
  • 网络geography of forestry
  1. 林业地理信息系统中Access数据库研究

    Study on Access Database of Forestry Geographic Information System

  2. 广东省县级林业地理信息系统(GIS)的建立和应用

    The establishment and application of Forestry GIS in the counties of Guangdong Province

  3. 广东省城市林业地理信息系统设计的探讨

    Discussion on the designing of urban forest GIS in Guangdong Province

  4. 林业地理信息系统空间数据质量及误差初探

    A Preliminary Exploration to Forestry GIS Space Data Quality and Error

  5. 林业地理信息系统的建立、管理及分析方法

    Establishment , Management and Analytic Methods of the Forestry Geographic Information System

  6. 林业地理空间信息整合研究

    Study on Integration of Forestry Geographic and Spatial Information

  7. 文章阐述了县级林业地理信息系统建立的一般方法。详细论述了县级林业信息系统在林业生产中的具体用途。

    This paper introduced general ways and process to establish GIS for county forestry in details .

  8. 论述了我国林业地理空间信息资源现状;

    The paper gives an overview of the current status of forestry geographic and spatial information resources at the national level .

  9. 针对林业地理信息系统开发时,系统设计的普遍性规律,具体探讨系统设计的原则及方法。

    Aimed at the universal laws of system design while exploiting forestry GIS , this article did a concrete research to the principles and methods of system design .

  10. 林业院校地理信息系统专业GIS课程教学研究

    Teaching Study on GIS Curriculum of Geographic Information System Specialty

  11. 林业是地理信息系统的传统应用领域,国内各级林业部门正在掀起信息化浪潮,林业GIS在其中扮演了重要的角色,也必将积累大量的林业空间数据。

    Forestry is traditional application field of GIS . The domestic forest departments are raising the information-based tide . Forest GIS has played an important role among them , and will accumulate a large amount of spatial data of forestry too .

  12. 林业是地理信息系统应用的一个重要领域。

    Forestry is one of the key fields for GIS application .

  13. 中南林业科技大学地理信息系统本科专业于2003年开始招生,地理信息系统(GIS)是这一专业的核心课程。

    Geographic Information System specialty of Central South Forestry University was established in 2003 , and GIS is the core curriculum .

  14. 林业资源管理地理信息系统的研制与开发

    Design the Geographical Information System in Forest Resource Management

  15. 运用空间分析方法对林业区划各因素进行提取。(2)建立了广东省林业区划的地理信息系统基础数据库,建立以县为基本单位的地理信息空间数据库。

    The various element for forestry division was abstract by spatial analysis . ( 2 ) Build-up GIS basic database of Guangdong Province Forestry Division and GIS spatial database on county uint .