
  • 网络Polarization diversity;polarisation diversity;PD-MRC
  1. X型极化分集系统中的互耦分析

    Analysis of mutual coupling in the X-type polarization diversity system

  2. 极化分集时MIMO系统的信道容量

    Channel Capacity of MIMO Wireless Systems in the Presence of Polarization Diversity

  3. 基于FPGA的极化分集研究

    Research on Polarization Diversity and Combining Based on FPGA

  4. 室内MIMO系统采用极化分集时的信道容量

    Capacity of indoor MIMO wireless system in the presence of polarization diversity

  5. 研究表明:极化分集可以有效提高MIMO信道容量。

    It is shown that polarization diversity can increase MIMO channel capacity efficiently .

  6. 极化分集接收:偏振模色散(PMD)补偿的新途径

    A New Way of Polarization Diversity Receiver for the Compensation of PMD

  7. 结合空间分集和极化分集,对MIMO-OFDM系统中的容量进行研究。

    Capacity of the MIMO-OFDM systems using both space diversity and polarization diversity was analyzed .

  8. 研究表明,采用极化分集技术的MIMO系统具有良好的非相关衰落特性,信道容量得到显著提高。

    Simulation results show that MIMO wireless system using polarization diversity is of excellent fading characteristic , and channel capacity is increased effectively .

  9. 最后,为验证该极化分集阵列的性能,我们将其用于MIMO系统平台,进行了一系列的实验,并对一些典型的实验现象和实验数据进行了分析讨论。

    Finally , to test its performance , the polar diversity antenna array is used in a MIMO measurement platform to carry out some experiments .

  10. 在对现有极化分集合并技术研究的基础上,给出了一种S+N选择合并算法,并与传统的SNR(信噪比)选择算法进行了比较;

    This paper analyzes all the existing techniques of polarization diversity combining , and introduces a S + N ( signal-plus-noise ) selection arithmetic compared with traditional SNR selection ;

  11. 接着对极化分集MIMO天线进行研究,系统而完整地研究及设计了MIMO极化分集天线。仿真设计双极化天线、三重极化天线、垂直极化状态的方向图可重构天线,均表现出较好的性能。

    The author has designed and simulated the following MIMO diversity antenna which have excellent performance : dual polarization antenna , tri-polarization antenna , also pattern reconfigurable antenna with vertical polarization .

  12. 给出极化分集系统信号的相关系数表达式,能够更全面地分析互耦对X型极化分集系统中信号相关系数、信道平均接收功率比和系统极化分集增益的影响。

    The expression for the correlation coefficient for the polarization diversity system is obtained . Therefore the effects of MC on the signal correlation coefficient , mean power ratio and system polarization diversity gain can be investigated more comprehensively .

  13. 论文给出了MIMO系统采用极化分集时的信道模型,对接收信号空间相关性和信道容量进行了研究,并对其随接收天线极化夹角的变化情况进行了分析。

    In this paper , a MIMO channel model in the presence of polarization diversity is presented , the spatial correlation between signals and the channel capacity is analyzed , and the effect of polarization angle between receiving antennas on the spatial correlation and the channel capacity is investigated .

  14. 介绍了X波段HSR-1128港口监视雷达微波系统实现频率分集、极化分集的方案,对极化分集电路进行了分析,并给出了系统的驻波、损耗、MTBF值及有关实测数据。

    The design of the microwave system of a X-band HSR-1128 VTS radar with frequency and polarization diversity techniques is presented in this paper . Thc polarization diversity circuit is analysed . The total VSWR , insert loss , MTBF and measured data are also given .

  15. 给出一种适用于移动台的平面型紧凑极化分集天线。

    This paper presents a compact planar polarization diversity antenna for mobile terminal .

  16. 该天线由两个十字交叉的微带分支提供极化分集。

    The antenna has two crossed microstrip branches , which can provide polarization diversity .

