
guǒ mù
  • fruit;fruit tree;fruitwood
果木 [guǒ mù]
  • (1) [fruit tree]∶果树

  • (2) [fruit]∶水果

  • 彼处不产五谷,虽有果木,亦都不食,惟喜以土代粮。--《镜花缘》

果木[guǒ mù]
  1. 烤的时候,最好用果木燃料,这样烧得鸭子更香。

    When roasting , it 's better to use fruit tree Branches as firewood to lend more flavor to the duck .

  2. 它既能采果又能赏花,在果木生产和城市美化上都处重要地位。

    It can be collected already can admire the beauty of flowers again if really , be produced in fruit tree and significant position manages on urban beautification .

  3. 最后使用果木,用果木熏制的鱼颜色漂亮口味丰富。

    Such wood can give your fish good color and taste .

  4. 它们在枣、李、杏等果木的火上烤。

    They are roasted whole over a fire burning Chinese palm wood .

  5. 这些果木树明年就要开始结果子了。

    These trees will begin to bear next year .

  6. 我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。

    I tried gardening but didn 't succeed .

  7. 结论:大果木姜子油具有舒张兔主动脉条的作用。

    Conclusion : Daguomu has a significant relaxing effect on contraction of aortic strips .

  8. 臀果木提取物对前列腺组织细胞凋亡的诱导作用

    Apoptosis Induced by Prunus in the Rat Prostate

  9. 天水市花卉果木园的建立与旅游经济的发展研究

    A Study on the Establishment of Flower Plants and Fruit Garden and the Development of Tourism Economy

  10. 粮食商品化,成为大宗农业商品,茶叶、果木、养殖、蚕桑副业等商品性生产获得了前所未有的发展。

    Food commercialization leads to bulk agricultural commodities . There appears an unprecedented development in commercial production of tea , fruit , aquaculture , and sericulture sideline .

  11. 其征收范围包括糠麸白酒、其他原料白酒、土甜酒、复制酒、果木酒、汽酒、药酒等等。

    Tax collection scope covers bran spirit , spirits made with the raw materials , indigenous sweet wine , reproduction wine , fruit wine , sparkling wine and medicinal liquor .

  12. 发育不良云杉的小树林、黑果木、蓝莓、山月桂、山冬青,斑点桤木和种越橘的沼泽地,显示着全年各种颜色的组合。

    Groves of stunted red spruce , huckleberry , blueberry , mountain laurel , mountain holly , speckled alder , and cranberry bogs , show combinations of colors throughout the year .

  13. 在汛期,氮素流失强度高的农田除露地蔬菜、果木、旱作大田作物、菜稻轮作4种类型之外,还有设施蔬菜农田,流失强度最弱的为水旱轮作大田作物。

    In the flood season nitrogen losses is in high intensity from farmland of vegetable with covering besides the above 4 types , but in low intensity from farmlands of paddy-cereal rotation .

  14. 但不包括属于专业性桑园、茶园、果园、果木苗圃、林地、芦苇地、天然或人工草地面积。

    The land of mulberry fields , tea plantations , orchards , nurseries of young plants , forest land , reed land , natural and man-made grassland and other lan are not included in cultivated land .

  15. 精选上等的鸡胸肉,经过中式配方盐水的腌制后上架,果木烟熏、制而成。腌,熏制通过腌、熏或陈化等方式保存(肉等)

    After being cured in western-style brine , well-selected top quality chicken breast , are put on the shelf . To preserve ( meat , for example ), as by salting , smoking , or aging .

  16. 它的组成不仅包括构成系统基础的土地资源、水资源、气候资源、生物资源,同时涉及依赖这些资源而存在的各种作物、牲畜、果木,以及为这些产品所投入的生产资料。

    Its components include not only land resources , water resources , climate resources and biome resources as the bases , but also all kinds of crops , livestock , fruits , production means used to produce these productions and the market .