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  1. 现因杜有成与杨璐产生争议,杜有成诉至本院。

    Now Du Youcheng had disputes with yanglu , and Du Youcheng appealed to the court .

  2. 被告人杨璐对给被害人近亲属造成的经济损失应予合理赔偿。

    Defendant Yang Lu shall make reasonable compensation for the economic losses to the near relatives the victim .

  3. 在诉讼过程中,附带民事诉讼原告人杜有成、陈力提起刑事附带民事诉讼,要求被告人杨璐赔偿经济损失。

    In the action , plaintiffs of the supplementary civil action Du Youcheng and Chen Li filed a supplementary civil action , seeking compensation for the economic losses by defendant Yang lu .

  4. 附带民事诉讼原告人杜有成要求被告人杨璐赔偿丧葬费的诉讼请求,被告人杨璐无异议,本院予以支持。

    Defendant Yang Lu had no objection to the claim of plaintiff of the supplementary civil action Du Youcheng requesting defendant Yang Lu to pay funeral expenses , which was supported by this court .

  5. 因被告人杨璐自愿认罪,根据本院建议,本院依法组成合议庭,决定简化适用刑事普通裎序,公开开庭审理了本案。

    Defendant Yang Lu volunteered to plead guilty , according to recommendations of this court , this court formed a collegiate bench , determined to simplify the applicable criminal ordinary procedure , and tried the case in public hearing .