
  • 网络pinus;Pinus L
  1. 松属花粉的显微结构观察&对白皮松分类位置的探讨

    Observation on the microstructure of the pollen grains of pinus & discussion for the taxonomy position of P NUS bungeana

  2. 研究表明,只有当松属花粉百分比高于30%时,当地才可能有松树存在。

    The study implies that Pinus pollen percentages are more than 30 % where pine trees exist in the surrounding vegetation .

  3. 中国松属(Pinus)植物花粉的利用研究

    The Study on Utilization of Pollens of Pinus in China

  4. 三种松属(Pinus)植物的核型研究

    Study of karyotypes of 3 species of Pinus

  5. 中国松属(Pinus)中的一些植物是组成我国大面积针叶林的重要树种,其花粉资源异常丰富。

    Some plants belonging to Pinus are important species which formed large area conifer forest in China and the pollens resources is very rich .

  6. 松属植物rRNA基因的变异模式及其进化生物学意义

    Variation Patterns of rRNA Genes in Pinus ( Pinaceae ) and Their Evolutionary Implications for Genome Structure , Gene Evolution , and Speciation Inferences

  7. 本文将国产松属(Pinus)23种4变种4变型的针叶,进行了横切面及表皮结构的比较观察与描述,并综合列成检索表,以便从针叶解剖结构上来鉴别松属各种。

    The comparative anatomy of the leaves of 23 species , 4 varieties and 4 forms of the genus Pinus has been investigated with special reference to their transverse sections and epidermal structures .

  8. 松属植物(93种、变种)的核型全由中部或和近中着丝粒染色体构成,为1A类型。

    The karyotypes of the genus Pinus ( 93 species and varieties ) are all composed of metacentric or / and submetacentric chromosomes and belonging to 1A type .

  9. 现在全世界大约有18700万hm2的人工林,松属和桉属树种仍然是人工林中最普遍种植的树种,国外林业先进国家只用了1.2%~16%的人工林面积比重取得了60%~93%比率工业林产品。

    There is 187 million ha planted forest in the world , pine and eucalyptus are the main species in plantation . Some foreign countries have gained 60 % ~ 93 % industrial product from 1.2 % ~ 16 % plantation area .

  10. 松材线虫萎蔫病是由松材线虫[Bursaphelenchusxylophilus(Steiner&Buhoror)Nickle]引起的松属树种上一种毁灭性的病害,目前对该病的致病机理尚不十分清楚。

    Pine wilt disease caused by pine wood nematode [ Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ( Steiner & Buhrer ) Nickle ] is a ruinous disease for pine , but the pathogenesis has not been quite clear so far .

  11. 孢粉分析的结果表明,OIS1和OIS三阶段松属花粉含量占优势,平均含量达65%以上,而OIS2阶段松属百分含量明显降低,草本植物花粉含量增加,超过50%。

    Pollen analysis shows that Pinus was predominated during the OIS 1 and OIS 3 with an average percentage 65 % , but it decreased at OIS 2 , giving place to the herbs which attained more than 50 % in average .

  12. 松属细胞学分类和系统演化初探

    A Preliminary Study on Cytology Taxonomy and System Evolution of Pine

  13. 模糊聚类在松属种间生理差异中的应用

    Interspecific variation in physiology of conifer and analysis by fuzzy cluster

  14. 云南上新世杜鹃属和松属化石木研究及其古气候意义

    Pliocene Rhododendron and Pinus fossil woods of Yunnan Province and Palaeoclimate

  15. 松属51个种间的核型进化初探

    Preliminary Research into the Karyotype Evolution among 51 Species of Genus Pinus

  16. 中国松属木材管胞疣状层的电镜观察

    Electron microscopic investigations on the warty layers in genus Pinus of China

  17. 松属树种生长量和产脂力的比较分析

    The volume and gum yield ability comparison of pine species

  18. 松属素的均匀优化设计法合成研究

    Optimizing synthetic method of pinocembrin by uniform experiment design

  19. 松属8个树种的引种研究

    Study on the Introduce of Eight Pinus species

  20. 中国东北松属植物叶中挥发油的气-质谱分析

    GC-MS Analysis of the Essential Oils in the Needles of Pine in Northeast China

  21. 松属的起源、演化及扩散

    Origin , Phylogeny and Spreading of Pinus

  22. 松属植物松针化学成分的研究

    Studies on chemical component of pine needles

  23. 马尾松毛虫及其寄主松属植物的地史初步考证

    The preliminary study on geohistory of Dendrolimus punctatus and its host plants , Pinus spp

  24. Ⅳ带是以松属桦属蒙古栎蒿属苔草属为主组合带。

    Zone ⅳ: Pinus-Betula - Quercus Mongolica-Artemisia-Carex .

  25. 目的合成松属素及其衍生物,研究其抗菌活性。

    Aim To synthesize pinocembrin and its derivatives , and to study their antimicrobial activity .

  26. 比较遗传作图显示松属树种具有高度的遗传保守性;

    COMPARE High level of genetic conservative in pine species has been revealed with comparative mapping .

  27. 河北省适合于松材线虫病的寄主主要是松属的一些树种;

    The host plants for pine wood nematodiasis in Hebei province mainly are some pine species .

  28. 广西松属10种木材纤维(管胞)的测定

    Determination of the size of wood fibre ( tracheid ) from 10 species of Pinus in Guangxi

  29. 各种松属树木木料,直纹、耐用,通常含树脂,白色到黄色。

    Straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus pinus .

  30. 鸡公山松属针叶皮下层及树脂道的比较解剖观察

    The comparative anatomy & observations for the hypodermic and the resin duct of needleshaped leaf of Pinus in Jigong Mountain