
  • 网络extreme cold weather
  1. 英国大部分地区遭遇极寒天气,最低气温降至零下11度,出现了只在北极和南极才有的“冰雪薄饼”。

    Unusual ' ice pancakes ' normally only found in the Arctic and Antarctic have been spotted1 in Britain , as temperatures plunged2 to - 11C with almost the whole country in the grip of icy weather .

  2. 本周美国各州都受到了极寒天气影响,北极的冷空气造成半个美国的降雪。

    Every U.S. state saw freezing temperatures this week and arctic air brought snow to half of them .

  3. 一些旅行社给游客提供参观该村庄的机会,让人们体验极寒天气下的寒极生活。

    Travel companies offer tourists the opportunity to visit the village and sample life in the freezing conditions .

  4. 他在这本书的中间部分附带援引了一项研究,该研究认为正是加拿大冬季残酷的极寒天气,培养了前几代加拿大人务实的、集体主义的精神。

    Halfway through his book , he inserted a sidebar citing research that suggests the brutal extremes of Canada 's winters fostered a pragmatic , collegiate spirit in earlier generations of Canadian society .