
  • 网络campus media
  1. 校园媒体在学校实施育人过程中发挥着不可估量的作用。

    The campus media has been playing important role in higher education .

  2. 试论校园媒体如何做活做深重大题材报道

    How to Make the Reports of Significant Subject Matter Alive by Campus Media

  3. 高校宣传中的校园媒体整合传播研究

    Research on Campus Media Integration and Communication in the Publicity of Universities and Colleges

  4. 发挥校园媒体三贴近优势开拓离退休工作新局面

    Displays the Superiority of Campus Media " Three Close to " and Develops Retirement Work

  5. 中国高校传媒联盟通过理论支撑、物质奖励和技术支持三个层卖弄对高校媒体进行扶持,促进了许多校园媒体的发展和转型。

    China University Media Union supports college media through theoretical , material and technical methods .

  6. 高校校园媒体整合及其影响

    The University Campus Media Convergence and Influence

  7. 校园媒体资产管理研究

    Media Asset Management of The Campus

  8. 非物质的大学校园媒体空间

    Media Space of Nonmaterial University Campus

  9. 论高校校园媒体资源整合与校园宣传强势构建

    The Integration of Campus Media Resources and the Building of the Dominant Position of Its Publicity Work

  10. 坚持三贴近充分发挥高校校园媒体的作用

    Adherence to Three - Closeness Principle & For a Full Exertion of Media Function in University Campus

  11. 高校校园媒体对大学生择业观影响的个案研究

    A Case Study on the Impact of College Media on College Graduates ' Views on Profession Choosing

  12. 种类繁多、功能各一的校园媒体经过加工、开发和整合.即可成为高校德育工作的重要途径、方式和平台。

    The variety and versatile college media can become an important way to moral education after processing , development and integration .

  13. 本文同时还探讨了新形势下校园媒体新作用的正负效应及相应对策。

    The paper also discusses both the positive and negative effects of campus media under current circumstances and their corresponding countermeasures .

  14. 全国对外宣传工作会议高校宣传中的校园媒体整合传播研究

    A national conference on publicizing China overseas Research on Campus Media Integration and Communication in the Publicity of Universities and Colleges

  15. 然而,随着校园媒体的不断壮大,他们也面临着越来越尴尬的处境。

    However , with the increasing of campus media , they are facing a situation that is more and more embarrassing .

  16. 这一部分主要分析中国高校传媒联盟的成立,对高校校园媒体建设的促进作用,以及对高校传媒教育的补充作用。

    This section focuses on the analysis of the role of that CUMU plays in developing campus media and complement journalism education .

  17. 通过以上措施,促使校园媒体改变原有面貌,为受众所喜闻乐见,并逐步走上自负盈亏的发展道路。

    Through the above measures to promote the campus media to change the original appearance , loved by the audience , and gradually become self-financing development .

  18. 福建省高职院校校园媒体对体育竞赛活动的宣传力度不够;体育知识讲座较少。

    School media propaganda is not enough for Vocational College campus activities , sports contests . There are only a few lectures on sports . 5 .

  19. 作为高校校园媒体的重要组成部分,校园广播曾在教育、宣传、服务等多方面发挥重要作用。

    Campus radio , as the important component of college campus media , has played an important role in education , propaganda and service and other aspects .

  20. 因此在新形势下,积极探索高校媒体发展的新途径和新思路、真正体现一个校园媒体的价值和引领力已成为各高校传媒社团不得不深思的问题。

    Therefore , it has been an thoughtful problem to find new ways or clues and represent the values and leadership of campus media in this new situation .

  21. 为应对这一挑战,校园媒体在舆论引导功能上要加强舆论导向与传播效果的统一、党性原则与受众意识的统一;

    Facing the challenge of changing media worldwide , campus media should unify the leading public opinion and their communicating effect , and integrate the Party principles with audience awareness .

  22. 对高校管理决策而言,校园媒体在高校管理决策制定与执行中均发挥着不可忽视的作用。

    For college management decision-making , campus media as a media in universities , the existing form in universities management decision-making and implementation of all play a role that cannot be ignored .

  23. 高校媒体的育人功能要在校园媒体资源整合的基础上迅速形成合力,通过实施和谐引导,从而实现高校媒体育人功能与价值。

    The educational function of university media needs to form a combined force on the basis of the integration of campus media resources , thus achieving its function and value through harmonious guidance .

  24. 作为高校内部传播的重要渠道,如何对高校校园媒体进行有效整合和合理架构,已成为当前一个迫切需要研究的新课题。

    As the key channel of inner communication in the college , how to integrate and construct effectively and efficiently the college media is becoming an urgent topic which need to be researched .

  25. 校园媒体,是一种由学校专门的新闻部门成立的、以学校的广大师生为主要传播对象的、不以盈利为目的非商业化的一种媒介形式。

    Campus media is a kind of non-profit , non-commercial media which is founded by college 's publication department , and serves the teachers and students in the campus as its main target group .

  26. 本文介绍浙江传媒学院校园媒体资产管理系统实验室的建设,阐述校园媒体资产管理系统的功能、设计和特点。

    In this paper , we introduce the construction of media assert management system lab in Zhejiang Institute of Media and Communication , expound the functions , features and design of campus media assert management system .

  27. 第四,媒体运作方式的创新主要包括适度市场化、与校外媒体加强合作,互办发行、构建校园媒体&实习基地的一体化模式等。

    Fourth , the media , innovative works include moderate the market , and external media to strengthen cooperation and co-sponsorship issue , building " campus media - training base " of the integration mode and so on .

  28. 高校校园媒体是高校这一组织的重要组成部分,承担着解读政策方针、传递交流信息、引导校园舆论、传播先进文化的职责,在高校的发展过程中起着重要的作用。

    Campus Media is an important part of the University , which is the key in the development of the University for interpreting the policy , communicating the information , directing the public voice and broadcasting the advanced culture .

  29. 网络时代:面临挑战的校园传统媒体

    Network Times Traditional Campus Media Facing Challenge

  30. 校园主流媒体对大学生思想行为的影响及对策

    Influence and Countermeasures on the Mainstream Media of Campus to the University Students ' Ideas and Behaviors