  17. 移动台适用的平面型紧凑极化分集天线

    Compact planar polarization diversity antenna for mobile terminal

  18. 极化分集合成技术能提供的分集增益是遥测系统中提高系统性能的一个重要环节。

    The diversity gain is an important aspect to improve the system property in telemetry system .

  19. 一种极化分集制导雷达及低截获概率信号设计

    A kind of guidance radar with polarization diversity and its signal design for low probability of intercept

  20. 本文在介绍移动通信系统分集接收的概念和分集技术分类的基础上,着重论述了极化分集接收技术,阐述了最大S/N合成器的实现方案。

    In this paper , maximum S / N polarization technology and its application to communication is introduced .

  21. 通常的分集有空间分集、极化分集、频率分集、时间分集等,本文对分集研究技术的研究主要是空间分集和极化分集在数字域的实现等。

    The common diversity be classified as space diversity , polarization diversity , frequency diversity , and time diversity etc.

  22. 分析表明系统耦合虽然会提高信号的相关性,但同时也可以降低信道平均接收功率比,从而提高系统的极化分集增益。

    It is concluded that MC could raise correlation but also decrease the mean power difference , thus improving the diversity gain .

  23. 最后通过仿真探讨了信道相关性对系统误码率的影响以及空间分集,极化分集对误码率性能的影响。

    Finally , we discuss the influence of channel correlation , spatial diversity and polarization diversity on system BER performance by simulations .

  24. 通过对阵列天线的分析比较,讨论了就再入遥测系统极化分集性能而言,角馈双极化阵列要优于边馈双极化阵列。

    From analyzing and comparison , the performance of corner-fed array antenna is superior to that of side-fed array antenna and more suitable to re-entry diversity receiving .

  25. 基于该模型,论文进一步研究了极化分集技术的最优化配置问题,考虑分集增益和信号功率的折衷,提出了一种基于系统增益的评估模型。

    Based on the novel model , the optimal polarization configurations for polarization diversity scheme are further studied . Considering the tradeoff between diversity gain and signals power , an evaluation model related to system performance is derived .

  26. 介绍了移动通信中天线的新技术,阐述了全向高增益天线、多频段天线、极化分集天线和智能天线的实现技术以及在移动通信中的应用

    The new antenna techniques for mobile communication are described in this paper Several novel antennas such as omnidirectional antennas with high gain , multiband antennas , multibeam antennas , polarization diversity antennas , and smart antennas are presented

  27. 浅述了移动通信天线的基本原理,重点分析了空间分集、极化分集等关键天线技术,介绍了智能天线的原理、发展概况及其在网络优化中的作用。

    The paper deals with basic principle of mobile telecommunication , analyses mainly the key antenna technology of space division and polarization division , and introduces the principle outline and development of brain antenna and the fuction in network optimization .

  28. 本文在浅述了移动通信天线的基本原理后,重点分析了空间分集、极化分集等关键天线技术,以及当前的研究热点&智能天线的原理和发展概况,并简述了它们在网络优化中的作用。

    After introducing the principles of antennas for mobile communication , this paper emphatically analyses the key technologies of antenna such as Space Diversity and Polarization Diversity , then introduces smart antenna which is the research focus now and its role in optimizing GSM network .

  29. 实际中,极化分集接收天线的两支路存在一定的相关性,因此本文在理论上分析了信道相关性对分集合成性能的影响,并给出了具有一定相关系数的信道的产生方法。

    In fact , there is relativity between the two branches of the polarization diversity-receiving antenna , so , this paper analyzes the effect of the correlation of the channels to the performance of diversity combining , and gives the method of the generation of the correlated channels .

  30. 在地面通信中,双极化天线可以实现极化分集通信,同时也让通信系统有更好的抗多径衰落特性;在卫星通信中可以实现收发的极化隔离。

    On ground communications , dual-polarized antenna polarization diversity can communicate , when a better communication system against the anti-multipath fading characteristics ; in satellite communications we can polarization isolation sending and receiving .