
  • 网络Standard Capacitor;reference capacitor;standard condenser
  1. 详细说明了利用高压西林电桥和高压标准电容器测量电力电容器的电容和介质损耗角正切(Tanδ)的原理;扩大量程的途径及注意事项;

    The measurement principle for the capacitance and loss angle tangent of dielectric ( Tan δ) of power capacitor used by a high-voltage SCHERING bridge and a high-voltage standard capacitor are introduced in detail .

  2. 给出标准电容器1000pF、100pF、10pF、1pF的频率特性曲线及不确定度分析,它将作为阻抗高频段计量的溯源依据。

    Finally the frequency characteristics of 1 000 pF , 100 pF , 10 pF , 1 pF standard capacitor and their measurement uncertainties are given . The study may be the base of high-frequency impedance traceability .

  3. 标准电容器示值误差的测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty of the Indication Error of Standard Capacitor

  4. 四端对标准电容器频率特性的校验理论及测定方法

    Calibration Theory and Measurement Method of the Frequency Characteristics of the Four-Pair-Terminal Standard Capacitor

  5. 用有限元法分析了标准电容器电场的电位势的分布,得到了孔洞材料的介电常数。

    The distribution of electrical potential of standard capacitor is analyzed by finite element method ;

  6. 标准电容器是高压实验室常用测量设备,其电容稳定性非常重要。

    Standard capacitor is the main measuring equipment in highvoltage laboratory , its capacitance stability is very important .

  7. 标准、电容器式或推拉式扩音器。

    Standard , capacitor or push-pull microphone .

  8. 用所设计的测量系统实测了标准空气电容器的电压系数,给出了测量结果及不同电压下的不确定度。

    The voltage coefficient of a standard air capacitor was measured by the designed measuring system . The results and uncertainties under different voltages are given .

  9. 输变电常用标准汇编电力电容器卷。北京:中国标准出版社,2001年。

    Transmit & Transform Electricity Standard Compilation for Compensators Beijing : Standards Press of China , 2001 .