
  • 网络Syrup;pulp;jam;fruit Pulps
  1. 沙棘果汁和果浆的pH和酸度没有多大的差别,但果浆中的可溶性固形物、总糖和还原糖都高于果汁。

    Acidity and pH had not diverged much between sea-buckthorn juice and pulp , but the latter had more soluble solids content , total sugars content and reducing sugars content .

  2. 讨论了猕猴桃果浆的3种不同贮藏方法,发现0~2℃冷藏12d后绿色几乎全失,Vc减少约25.6%;

    Three different methods of storing kiwifruit pulp are discussed . It is found that the loss ratios of Chlorophyll and Vitamin C after 12 days were 100 % and 25.6 % respectively under 0-2 ℃ refrigerated storage .

  3. HPLC法测定西洋参果浆及其发酵液中人参皂苷&Rg3、Rh2的含量

    Determination of Ginsenoside-Rg_3 and Rh_2 in the Mashed Fruit and Its Fermented Solution of American Ginseng by RP-HPLC

  4. 以沙棘果浆为对比,对酿造的沙棘果醋中保健成分总多酚、总黄酮、活性多肽、Vc、氨基酸组成和含量及有机酸进行分析。

    Compared with sea-buckthorn pulp , total polyphenols , total flavonoids , the polypeptide , Vc , the components and contents of amino acids and organic acids were analyzed .

  5. 桃破碎时蒸汽热处理使果浆温度在80s内达92℃以上不但可以改善桃浑汁的色泽且可增强果汁的混浊稳定性。

    The color and cloud stability of cloudy peach juice could be improved when it was made by heating the puree to above 92 ℃ during 80s .

  6. 结果表明,pH为3.5、低温果浆酶用量为0.2%,反应温度为30℃,作用时间为1.5h时,黑莓的出汁率最高。

    When blackberry pulp treated with 0.2 % low temperature pectinase , at 30 ℃, pH 3.5 for 1.5 h , the juice yield from blackberry was up to the highest .

  7. 其最佳工艺参数为:蓝莓果浆用量10%,蔗糖8%、琼脂0.4%,接种量为6%,发酵温度42℃,发酵时间6h。

    The optimum parameters were : blueberry jam 10 % , sugar 8 % , agar 0.4 % , LAB 6 % , ferment at 42 ℃( 6h ) .

  8. 含40%果浆的带肉果汁也有同样的趋向。

    The same order was shown in 40 % pulp nectars .

  9. 桶装果浆快速冷却设备的设计

    Design of a celerity cool equipment for barreled fruit juice

  10. 采购:大豆蛋白,浓缩果汁,纯果浆。

    Buy : Soy protein , Juice concentrate , Pure fruit pulp .

  11. 黑加仑果浆微波泡沫干燥工艺的研究

    Experimental Studies on the Microwave-Assisted Foam-mat Drying of Blackcurrant Pulp

  12. 采用果浆酶处理工艺液化制取梨汁。

    Pear juice was prepared by the process of pulp enzyme treatment .

  13. 采购:果浆,茶叶,葵花籽油,面条。

    Buy : Fruit slurry , tea , sunflower seed oil , noodles .

  14. 无花果果浆对肿瘤细胞增殖抑制和诱导凋亡作用

    Proliferation Inhibition and Apoptosis Induction of Fig Fruit Latex on Human Cancer Cells

  15. 猕猴桃果浆贮藏效果研究

    A study on store effect of Actinidia Fruit Pulp

  16. 复合酶对香蕉果浆的酶解效果优化研究

    Optimization of Enzymolysis of Banana Puree by Complex Enzyme

  17. 该地主将在他的田地上摘取果浆权租出去了。

    The landowner farmed out the right to pick berries on his land .

  18. 果汁的颜色明显受果浆所达到的最高温度影响。

    The color of juice was affected by the heating temperature of the puree .

  19. 果浆处理对苹果酒发酵过程中多酚的影响

    Changes to Polyphenols in the Process of Production of Apple Pulp for Apple Wine

  20. 水蜜桃果浆的流变学特性

    Rheological Properties of the Pulp of Juicy Peach

  21. 在原果浆中相对含量最高的是烃类及其衍生物。

    Hydrocarbons and their derivatives take the highest relative content in the original pulp .

  22. 西洋参果浆发酵液人参皂苷含量的分析

    Analysis of Content of Ginsenoside in the Fermented Solution of Fruit Paste of American Ginseng

  23. 西洋参果浆发酵加工皂苷含量变化研究

    Changes in the Contents of Ginsenosides in the American Ginseng Fruit Paste Processed by Fermentation

  24. 游艺集市上,就在幽灵车旁边,果浆软糖搅拌机正在搅拌。

    At the funfair , near the ghost train , the marshmallow twister is twisting .

  25. 香蕉果浆冰淇淋的研制

    The Processing of Banana Pulp-ice Cream

  26. 猕猴桃果浆真空冷冻干燥工艺优化研究

    Optimization on Freeze-Drying of Kiwifruit Pulp

  27. 在原果浆中相对含量及种类数量较高的是羰基类化合物。

    The relative content and type of carbonyl substances took relatively high levels in the original pulp .

  28. 猕猴桃果浆的流变特性

    Rheology of Kiwi Fruit Pulp

  29. 对菠萝果汁抑制香蕉片和香蕉果浆的酶褐变效果进行了研究。

    The effectiveness of pineapple juice in enzymatic browning inhibition of banana slices and puree was studied .

  30. 低温果浆酶处理对黑莓出汁率和几个理化指标的影响

    Effect of low temperature pectinase treatment on juice yield and several other physical indices of blackberry juice