safeguard the nation 's Minuteman III nuclear missiles .

  24. 1987年,美国总统里根和苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫签署一项条约第米哈伊尔呼唤销毁中程核导弹。

    In1987 , President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S.Gorbachev signed a treaty calling for destruction of intermediate-range nuclear missiles .

  25. 近日美军导弹基地前发射人员披露,外星人曾渗透到英、美核导弹基地,使基地的武器系统瘫痪。

    Aliens have landed , infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons , according to US military pilots .

  26. 如果一枚核导弹对美国发射,这是阻止它最好的希望。

    If a nuclear missile is ever fire at the United States , this is the best hope to stop it .

  27. 当他进行调查时,一枚核导弹爆炸,发放的辐射给于他超能力。

    Casually , while Dave is doing an on the spot investigation , a nuclear missile explode , the radiation gave him superpowers .

  28. 在她游过白令海峡三个月后,里根和戈尔巴乔夫碰面,签署了中程核导弹条约。

    About three months after her swim across the Bering Straight , Ronald Regan and Mickael Gorbachov met to sign the INF missile treaty .

  29. 然而,现代武器会比广岛核爆中的核导弹威力巨大得多,所以能够在现在的核战争中存活下来的蟑螂数目会更少。

    However , modern weapons are vastly more powerful than the relatively small Hiroshima bomb , so fewer cockroaches would survive today 's nukes .

  30. 远程运载火箭在技术上的突破以及威力大重量轻的核弹头的出现使核导弹的发展进入了一个新的时期。

    The new technology of long-range launch vehicle and appearance of nuclear warhead which more powerful and lighter led nuclear missile into a new age .