
  • 网络dendrimer;dendrimers;dendritic polymer
  1. 本文综述二茂铁基线型聚合物和二茂铁基树枝状聚合物的超分子体系构建和性能方面的研究进展,并对今后的发展方面作一展望。

    In this paper , the recent progress in the studies on construction and properties of supramolecular systems of ferrocenyl linear polymer and ferrocenyl dendrimer was reviewed , and future development of ferrocenyl polymer was prospected .

  2. 基于此,我们设计制备以树枝状聚合物为载体,通过离子交换将小分子催化剂负载到树枝状聚合物上形成均相催化体系的树枝状负载催化剂。

    Based on this , we designed and fabricated to the dendrimer as a carrier , catalyst loading of small molecules to the dendrimers on the formation of homogeneous catalytic system , dendritic supported catalysts by ion exchange .

  3. dendrimers(树枝状聚合物)是人工合成的一种具有高度分枝状结构的纳米级分子。

    Dendrimers are synthetic nano_scale and highly branched molecules .

  4. 通过动态光散射(DLS)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)等手段对类树枝状聚合物在溶液中形成的胶束尺寸及形貌进行表征。

    The micelles of dendrimer-like polymeric formed in solution were characterized by dynamic light scattering ( DLS ) and transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) .

  5. 结果小鼠精子同树枝状聚合物共孵育后可自发性结合外源DNA,外源DNA最初结合于顶体后区质膜外表面,随后部分内化进入细胞内。

    Results showed that mouse spermatozoa incubated with Dendrimers could spontaneously take up exogenous DNA . The exogenous DNA was initially bound to the outer sperm membrane at postacrosomal region ; subsequently party of the bound DNA was internalized into nucleus .

  6. 然后将聚酰胺-胺型树枝状聚合物(dendrimers)通过共价结合的方式结合在碳纳米管表面,并将胰蛋白酶通过戊二醛交联反应固定在聚合物的氨基端。

    Then the polyamide-amine dendrimers was covalent modified on the carbon nanotubes surface . After that , trypsin was immobilized onto the dendrimers-modified carbon nanotubes ( dCNTs ) through the reaction of the aldehyde groups with the amine groups on the end of dendrimers .

  7. 树枝状聚合物的化学性质和在反渗透阻垢上的应用

    Special properties and reverse osmosis antiscalant applications of dendrimers

  8. 全偶氮苯官能化树枝状聚合物的合成

    Synthesis of Dendrimers Skeleton-Constructed with Azobenzene Moiety

  9. 树枝状聚合物光捕获特性的研究进展

    Recent Progress in Light-Harvesting Dendrimers

  10. 含有官能机制特殊树枝状聚合物可作为生物有机分子,如蛋白质及酵素的模型。

    Dendrimers with specific build - in functional groups are interesting models of biological macromolecules such as redox proteins and enzymes .

  11. 将合成的含磺酸钠的二苯基氧杂蒽膦配体、小分子铑络合物与树枝状聚合物经离子交换负载在聚合物上形成树枝状聚合物负载膦铑催化剂。

    Synthesis containing sodium diphenyl xanthene phosphine ligands and rhodium complexes with dendrimers of small molecules by ion-exchange load in the formation of the dendrimer polymer load phosphine rhodium catalyst .

  12. 本论文简要介绍了树枝状共轭聚合物和金复合纳米粒子的进展和主要应用。

    This paper briefly described the progress and main applications of dendritic conjugated polymer and gold nanoparticles .

  13. 偶氮液晶树枝状高分子兼有液晶聚合物和树枝状高分子的特性,如高光敏性、高流动性和热致增强效应,这使得液晶树枝状高分子成为一种极具潜力的液晶取向材料。

    Azo liquid crystalline dendrimers possess both merits of liquid crystalline polymers and dendrimers , which endows themselves charming properties such as high photosensitivity , high fluidity and thermal enhancement of orientation order .