
  • 网络sample distribution function
  1. 负相协样本分布函数的递归型核估计基于XML的分布式数据库递归查询优化

    A Recursive Distribution Function Estimator Under NA Samples One of Distributed Recursive Queries Based on XML

  2. 本文提出了空间逐步寻优的数据挖掘方法(SOMM),是在遗传算法寻优理论基础上,根据知识参数化样本分布函数,来逐步分离样本空间,获得样本空间的树状的层状分布结构;

    This article presents a new modal named Stepwise Optimization Making Modal ( SOMM ) which is used to dig out the tree-like hierarchical distribution structure from feature space based on the Genetic Algorithms Optimization Theory and the knowledge fused distribution functions .

  3. 相协样本分布函数光滑估计的正态逼近速度

    Uniformly asymptotic normality of the smooth estimation of the distribution function under associated samples

  4. 相依样本分布函数、回归函数的非参数估计的强相合性

    Uniform strong consistency of nonparametric estimation of a distribution function and a regression function under Dependent Samples

  5. 该算法运用多层感知器估计训练样本的分布函数,然后求导得到概率密度。

    SLC uses a multiplayer network to estimate the distribution function of the training samples and obtains density by taking derivative .

  6. 对Kohonen网络提出了如下改进:根据样本分布进行距离函数的选择,用邻域函数来改善自组织竞争性,提出基于全局映射的网络训练方法和基于二次映射的网络收敛方法;

    Some improvements in Kohonen arithmetic is brought up , such as using neighbor function covering for neighbor circle to ensure fair competition , network training method based on total mapping and network constringency method based on Double mapping .

  7. m相依样本下参数及分布函数的经验似然估计

    Empirical likelihood estimator of parameter and distribution function for stationary m Dependent Samples